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{、拳西,+白.}【短篇】14 Things(BY:Tatsuki-Jagerjaques)


1L 度娘。
A cute summary of Kensei and Mashiro's relationship, crammed into a list of 14 things. dont own anything!Follow/Favorite
Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor- Kensei M. & Mashiro - Words: 513 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 8 - Published: 01-17-11 - Status: Complete - id: 6664181


IP属地:四川通过百度相册上传1楼2013-07-23 21:40回复

    Even though she teased him and drove his sanity away, he knew that without her high-pitched voice always in his ear, everything would be too lonely and too quiet.
    Sometimes he couldn't get her to just shut the hell up. He secretly liked not having control.
    They were polar opposites but they still seemed to compliment each other's existence. Their personalities fit together like puzzle pieces.
    "Stupid Kensei!" she squealed. Even though he acted like he didn't hear her, he secretly liked the teasing pet name she had for him.
    He loved the color of her hair. Her hair was a quirky color and it suit her. Not many people knew that green was his favorite color.
    She acted like a child 90% of the time and 89% of the time Kensei would act annoyed. But sometimes, giving up his mask of seriousness wasn't so bad.
    Any time someone needed something done, they knew not to go to Kensei for help; he was always too busy with something. "Stupid Kensei! Will you help me pick out a puppy?" "Sure," he said cooly. He hated dogs.
    On the nights when it was too cold to sleep comfortably, she would quietly slip into his bed. No words were needed; they both slept sound.
    At first he had trouble with controlling his inner hollow. He could hardly think through it's howling in his head. He often lost all of his control and hurt others. but, no matter how many times he caused her pain, she would get back up and help him gain control again.
    As she sat the bed opposite him in the Fourth Squad's barracks, her face was twisted with angst and fear. She watched as he grimaced when he got his stitches and bandages applied. He looked up and saw the look of worry she wore (not a look she bore often). "Don't worry, I'll live." he grinned.
    Her light kisses that trailed down his jaw line and down his neck reminded him that even if she was the most annoying woman in the world, she was also the only woman he wanted to keep close forever.
    His eyebrow twitched and a vein in his neck bulged out as she applied blush to his cheeks and a bow to his hair. He was seriously kicking himself for telling her the he could actually stand her annoying side.
    He tried to finish the battle quickly so he could go to her and see if she was okay. He kicked the bratty Arrancar's ass (the whole time thanking the gods he hated kids) and shunpo'd over to her unconscious form. He shook her shoulders (almost violently) as worry and fear began to tear his insides apart. Her eyes fluttered open and he hugged her tightly to his chest as he let out a sigh of relief.

    IP属地:四川2楼2013-07-23 21:43
      然后我会龟速地放上渣翻= =
      1.TEASE 调戏

      IP属地:四川3楼2013-07-23 21:51

        4楼2016-07-11 17:18