85.在梦里。我梦过这样一个男子。 他有着一双漆黑而淡然的眸子,穿着深蓝色的连帽衫,背后的那把黑金古刀,肃穆而深沉
度娘:In the dream. I dreamed of such a man. He has a pair of dark and light eyes, wearing a dark blue Hoodie, behind the broadsword, solemn and deep【在梦中。我梦想有这样一个人。他有一双深色和浅色的眼睛,穿着一件深蓝色的外套,后面的大刀,凝重而深沉】
谷歌:In a dream. I had such a dream man. He has a pair of dark and indifferent eye, wearing a dark blue hoodie, behind that of the black gold of ancient knife, solemn and deep【在一个梦想。我有这样一个梦想的人。他有一双黑暗和冷漠的眼睛,身穿深蓝色帽衫,背后的黑金古刀,庄严和深】