American Ultra
Buddy Patrick is an executive producer of American Ultra, a story centered on an unmotivated stoner, Mike (Eisenburg), who lives with his girlfriend Phoebe (Stewart) in a small, quiet town. One night, their lives take an unexpected turn when Mike's past comes back to haunt him, and he becomes the target of a government operation set to wipe him out.
The screenplay is written by Max Landis and will be directed by Nima Nourizadeh (Project X). The film begins principal photography on April 14, 2014 in New Orleans.
The film will star Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenburg. Stewart was the break-out star in the Twilight series and recently appeared in Snow White and the Huntsman. Jesse Eisenburg recently appeared in Now You See Me and Zombieland. He was nominated for an Oscar for his performance in The Social Network.
The project will be produced by Anthony Bregman and Kevin Scott Frakes. Universal will release the movie nationwide in 2015.
Buddy Patrick is an executive producer of American Ultra, a story centered on an unmotivated stoner, Mike (Eisenburg), who lives with his girlfriend Phoebe (Stewart) in a small, quiet town. One night, their lives take an unexpected turn when Mike's past comes back to haunt him, and he becomes the target of a government operation set to wipe him out.
The screenplay is written by Max Landis and will be directed by Nima Nourizadeh (Project X). The film begins principal photography on April 14, 2014 in New Orleans.
The film will star Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenburg. Stewart was the break-out star in the Twilight series and recently appeared in Snow White and the Huntsman. Jesse Eisenburg recently appeared in Now You See Me and Zombieland. He was nominated for an Oscar for his performance in The Social Network.
The project will be produced by Anthony Bregman and Kevin Scott Frakes. Universal will release the movie nationwide in 2015.