蟒蛇吧 关注:23,768贴子:98,792
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大家好!首先我必须承认我也是一个爱蛇人,但因为家庭因素和其他一些原因现在我还没有能力照顾好一条蛇(只能可怜兮兮的买一堆毛绒玩具蛇放床上抱着- -),但蛇作为我最爱的动物已经有七年的时间了。也许对大家来说这时间不算长的,但我相信随着我年龄的增长,那份爱会一直下去的。
Questionnaire of Keeping Snakes as Pets
I’m one of the Year 4 students in BeijingInternational Vocational Education School, I’m now analysing the competitivepower of snakes in the pet market in Beijing. As a result, this questionnaireis made up now and it is cryptonym, I will maintain secrecy of all informationyou write, and I’m very appreciated of your participations. (我是来自北京国际职业教育学校高四年级的一名学生,我正在分析蛇在北京宠物市场的竞争力。因此就做出了这篇调查问卷,并且为匿名制,我会为您保密所有您所填写的信息,非常感谢您的参与。)
1. What isyour sexual distinction? (您的性别是?)
A. Male (男性)
B. Female (女性)
2. What isyour group of age? (您属于哪个年龄范围?)
A. 15 – 19 yrs (15 – 19岁)
B. 20 – 29 yrs (20 – 29 岁)
C. 30 – 39 yrs (30 – 39 岁)
D. 40 – 49 yrs (40 – 49岁)
E. 50 – 59 yrs(50 – 59岁)
F. 60+ yrs (60岁以上)
3. Why didyou keep snakes as companies? (您为什么养蛇?)
A. Because snake is my favourite animal(因为蛇是我最爱的动物)
B. Because of my friend’s recommendation (因为我朋友推荐)
C. Because feeding snakes is very cool (因为养蛇很酷)
D. Because this is my job and I have nochoice (因为这是我的工作,我别无选择)
E. Others
(其他 )
4. On whatstage have you changed on your personalities when you feed snakes, as they arealways quietly staying beside you? (当您养的蛇总是安静地待在你身边时,您的性格有了哪方面的改变?)
A. Positive of patient and quiet(耐心安静的正面改变)
B. Negative of worrying and scared(担惊受怕的负面改变)
5. As it isconsidered to be daily time to feed some other normal pets like dogs and cats,how often do you feed your snakes? (鉴于一些其他如猫狗的普通宠物需要天天喂食,您是多久一次喂您的蛇的?)
A. Daily (一天一次)
B. Once a week (一周一次)
C. Once a month (一月一次)
D. Once every two months (两个月一次)
E. Quarterly (一季度一次)
F. Longer than quarterly (多于一季度)
6. As it isconsidered to be complicated to feed some other normal pets like cats and dos,for some of them only accept specific food and it is hard to find, do you thinkit is easier to feed a snake? (鉴于其他一些如猫狗的普通宠物只接受很难采购到的特殊饲料,您觉得喂养一条蛇更容易些吗?)
A. Easier(更容易)
B. Harder(更难)
7. As it isconsidered to be quite often washing for some other normal pets like cats anddogs, how often do you wash your snakes? (鉴于其他一些如猫狗的普通宠物需要经常洗澡,您多久给您的蛇洗澡呢?)
A. Daily (一天一次)
B. Once a week (一周一次)
C. Once a month (一月一次)
D. Once every two months (两个月一次)
E. Quarterly (一季度一次)
F. Longer than quarterly (多于一季度)
8. As it isconsidered to be complicated to wash some other normal pets like cats and dogs,for their hair is hard to clean up, do you think is easier to wash your snakesthan washing other animals? (鉴于其他一些如猫狗的普通宠物很难清理毛发,您觉得给您的蛇洗澡更容易些?)
A. Easier (更容易)
B. Harder(更难)
9. Do youthink snake is a kind of mysterious animal? (您觉得蛇是一种神秘的动物吗?)
A. Yes (是的)
B. No (不是)
10. Do youthink this distinctive character of snake satisfies your demands? (您觉得蛇的这种独特特征是否满足了您的需求?)
A. Yes (是的)
B. No (不是)
11. How longhave you kept your snake comparing with some other normal pets like cats anddogs? (比起其他一些如猫狗的普通宠物,您养蛇多久了?)
A. 1 – 10 yrs (1 – 10 年)
B. 11 – 20 yrs (11 – 20年)
C. 21 – 30 yrs (21 – 30 年)
D. 31 – 40 yrs (31 – 40年)
E. 41 – 50 yrs (41 – 50年)
F. 51 – 60 yrs (51 – 60年)
G. 61+ yrs (61年以上)
12. How oldis your snake comparing to some other normal pets like cats and dogs? (比起其他一些如猫狗的普通宠物,您的蛇多大了?)
A. 1 – 10 yrs (1 – 10 岁)
B. 11 – 20 yrs (11 – 20岁)
C. 21 – 30 yrs (21 – 30 岁)
D. 31 – 40 yrs (31 – 40岁)
E. 41 – 50 yrs (41 – 50岁)
F. 51 – 60 yrs (51 – 60岁)
G. 61+ yrs (61岁以上)
13. How longdo you think your snake will keep accompany with you? (您觉得您的蛇会陪伴您多久?)
A. 1 – 10 yrs (1 – 10 年)
B. 11 – 20 yrs (11 – 20年)
C. 21 – 30 yrs (21 – 30 年)
D. 31 – 40 yrs (31 – 40年)
E. 41 – 50 yrs (41 – 50年)
F. 51 – 60 yrs (51 – 60年)
G. 61+ yrs (61年以上)
14. Do youthink snakes’ lives are longer than some other normal pets like cats and dogs? (比起其他一些如猫狗的普通宠物,您觉得蛇的寿命更长吗?)
A. Yes (是的)
B. No (不是)
15. What doyou think of feeding snakes? (您对于养蛇怎么看?)
Thanks for your time!

1楼2014-05-10 22:26回复