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The 21st century has witnessed a rapid growth, and many peopleare optimistic about the development. Are you optimistic about the 21stcentury? What should human beings do in the new era?
Overpopulationof urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways thatgovernments and individuals tackle these problems.
Many / numerous /a lot of countries/ states / nations of / all over /throughout the world are currently experiencing / witnessing / seeingconcerns / worries/ troubles caused by rapidly growing populations in urbanareas. Even though the problems are very serious/drastic, both policy makers / the state and the general public/ populacehave a duty to find / offer ways to overcomethese difficulties.
Overpopulationcan lead to overcrowding and poor quality housing in many large cities. Poorlyheated or damp housing could cause drastic/ serious health problems, resultingin illness, such as bronchitis or pneumonia.The serious consequence of overcrowding is a rising/ increasing /growing crime rate as /since / for / because poor living conditions may leadyoung people in particular to takedesperate measures and may turn to crime or drugs.
In terms of solutions / recommendations /suggestions, the government shouldbe largely responsible. Firstly/ first of all/ to begin with / for a start, itis vital/ essential that the state provides essential housing and healthcare for / to all its citizens. Additionally/ moreover / furthermore, settingup community projects to help (to) foster more community spirit and (to) help(to) keep young people off the street is a good idea. For example, youth clubsor evening classes for teenagers would keep them occupied. Finally/another point is that more effective policing of inner city areas would also bebeneficial.
Naturally, individuals should also act responsibly to address thesedifficulties. If the measures described above are putinto place by the government, then it will encourage / motivate people to havemore pride in their own community andimprove the situation.
Therefore, it is clear thatthe problems caused by overpopulation in urban areas are veryserious. Yet (however) if governments andindividuals share a collective responsibility, then it may well become possibleto offer some solutions.
To summarize, overcrowding and poor quality housingbecome serious in metropolitan cities around the globe due to overpopulation. The policy makers are supposed to beresponsible for affording residents essential housing and healthcare and community projects. Besides, citizens should holdan active responsibility to address troubles.
High schools should set up international news course, which may helpyoung students know more about the world and enrich their study lives. Do youagree or disagree with the statement?
It is often said that the subjectstaught in schools are too academic in orientation and that it would be moreuseful for children to learn about practical matters such as home management,work and interpersonal skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Do youagree with the statement?
Nowadays, the subjects taught inschools tend to be too academic, and contribute little to preparing a youngperson for the real-life tasks that he or she will have to perform aftergraduation. Indeed, / in other words, academic subjects are rooted in the past,and are not useful for solving modern problems. However, in my view, thesubjects in primary schools are supposed to focus on academic orientation.
First of all, it is the duty ofparents, not teachers, to prepare their children to deal with the practicalaffairs of life. The home, not the classroom, is the ideal place to learn abouthome management and interpersonal skills. As regards / Considering / In termsof / Respecting work abilities and attitudes, they are best learned “on thejob” and under the supervision of an experienced older worker.
Furthermore, academic subjectshave withstood the test of time. They represent the accumulated wisdom of ourancestors down through the ages, and, far from being impractical, they equip uswith the knowledge and confidence to make sound judgments about any problemswhich may crop up in the future careers. In addition, academic subjects aregood for /beneficial to training us in mental discipline, while practicalsubjects are weak in this regard.
Another key factor is based on thesaying “Mankind does not live by bread alone.” Schooldays which are devotedsolely to instruction in down-to-earth practical matters would be dull indeed!Lessons in the best literature of the world, and the epoch-making scientificand geographical discoveries of the past, such as cloning and geneticengineering, enrich our lives and make us feel that we are part of the greatfamily of mankind.
All in all/To summarize / In brief / To sum up / To conclude, the teaching of academicsubjects in schools is entirely / absolutely / definitely appropriate. It is myfirmly held view that practical subjects have no place in the classroom. On thecontrary, `the curriculum should be more academic!
Playing games teaches us about life. Do you agree or disagree?
Across the world, many cultures have their own favoredgames. While most of these cultures created the games themselves, many of thesegames have / involve similar attributes. One reason for this is that peopleeverywhere find games entertaining. More importantly, however, games teach usabout life, socialization, and about how to work as a team, and how to win andlose gracefully. We attribute Obama’ssuccess to his diligence and hardworking.
One of the most important developments one can make in hispersonality is the ability to socialize well with others. Having a charismaticpersonality will take a person far in any field. Almost all games havesocialization aspect which is deeply ingrained in them. Football and basketballboth encourage a person to treat others with respect. This is known as havinggood sportsmanship. Of course respecting others is a social skill that we allmust learn if we are to succeed in life.
Many popular sports involve a group of people, ranging fromtwo people to twenty people working together as a team. In thesesituations/cases/circumstances, it is always of utmost importance to be a teamplayer. Of course in the business world, being a "team player" hasbecome a buzzword in most offices. Being a team player means that one shouldwork well with others in the face of adversity. Team sports are full ofchallenges and obstacles that a team must overcome together.
Finally,most sports teach a person the value ofwinning and losing gracefully. In sports etiquette it would be incrediblyuncouth to start crying or throw a tantrum if one were to lose a game. Likewiseif one wins a game and gloats excessively in the face of their adversary, it isequally looked down upon. The same goes in "real life" . One mustlearn the subtleties of defeat and victory and learn to minimize their outwardemotions.
To sum up, games teach us how to work well with others. On alighter note they also teach us how to have fun, which is an important lifelesson in and of itself.
In the last 20 years there have beensignificant developments in the field of information technology (IT), such asthe World Wide Web and communication by email. However, future developments inIT are likely to have more negative effects than positive. Do you agree ordisagree? To what extent do you agree?
In recent years the growth in information technology (IT) has been dramatic / noticeable. For instance, the World Wide Web and emailcommunication have significantly affectedmodern life. Although / while many more advances are more likely to take place in the future, it is quite possible that not all the changes will be beneficial.
On the one hand, the Internet, one of the most significant developmentsin IT, will continue to have a very powerfulinfluence and there is no doubt it has many positive aspects. Global communication has become much quicker andcheaper as/since/for/because there is now easier access to moreinformation. The World Wide Web and email communication have also been used foreducational purposes. For example, an increasing number of young people allover the world could acquire new skills and learn new knowledge throughtele-education, helping them widen their horizons and find a decent work andeven solve problems in the daily tasks in the future workplace.
On the other hand, there are likely to be serious negative effects inour lives. I believe that the web will be used even morefor illegal activities such as pornography or information theft. Moreover, Ithink more computer viruses will be created and this might cause large networksto crash.
In addition/ additionally / moreover / furthermore, more and more peoplewill be able to access the World Wide Web all over the world,which causes many people to become addicted tosurfing, email or chat lines. As a result / As a consequence /Eventually, face-to-face communication and social contact will be reduced, which I feel could have / exert / bring/ exercise negative effects on human relationships ingeneral.
In conclusion, it is clear that developmentsin IT will undoubtedly continue at a rapid pace yet /but there will be many negative effects. What people need to do is carefullyconsidering and aiming to minimize the drawbacks / downsides/ disadvantages /demerits so as not to let our lives be totallydominated by information technology.
Some people believethat the rapid development in science and technologies brings human convenienceand civilization. However, others feel that technological progress does harm tothe safety of the world. Discuss bothbenefits and drawbacks of technological advance.
Technology(humancivilization)has come a long way in the last fifty years, and our lives havebecome better as a result. Although there are drawbacks existing in rapiddevelopment in high technologies, no one could deny that its benefits, indeed,positively affect the way people live and work.
Thesecond half of the twentieth century saw / witnessed / experienced more changes/advances than in the previous two hundred years. Penicillin has already beendiscovered and used to treat infections; there have been many remarkable advances/progress in medicine that have helpedto increase our average life expectancy far beyond that of our ancestors,keeping us far away from disease. Incredible innovations such as television,computer and mobile / washing machines have changed the way we spend ourleisure hours. Perhaps / probably the most important breakthrough, however, hasbeen the microchip. Nobody could have imagined, when it was first invented,that within a matter of years, this tiny piece of silicon and circuit would befound in almost every household object from the kettle to the video recorder.Nobody also could have predicted the sudden proliferation of computers thatwould completely change our lives, allowing us to access information from theother side of the world via the Internet or send messages around the world bye-mail at the touch of a button. Meanwhile, research into other aspects ofinformation technology is making it easier and cheaper for us to talk tofriends and relations around the world.
But everything has a price. The development of cybernetics led to mass automationin factories, which in turn resulted in millions of people losing their jobs.The genius of Einstein contributed to the horrors of the atomic bomb and thedangerous uncertainties of nuclear engineering and we hear of accidents andmishaps at nuclear power stations around the world, such as Fukushima NuclearPlant in Japan, where safeguards to prevent accidents were inadequate. Therelatively new science of genetic engineering has been seen as a major stepforward, but putting genetically modified foods onto the market beforescientists had properly analysed them was perhaps one of the most irresponsibledecisions of the 1990s. Meanwhile/ besides, moreover / simultaneously/ anothersignificant point/case is that, pharmaceutical companies continue to experimenton animals, a move that many consider to be cruel and unnecessary.
Ofcourse we all rely on modern science and technology to improve our lives.However, we need to make sure that we can control it before it controls us.
Environmental degradation is a majorworld problem. What causes this problem, and what can we do to prevent it?’
With the advent of modernindustrialization, the natural environment has been deteriorating in the lastcentury in both hemispheres. Human beings should find some constructive methodsto tackle problems caused by environmental degradation. get worse
There is no doubt that the environmentis in trouble. Factories burn fossil fuels, which produce acid rain, andthis kills trees. At the same time, greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxideand methane, rise into the air/atmosphere and contribute to / lead to / cause/result in / give rise to global warming, which threatens to melt the polar icecap, increasing the sea level. Meanwhile / Simultaneously farmers clear hugeareas of rain forest in places such as the Amazon to produce feeding land forcattle or produce wood for building. Rivers, lakes and oceans are so heavilycontaminated by industrial waste that it is no longer safe to go swimming.Cars pump out poisonous emissions which we all have to breathe in. In fact, allaround us, all living things large and small which comprise our finely balancedecosystem are being systematically destroyed by human greed andthoughtlessness.
There is a lot that we can all do,however, to help prevent this. The easiest thing, of course, is to recyclewaste material such as paper and glass so that we can use it again. We shouldalso check that the things we buy from supermarkets are packaged inbiodegradable packaging which decomposes easily. At the same time, we shouldmake a conscious effort to avoid foods which are genetically modified at leastuntil someone proves that they are safe both for us and for the environment. Ifyou are truly committed to protecting the environment, of course, you shouldonly buy organicfruit and vegetables, safe in the knowledge意识 that they have been naturally cultivated. Finally, ofcourse, we should buy a small car that uses unleaded/environmentally friendlygasoline/petrol/fuels which is less harmful to the environment or, even better,make more use of public transport.
We cannot all be as committed as theserious environmentalists, but we can at least do our own little bit at grassroots level. We, as humans, have inherited the earth, but that does not mean wecan do whatever we like with it.
Some people believe that the Earth isbeing harmed by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Eartha better place to live. What’s your opinion?
It is widely acknowledged that theearth has changed dramatically / noticeably / sharply since the existence ofhuman being. Frankly speaking, despite the fact that some of the changes madeby human activity do contribute to socialization and civilization of the earth,most of the human activities recklessly break the regular order of the earth, ecosystem.
First of all, human activity isdevastate ing the environment. It is self-evident that the fragile environmentcondition has been constantly exacerbating in the recent one hundred years. Forinstance, the high density of carbon dioxide, which was mainly ensued by thefueling of coal, leads to the global warming and E Niño,causing melting polar ice cap and the rise of sea level, resulting in the bigchange of the ecology which consequently brings environmental disaster. Withouta doubt, an adequate environment is the prerequisite for all living creaturesto survive in the earth. Therefore, destroying the environment is the same asdamaging the earth.
Additionally, the biological diversity is demolished byhuman activity. Since the prehistoric time when agriculture was not fullydeveloped, there were human tribes living on hunting animals. Nowadays, due tothe steeply expanding population of human being, more and more animals arekilled to satiate human’s appetite. What is worse, there are smugglers whoillegally murder rare animals in order to gain extremely high benefits. As aconsequence, every year a large number of species become extinct or being on the verge of extinction owing tothe deterioration of environment and hunting, and many other species aretrapped in a dangerous living crisis.
Furthermore, the wars and conflictsamong human being upgrade the deterioration of the earth’s situation. Duringthe last century, many modern and advanced weapons were invented in wars, suchas nuclear and biological weapons. Nevertheless, the use of these harmfulweapons left irreversible damage to some areas. These areas have to be foreverabandoned because of the blemished or contaminated land, and the toxic waterand air made by the weapons during the wartime.
Overall/ In general, the originalcondition of the earth has highly been interfered with and badly destructed bythe human activity. Currently, this risk trend is still continuing. Thus, Iagree with the statement that the earth is being harmed by human activity.

1楼2014-05-12 22:45回复