Hannibal, after trying to break into his wine cellar to end Jack Crawford (due to Jack realising and finding proof he murdered his wife, an agent and tortured another by cutting her hand off) hears Mason Verger and Carlo coming for him again, after he escaped being eaten by pigs. There is a short, threatening stand off, and will graham appears, and hits Carlos, knocking him to the ground. Mason backs off, smiling. No one aside from hannibal knows jack Crawford is in his wine cellar. Will questions hannibal on the whereabouts of Jack, saying he was asked to meet him at hannibals. Mason makes a quip about dysfunctional families, hannibal asks him in a veiled threat, to leave. Mason smirks and comments on how he thought his family was messy, and they've created one of there own, 'and your all crazies after my own heart'. Hannibal bullshits will and convinces him they have to leave, because he'll be in just as much trouble as hannibal. Hannibal already has two tickets to France ready. He tells will to go home and prepare. It cuts to the airport, hannibal at the departure gate, will doesn't show.That'll be the point he realised will was manipulating him the whole time. He'll go to the mens room, violently bash someone to death, and leave the airport. He'll change from refined serial killer to letting all his anger about mischa and the betrayal out, and be the psychopath he's been trying to hide with all his mannerisms all this time. The last shot is will at Jacks hospital bedside with jack saying 'we lost. He won' to which Will says, 'it's never over, not until the light rids us of our shadows'.