Jamola (I don't remember there being any words to it, just Craig-screams, I guess that's why it's called 'Jamola')
Don't Listen To The Radio (he thanked the crowd "for knowing the words." :] )
Autumn Shade III (is there a video posted of this already? I don't want to go back and check yet because I'm so anxious to share my stuff :] But, if there isn't, it's great, the song is. Somehow sounds different, like the other two, but with an identical vibe, it's so wonderful.)
Vision Valley
Get Out (Craig said it might be a single...he also said again that the album will probably be out in June and that they are still searching for an American label.)
Mrs Jackson
Fuk Yeh
True as the Night, wonderful
Manger (really good too, a fast one, if it hasn't already been shared )
then they left the stage, as demonstrated by the line, and came back out to perform
He's a Rocker
Get Free
Kara Jane (When I looked at Ryan's setlist as the man taped it down, I was thinking that they had made a write-o! But, lo and behold, Craig goes, "...another new one...it's called KARA Jane," and I was a tad surprised but mostly smiling to myself. It is beautiful. I captured a small portion of it, if no one else has, the part where Craig's guitar joins Ryan's.)
Fuck the World
New York City, Bowery Ballroom, March 17th, 2008 Gig 的曲子单!! 唉 终于知道要在六月发了~