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【PASH! 四月号】调查兵团性格测验


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只需回答问题, 就能知道你跟哪个角色很相似! 找家人和麻吉同乐吧!
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本楼含有高级字体1楼2014-06-22 13:21回复
    RESEARCH YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS : Which soldier do you resemble!?
    探索你的潜意识 : 哪一位士兵最像你!?

    Survey Corps Personality Quiz 查军团人格测验
    From the start, you’ve been interested in those soldiers;
    maybe the truth is that you were sympathising with how their minds worked?
    打一开始, 你就对那些士兵很感兴趣 ; 许是因为在思想上产生了共鸣?
    With this personality quiz, let’s try chasing after your true nature!
    I wonder which character resembles you the most?
    用这份性格测验, 让我们测测你的属性! 我知道哪个角色最像你
    Everyone different, which is exactly why they can draw out each other’s strengths
    家都独一无二, 这也正是他们能互相突显对方优点的地方
    From the reckless Eren to the nasty-tongued Levi to the quick-to-argue Jean,
    all the soldiers in the Survey Corps have different personalities and opinions.
    莽的艾伦到毒舌的兵长再到爱斗嘴的让, 翅膀团所有人都拥有不同的性格和价值观
    Although they all have their individual abilities in battle and they all fight under the
    banner of “peace for humanity”, they can’t coordinate at all!
    尽管们都在凭著本事战斗, 但唯有人类的和平绝不能退让!
    However, their synergy is born precisely because their strong points differ,
    so they can demonstrate their strength on the battlefield.
    不论如, 精确地合作都归功於个别的强项差异, 所以他们可以在战场上发挥实力 。
    Surely, they can solve the puzzle that is the titans!
    当然, 他们能解决巨人的谜团!

    英文渣翻 ∴/穿//插/原文http://eiyakutachi.tumblr.com/post/81543004301/this-months-issue-of-pash-had-a-which-survey
    !! 欢迎指正补充!! 日语帝可点开原味大图 ((度娘会压缩汤不热比较清晰~

    本楼含有高级字体3楼2014-06-22 17:48
      A. Eren Jaeger (CV: Kaji Yuuki) (A) 艾伦 · 叶卡 声优>>梶裕贵
      The person you’re most like is the person with a strong sense of justice and can frankly
      say whatever he’s thinking, Eren Yeager.
      你最像义感强烈能坦率表达的艾伦 。
      You press forward toward your goals and dreams, hiding violent energy.
      奋力向目标梦想前进, 潜藏著端的力量 。
      With your superhuman passion, you have the strength to move people’s hearts,
      but you’ve probably also been alone because those around you don’t appreciate you.
      凭你过人的情足以撼动人心 ; 但你或许也很孤独, 因为周遭者不怎麼欣赏 。
      You probably also have times that you’ve given into hesitation.
      可能也有躇 、犹豫的时候 。
      During times like those, if you talk to the people who appreciate you and take a break,
      you can pave a new path for yourself.
      此时, 如果能一会儿, 向激赏你的人聊天就能创造新天地 。

      本楼含有高级字体4楼2014-06-22 17:50
        B. Jean Kirschstein (CV: Taniyama Kishou) (B) · 基尔休坦 声优>>谷山纪章
        The person you’re most like is the insightful and leader type who can make quick
        decisions, Jean Kirstein.
        你最像富有察力 、能迅速作出反应的典型领导者, 让 。
        Sometimes timid, you can fall into a self-centered way of thinking, but your true strength
        is your ability to concentrate and living up to your important friends’ expectations.
        偶尔会胆怯而坠入自私的思考漩涡, 但也拥有心 、不负好友期望的实力 。
        You also have a strong sense of responsibility, so your true abilities shine brightest when you’re acting as an excellent leader.
        非常有任感, 所以当你身为一位领袖, 你的才华将展露无遗 。
        However, you might have trouble communicating sometimes.
        然而, 你可能有时会有通上的问题 。
        In order to build up harmonious relationships,
        you might want to be careful in choosing your words.
        为了建立和谐的人际关系, 你可能要慎用词 。

        本楼含有高级字体5楼2014-06-22 17:52
          C. Reiner Braun (CV: Hosoya Yoshimasa) (C) 莱纳 · 布朗 声优>>细谷佳正
          The person you’re most like is the helpful and well-mannered Reiner Braun.
          你最像有用又有的莱纳 。
          Reading the atmosphere, you will either say serious things or make jokes and frequently volunteer to coordinate things.
          体察气氛, 要么谈正经事或开玩笑, 经常自愿调事情 。
          Among your friends, you take on the role of “big brother/big sister”.
          在朋友圈你扮演著哥大姊的角色 。
          You don’t speak ill of other people and you never say what you’re really thinking,
          so aren’t your worries building up?
          你不会说人坏话更不会说出内心的想法, 那是否在积压力?
          Your close friends should be able to be mindful of what troubles you,
          so you shouldn’t work too hard and you should ask them for advice.
          你亲密的好友应该能注意到你有什么麻烦, 所以别工作得太苦, 应该问他们的意见 。

          本楼含有高级字体6楼2014-06-22 17:53
            D. Bertolt Hoover (CV: Hashizume Tomohisa) (D) 贝尔托特 · 胡佛 声优>>桥诘知久
            The person you’re most like is the low-key person who goes with the flow, Bertolt Hoover.
            你最像低调又波逐流的贝特 。
            You have the potential to do work and schoolwork flawlessly,
            but you tend to be indecisive, leaving important decisions to other people.
            有完美做好工作及功课的潜力, 却总是拿不定主意而把重要决定给他人 。
            You might not be able to use your true strength right now.
            可能没办法刻发挥实力 。
            You often fall into a negative way of thinking, but as long as you continue polishing your abilities without giving up, your talents will blossom when the time is right.
            你经常陷入负面思考, 但只要能续精进不放弃, 当时机成熟你的天分将会开花结果 。
            There are people who need you.
            有些人要你的帮助 。

            本楼含有高级字体7楼2014-06-22 17:54
              E. Hanji Zoe (CV: Park Romi) (E) 韩吉 · 佐耶 声优>>朴璐美
              The person you’re most like is the person who recklessly pursues their interests,
              Hanji Zoe. 你最像不计一切求自己兴趣的韩吉 。
              Because you passionately investigate single things,
              you’re the researcher type that excels at thorough investigations.
              狂地探究单一事物, 属於典型的研究人员, 擅长深入调查 。
              You don’t hate toiling through night and day in order to achieve lofty goals,
              but when you’re stubbornly interested in things, you can’t even sleep at night.
              为了达成崇高目标不排斥日夜工作, 一旦燃兴致而执著某些事情, 晚上甚至会睡不著 。
              You don’t have a regular schedule because of this,
              so the people around you are often worried about you.
              因此欠缺律作息, 让周围人都很担心你 。
              Maybe you should shift your attention to other things once in a while and relax before
              continuing on with your research.
              也许你应该适时移注意力, 放松一下再继续研究 。

              本楼含有高级字体8楼2014-06-22 17:56
                F. Armin Arlart (CV: Inoue Marina) (F) 阿尔敏 · 亚鲁雷特 声优>>井上麻里奈
                The person you’re most like is the intellectual and curious person who excels at coming
                up with ideas, Armin Arlert.
                你最像颖好奇又擅长出点子的阿尔敏 。
                You can notice people’s different points and you surprise the people around you by
                coming up with ambitious plans to conduct them when it’s important.
                你能看出人们的异点, 在重要时刻提出有雄心的计画指引&惊喜他们 。
                You have stimulating energy,
                and you have a strong opinion about overcoming weaknesses.
                拥有令人欣喜的力量和服弱点的强大判断力 。
                In order to achieve your goals, you work tirelessly,
                crushing your emotions in order to continue staying theoretical.
                为了达成目的, 你力不懈, 粉碎情绪并保持理性 。
                Your tendency to make clean decisions may make people think of you as a cold person, but you’re the open-hearted and honest type in front of your friends who know
                your disposition.
                你倾向於做出精准的决定可能令人感到冷酷, 但在朋友面前你是胸开阔和诚实的类型,
                他们也懂你的安排 。

                本楼含有高级字体9楼2014-06-22 17:57
                  G. Erwin Smith (CV: Ono Daisuke) (G) 埃尔文 · 史密斯 声优>>小野大辅
                  The person you’re most like is the quick-thinking person who can take action with original thoughts, Erwin Smith.
                  你最像思维敏捷 、以创想法行事的团长 。
                  You can refine plans until they’re solid, and in times of emergency you can take all the
                  experiences you’ve faced and come up with a new plan.
                  会不断善策略直到稳定, 在紧急情态下也能运用本身的历练来随机应变 。
                  You are mysterious and you carefully choose the people you want to tell your true
                  opinions to, so you appear to be someone who’s hard to approach.
                  你非常秘, 小心挑出能交待心事的人, 似乎不好接近 。
                  Even so, you possess excellent charisma.
                  即使如此, 你仍有非凡的个人力 。
                  In order to strive for the things you believe in, you excel at standing out as a leader.
                  你会为了念奋斗成为脱颖而出的领袖 。

                  本楼含有高级字体10楼2014-06-22 17:59
                    H. Mikasa Ackerman (CV: Ishikawa Yui) (H) 米卡莎 · 阿克曼 声优>>石川由依
                    The person you’re most like is the heroic Mikasa Ackerman.
                    你最像勇的米卡莎 。
                    Because you don’t say much, you give people a cool impression,
                    but the reality is that you’re the type who has few but deep, warm relationships.
                    平常默给人帅气的形象, 但事实上你有一点深沉且温暖的亲友关系 。
                    You also get very emotional if the people important to you get hurt.
                    假如重要的人受伤了你会非常气用事 。
                    You get very attached, so you might end up seeming “meddlesome”.
                    恋性很强, 也许会显得爱管闲事 。
                    You might want to try distancing yourself sometimes.
                    有时你可能会想远自己 。
                    Still, your friends appreciate you very much.
                    不过, 朋友依很欣赏你 。
                    So, look forward just the way you are and try your best!
                    所以尽管向前看 、全力上吧 !

                    本楼含有高级字体11楼2014-06-22 18:00
                      I. Levi (CV: Kamiya Hiroshi) (I) 里维 · 阿克曼 声优>>神谷浩史
                      The person you're most like is the efficient, decisively-acting, judgemental perfectionist
                      Levi. 你最像有效率&行动果决 、断的完美主义者, 兵长
                      You dedicate yourself to taking the initiative in work and school initiative so you don’t
                      have any regrets and you get results by carrying out your duties indifferently.
                      极奉献於学校和工作, 所以没什麼遗憾, 你冷淡地履行职责并且获得成功 。
                      You aren’t particularly haughty about your strengths and you can be considerate of your coworkers, friends, and subordinates, so you are highly respected.
                      不会仗自己的优势摆架子, 你贴同事&朋友和下属而倍受尊敬 。
                      On the other hand, you’re high-strung about perfectionism and easily irritated when
                      things aren’t perfect.
                      另一方面, 你对完美十分感很容易发飙 。
                      Try not to think too much or furrow your eyebrows; don’t take yourself so seriously.
                      尽量不要想太多或皱眉头 ; 也别把自己太紧 。

                      本楼含有高级字体12楼2014-06-22 18:01

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