The Melbourne Shuffle (also known asRocking or simply The Shuffle) is a rave and club dance that originated inthe late 1980s in the underground rave music scene in Melbourne, Australia. 墨尔本shuffle(也称为Rocking或简称为shuffle)是一个起源于1980年代末在澳大利亚墨尔本地下狂欢音乐场的狂欢派对和夜店舞会的舞蹈。 【Rocking是早期称呼】 The basic movements in the dance are a fast heel-and-toe action with a style suitable for various types of electronic music. 舞蹈的基本舞步动作是一个快速流畅完成两步的竞走动作,舞蹈风格适合各种类型的电子音乐。【早早就在记录资料里记载Shuffle基础是两步】
Some variants incorporate arm movements.People who dance the shuffle are often referred to as rockers, due in part tothe popularity of shuffling to rock music in the early 1990s. 随后也加入一些其他的手臂动作。跳shuffle dance的人通常被称为rockers。因为shuffle在20世纪90代初的流行在一定程度上要归功于摇滚音乐。 【在这里的rocking和rockers都属于早期称呼,后期逐渐被shuffle shuffling Shuffler shuffle dance替代】 Shuffling originated from 'Stomping', whichin turn originated from previous historical celtic dances. shuffling舞蹈起源于“踩踏”这一动作,最先来源于早先的凯尔特踢踏舞。 Stomping originally incorporated tap andtraditional ballet - style foot shuffling. The clog and sword dance can easilybe matched to some earlier experimental rave and club dance moves that evolvedinto Stomping. 踩踏的这种舞步技术最早受到踢踏舞和传统芭蕾的影响。 这种舞蹈可以很容易与早期的实验性质的锐舞舞蹈和club舞蹈动作配合一起跳。 【锐舞这一个概念是一个笼统的还在实验性质中的概念,街舞也可以算入概念其中。】
[edit] Late 1980s–early 1990s In the late'80s, the Melbourne Shuffle began to emerge as a distinct dance, incorporatingmore hand movement than its predecessor, Stomping. Breakbeat and techno musicwas gradually replaced with the more hardcore forms of rave music, such as hardtrance. [编辑]20世纪80年代后期-20世纪90年代初,也就是在80年代后期(1989),墨尔本shuffle舞蹈开始作为一个独特的舞蹈出现,比原本的舞蹈动作多了更多的“手部与踩踏”动作。Breakbeat和techno舞曲逐渐取代更多的hardcore舞曲,比如hard trance。 When b-boys started attending Shufflingdance events, they brought in their own set of hip hop dance moves, forexample, the running man and gliding. Ever since these hip hop influencesbecame predominant, the Melbourne Shuffle has also been practiced outside of raves。 当早先热爱shuffle的B-boy前辈们(跳breaking的男舞者)也开始跳shuffle时,他们为了让这个舞蹈丰富起来,于是给这个舞蹈带来了一些hiphop舞蹈动作,例如:“runningman”and“gliding”(RM和滑步)。墨尔本shuffle也会在Rave Party之外的场合进行练习,从那时起Hiphop舞蹈开始逐渐成为了主要的影响因素 Where the Melbourne Shuffle was originallydanced, the places were not considered to be named 'raves', but rather 'danceparties'. 但墨尔本shuffle最初发起起源的跳舞地方,并不被认为是所谓的锐舞派对,而是普通的热舞舞会派对。 【后来shuffle舞者将原先B-boy前辈们带来hiphop性的RM和滑步逐渐修改变种演变为适合自己舞曲特点舞蹈特点的RM和滑步。因为锐舞的争议性和可行性,后来的shuffle也逐渐脱离出了早期的锐舞派对文化,毕竟shuffle传到各个地区国家,势必会经过不同的国家特点和文化特色洗礼,但是街舞无论怎么来说都是shuffle的老前辈】
Mid–late 1990s A number of videos documenting the styleduring this era exist as the style increased in popularity. There are manyvariations of this dance but the main heel-to-toe movement remained the keymotion, giving it the name "the Melbourne Shuffle". Notablyarm-movements are much more prevalent than in later renditions of the dance. 1990年代中后期 大量的视频记录在这个时代的出现的各种风格,他们越来越受欢迎。这个舞蹈有很多变化,但他的主要关键运动还是利用脚,所以墨尔本shuffle因此而命名。尤其是手部的动作在今后的舞蹈表现中更为普遍。 【Shuffle所表现的词义并非只有滑行,还有具有观赏性的熟练切换技巧。】 【而Shuffle的这一个舞蹈本身也不只滑行,越往后发展会增加更多的元素。】 【所以无论是怎样的中文翻译都是不得体且会失去原来舞蹈的味道。】
2000–2008 In 2004 a documentary entitled MelbourneShuffler began filming in Melbourne clubs, raves, festivals and outdoor events,before being released on DVD in 2005. By 2005, the Melbourne Shuffle had helped to change the sound of hardstyle and hard trance music, with DJs and producers aiming at a constant 140-160bpm speed. By 2006, early hardstyle was largely replaced by nustyle and epic trance -influenced hard trance music at popular shuffling clubs and raves. Nustyle and the newer form of hard trance focused on swung euphoric orchestral-like trance melodies that would suddenly drop (such as by a house exciter) into a constant kick drum that was of preferable speed for shuffling to by the rockers. In 2006 with the rising popularity of YouTube, dancers internationally now contribute to the Shuffle online, posting their own variations and learning from others. The German band Scooter featured the shuffle performed by veterans Missaghi "Pae" Peyman & Sarah Miatt in the video for the single J'adore Hardcore, which was partly filmed in Melbourne. As more people have practiced the dance, the dance itself has changed from the majority of hand movements over feet movements, to present day, where it is mostly based on keeping in time with bass beats. 2000 - 2008 2004年一部名为《 MelbourneShuffler》的记录片开始在墨尔本的Club、锐舞派对上各种节日活动和户外活动上拍摄,并于2005年制作成DVD。2005年的时候,由于墨尔Shuffle的原因,使得一些DJ和音乐制作人开始关注Hardstyle和Hard Trance这些bpm在140-160之间的音乐,并使之受到了改变和发展。到2006年,早期Hardstyle大范围取代了Nustyle和Epic Trance,并且借由Shufflling俱乐部和锐舞派对等形式影响Hard Trance。 Nustyle和新形式的hard trance就像Trance一样主要集中在欢快摇摆的旋律 (如house exciter)会突然下降到一个恒定鼓点节奏,这相对于跳Shuffling的rockers来说是一个合适的速度。到2006年随着YOUTUBE普及,国际的舞者都在网上上传视频交流,展示自己的舞步技术进度以及向别的舞者学习。 德国的Scooter乐队在他们的single J'adore Hardcore视频里加入了Shuffle的表演,有部分视频在墨尔本拍摄。 随着越来越多人参与加入并练习Shuffle,舞蹈也随着舞者的个性创造而改变了许多手部脚部的动作。 直到现在,他主要的舞蹈节奏还是跟着低音鼓点节拍固定踩点。
Dancing The origins of the name "Melbourne Shuffle" are unknown. The term was first brought to the public attention by Sonic Animation's Rupert Keiller during a TV interview in Sydney. The Age referred to it as looking like "a cross between the chicken dance and a foot stomping robot" to the untrained eye, but locals simply called it "stomping". “melbourne shuffle”名字起源是未知的。这一词最早由公众所知是因为索尼克动画片中Rupert Keiller 在悉尼的一次电视采访。在不明真相的人眼里Age看起来像是鸡在起舞,机器人在跺脚。但当地人简单地把它为“踩踏”"stomping"。 【stomping在这里属于非正式的别称,后来就没有再继续沿用了】 Some dancers sprinkle talcum powder or apply liquid to the floor beneath their feet to help them glide more easily, some including 360 degree spins or jumps into their moves. Others apply smooth plastic tape or duct tape to the soles of their shoes. 有些舞者撒上滑石粉或使用液体弄到他们脚下的地板上,帮助他们更容易地进行滑行, 进行一些360度旋转或他们跳跃移动的招式。其他人选择光滑塑料带或胶带鞋底的鞋。
In November 2008, "So You Think You Can Shuffle", an Australian YouTube-based video voting competition website was launched, where Shufflers from around the country can showcase their dance skills, comment, and vote on other videos. Starting in 2009 "So You Think You Can Shuffle" also started hosting official shuffle meet-ups and competitions around Australia and Germany. 在2008年11月,“因为你想,所以你可以shuffle”,澳大利亚的YouTube视频投票竞争比赛网站推出。 其中来自全国各地的Shuffler可以在这展示他们的舞蹈技巧,进行评论,和其他视频投票。 从2009年开始“因为你想,所以你可以shuffle”“开始举办正式的澳大利亚和德国Shuffle线下比赛。 In December 2008, The Daily Mercury, a Queensland publication, reported on a story about the Melbourne Shuffle's presence in Mackay. It cited the city's high YouTube exposure when compared to other major cities in Queensland. 2008年12月,The DailyMercury 昆士兰出版,报道了一篇关于墨尔本Shuffle在澳大利亚小镇Mackay的文章。它引用了澳大利亚昆士兰州城市中曝光度最高的youtube视频与其他主要城市比较。
其他: The official music video for The Black Eyed Peas single "The Time" briefly features dancers (including himself) in a night club performing the Melbourne Shuffle. 黑眼豆豆的的"The Time"官方音乐MV中,包括他自己和舞者在一个夜总会表演了墨尔本Shuffle。 The Electro Hop group LMFAO featured several electro house dancers performing the shuffle in their "Party Rock Anthem" music video. LMFAO also organized an online shuffle contest for their video, the winner appeared in their Party Rock Anthem video. LMFAO are seen doing the Shuffle in the music videos for their singles Champagne Showers,Sexy and I Know It, Sorry for Party Rocking. 一个流行电音乐队LMFAO邀请几个电音house舞者在他的在 "Party Rock Anthem"音乐MV里表演Shuffle。 LMFAO还组织了一个在线视频洗牌竞赛,获胜者出现在他们的 Party Rock Anthem MV中。 LMFAO出现有关shuffle舞蹈元素的歌曲有:Champagne Showers, Sexy and I Know It, Sorry for Party Rocking. 尾注: Shuffle based talent alone has produced the uniquely. 基于本质而又敢于创新的舞者创造了“我”- Shuffle。 【shuffle dance 国际起源发展史】 资料来源:全球shuffle网。 翻译校正:中国shuffle dance发展联盟协会(中国UNS联盟协会) UNS.TroSs UNS.Vincent -百度鬼步舞吧(转载请标明出处)