Break: Short Interview with 71!
Hi 71, I have a few questions for you today. First, EG won and DK was unable to get the chance to play EG for a direct spot at the main event through a tiebreaker. Do you wish you had that chance?
Well, no, we did not deserve the spot since we did not play well at the beginning of the group stage. That is not to say that 3rd is better, but we are not afraid of playing more matches since we have a ton of strategies and ways of reacting to teams. I do not believe that we fear any team, as long as we play well, we will win.
Also, third place is pretty good since we get to play a match between the end of the groupstage and the main event so that we do not get rusty.
71:没有, 因为我们小组赛初期的表现不好所以我们并不值得这个机会。当然不是说第三名更好,但我们不怕打更多的比赛因为我们有大量战术和应对其他队伍的方法。我们不惧怕任何队伍,只要我们发挥得好我们就能赢。
We noticed that DK changed drafters halfway through the groupstage. Could you explain the reasons for this?
We have a few reasons for this, but it was not part of the plan. This was a reaction to our first three games which we lost. In those games, they were mostly draft losses - I do not think that we would have won those matches even if we had executed those drafts well. I think it is obvious that we did not manage to play those drafts well, but we were already seriously disadvantaged from the start.
If you would notice, BurNing was unable to play his own drafts well and fulfil his position as carry. He was experiencing a lot of pressure from the amount of prize money on the line as well as the enormity and prestige of the event. Bearing in mind that the drafter experiences even greater pressure, he was unable to play his best. So we switched drafter to LaNm so that BurNing could focus on playing his best in his position.
Furthermore, LaNm is a very good drafter as well with creative picks and you can see that we have improved since then.
So will LaNm be drafting for DK at the main event?
Yes, he will continue to draft for us.
Also, was support Juggernaut his idea?
Yes, way before the event started, LaNm had already told me that he knew what supports he would be playing at The International. He had his eye on Juggernaut which was already really strong then, and started picking it when he started drafting for us.
What do you think of Alliance's early exit from the tournament?
That is not Alliance's true potential. They were not playing the best they could. A lot of it has to do with people banning Prophet and Wisp, without which they seem to be unable to pull off big plays. Moreover, Mushi met them at a foodcourt on Day 2 I believe, and he spoke with them.
It seemed that they were under a lot of pressure from having a poor start and were unable to play to the best of their ability due to the pressure to do well - they asked us if we had the same pressure as them, and we had as well. We just responded to it better, but this elimination was really not Alliance's real ability.
Break: Short Interview with 71!
Hi 71, I have a few questions for you today. First, EG won and DK was unable to get the chance to play EG for a direct spot at the main event through a tiebreaker. Do you wish you had that chance?
Well, no, we did not deserve the spot since we did not play well at the beginning of the group stage. That is not to say that 3rd is better, but we are not afraid of playing more matches since we have a ton of strategies and ways of reacting to teams. I do not believe that we fear any team, as long as we play well, we will win.
Also, third place is pretty good since we get to play a match between the end of the groupstage and the main event so that we do not get rusty.
71:没有, 因为我们小组赛初期的表现不好所以我们并不值得这个机会。当然不是说第三名更好,但我们不怕打更多的比赛因为我们有大量战术和应对其他队伍的方法。我们不惧怕任何队伍,只要我们发挥得好我们就能赢。
We noticed that DK changed drafters halfway through the groupstage. Could you explain the reasons for this?
We have a few reasons for this, but it was not part of the plan. This was a reaction to our first three games which we lost. In those games, they were mostly draft losses - I do not think that we would have won those matches even if we had executed those drafts well. I think it is obvious that we did not manage to play those drafts well, but we were already seriously disadvantaged from the start.
If you would notice, BurNing was unable to play his own drafts well and fulfil his position as carry. He was experiencing a lot of pressure from the amount of prize money on the line as well as the enormity and prestige of the event. Bearing in mind that the drafter experiences even greater pressure, he was unable to play his best. So we switched drafter to LaNm so that BurNing could focus on playing his best in his position.
Furthermore, LaNm is a very good drafter as well with creative picks and you can see that we have improved since then.
So will LaNm be drafting for DK at the main event?
Yes, he will continue to draft for us.
Also, was support Juggernaut his idea?
Yes, way before the event started, LaNm had already told me that he knew what supports he would be playing at The International. He had his eye on Juggernaut which was already really strong then, and started picking it when he started drafting for us.
What do you think of Alliance's early exit from the tournament?
That is not Alliance's true potential. They were not playing the best they could. A lot of it has to do with people banning Prophet and Wisp, without which they seem to be unable to pull off big plays. Moreover, Mushi met them at a foodcourt on Day 2 I believe, and he spoke with them.
It seemed that they were under a lot of pressure from having a poor start and were unable to play to the best of their ability due to the pressure to do well - they asked us if we had the same pressure as them, and we had as well. We just responded to it better, but this elimination was really not Alliance's real ability.