血色弥漫,腥甜的味道让人想哭。 脚下蔓延的鲜血,灌溉了那贫瘠的土地。 闪着地狱光芒的戒指上燃起深蓝色的火焰,生命之火交融了血气的悲哀。 那副碧色的瞳孔下,藏匿着绝望的色彩。 当血与火焰完美融合,少年积累的情绪迸发而出。 有谁再为他哼唱那首凄美的情歌。 And I've been waiting in the weeds Waiting for my time to come around again and Hope is floating on the breeze Carrying my soul high up above the ground and I've been keepin' to myself Knowin' that the seasons are slowly changing Even though you're with somebody else He'll never love you like I do