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关于free bosonic string的一些疑惑


来自iPad1楼2014-10-26 13:39回复
    we have three approach to quantizing bosonic string:
    1.1 covariant canonical quantization
    1.2 light cone gauge ....
    2 path integral ....
    for 1.1, we keep Lorentz symmetry along the way and add Virasoro constraint to pick out physical state.
    question: why level matching must hold? since in 2 there still may have gravitational anomaly.
    for 1.2, we first solve the constraint and then check the consistency with Lorentz algebra, or in another way let the first non-tachyon state to be massless or do some Riemann zeta function regularization.
    question: why 26D-Lorentz symmetry linked with massless state (I think its within Lie group representation theory but im not familiar with that).

    来自iPad3楼2014-10-26 14:01
      for 2, just like 1.1 we keep Lorentz everywhere and using ghosts to cancel the Weyl anomaly and then using BRST method to distinguish physical states.
      question: in this approach what if ignoring Weyl anomaly ie just leaving conformal symmetry away, then we have no critical dim and get a theory suitable for every dim.
      (i know that in Polyakov s original paper the authors just follow this idea but i cannot get the access to that paper.)
      without conformal symmetry, does the D-branes case like string(though they have continuous spectrum), what other kinds of anomaly may emerge?

      来自iPad4楼2014-10-26 14:15
        finally in my opinion the canonical and the path integral are really different, though they give same results. is there a theorem saying that they are totally equivalent?
        i think this question makes sense, since we have mathematical rigorous theory for 2D conformal field theory.

        来自iPad5楼2014-10-26 14:24
          这些问题比较专业,我建议你多看看书,基本都能有答案。1.1你得先说清Level matching具体什么意思。先说1.2。26D Lorentz symmetry和massless state没什么关系…质量谱的态是由粒子数算符,也就是N决定,对于闭弦还有NL和NR之分。显然基态是N=0的态,但它是tachyon显然不合理,所以原则上说合理的第一激发态就是N=1的那个态。在Bosonic string里面Tachyon并不能被剔除掉,这也就是string引入SUSY的原因,但这是后话。

          IP属地:辽宁来自iPhone客户端6楼2014-10-26 20:16

            IP属地:辽宁来自iPhone客户端7楼2014-10-26 20:20

              来自iPad8楼2014-10-26 22:04

                来自iPad9楼2014-10-26 22:07
                  刘维尔场论大概是用额外的场来补偿Weyl反常,从而得到conformal不变的场论,所以困难还是在于不平坦的没法处理吗?那D-brane怎么处理这个问题?@CloudK @波子的弦

                  来自手机贴吧11楼2014-10-27 19:33
                    there is not supposed to be any special point on the string,which means the translations in the σ direction should leave the state alone,by the Noether procedure,we can find the the generator P_σ=N-\tilde{N}and it is supposed to be 0,so the level matching holds

                    来自iPhone客户端12楼2014-11-14 22:10
                      Liouville field theory can give some no trivial central charge of Virasoro algebra.

                      13楼2014-11-14 22:53