(看这场戏,有点心痒难搔了啊~~~ 彼得,你就不能说你爱她吗?记得花絮里,有人在后面说:Kiss Kiss!我也想这么说

Tobey: reminiscence of the first movie, back yard scene over the fence.
Sam: I like that we are trying to re-create it, but two years later, how things have changed. To contrast that earlier scene, vs. whereyou are now, where you both are now.
Sam: she’s so beautiful and the camera does love that girl. Whenever you photograph her, it’s the dream for Bill Pope or any cinematographer, for having her in front of the lens.
Tobey: Thank you, Sam…oh, you are talking about Kirsten.
Sam: no you are both… the both of you are that way.
Tobey (laugh): more like, they love shooting me because they have to work so hard. They get to really test themselves. They had to paint. They become painters.
Sam: not at all 山姆:没这回事。
Tobey: I’m just kidding. 托比:我在开玩笑哪。