非常好的一集, 正如无限预算制带给我的期待. 我爱死Saber VS Lancer的战斗了, Gae Bolg实在令人惊叹. 我唯一的问题是有些内心独白被删了. 好吧, 我想总不能把全部的内心戏放进去的吧.
Very good episode as expected from Unlimited Budget Works. Love the fight scene between Saber and Lancer. That Gae Bolg was awesome. My only problem is that some monologues are removed. Oh well, you can*t have them all.
我的天这动画是惊人的. 我说的是动画...这就像是电影质量的动画.
Oh my lord this anime is amazing! I mean the animation.... this is like movie quality animation.
展开有点慢, 但这集很不错. 它所提倡的价值观很棒.
A bit slow to start, but that was a good episode. The production values were great.
士郎和lancer的战斗被删了一些重要的场面. 除此之外也是满不错的啦. 我尤其喜欢这版本的伊莉雅多於VN版和deen版. OP让我体会到「鸡皮疙瘩」的真正意思了.
Shirou-Lancer fight lacked few very important scenes(like him predicting where lancer would attack after jumping and stuff) other than that it was pretty good...I especially liked this Illya more than FSN VN and anime...OP made me realize what the word "goosebumps" really means...
惊人的一集. 那画面和战斗...顶尖水平! 作为一个刚认识月世界的新人,到目前为止我对我所看到的切都带给我非常深刻的印象. 除了慎二这蛋疼的角色(虽然比起其他到目前为止出场的角色都来得独特啦). 我喜欢所有的角色, 而且迫不及待地想看到更多关於圣杯战争的情节和其他角色了! :D
Amazing episode. The art quality and fights, top notch! As someone who*s new to the F/S night world, I*m very impressed by what I*m seeing so far. Aside from Shinji who looks to be a pain in the ass (though unique when you consider all the characters so far), I love all the characters and can*t wait to see more about the Holy Grail War and just about everyone! :D
错误更正,Noble Phantasm是宝具的意思。
感谢UFO带来了整体质量很高的动画. 我真的很喜欢他们在lancer VS士郎时所挑选的OST.
Good overall animation quality again thanks to Ufotable. Really liked the choice of the OST they used during Shiro*s fight with Lancer.
非常好的一集, 正如无限预算制带给我的期待. 我爱死Saber VS Lancer的战斗了, Gae Bolg实在令人惊叹. 我唯一的问题是有些内心独白被删了. 好吧, 我想总不能把全部的内心戏放进去的吧.
Very good episode as expected from Unlimited Budget Works. Love the fight scene between Saber and Lancer. That Gae Bolg was awesome. My only problem is that some monologues are removed. Oh well, you can*t have them all.
我的天这动画是惊人的. 我说的是动画...这就像是电影质量的动画.
Oh my lord this anime is amazing! I mean the animation.... this is like movie quality animation.
展开有点慢, 但这集很不错. 它所提倡的价值观很棒.
A bit slow to start, but that was a good episode. The production values were great.
士郎和lancer的战斗被删了一些重要的场面. 除此之外也是满不错的啦. 我尤其喜欢这版本的伊莉雅多於VN版和deen版. OP让我体会到「鸡皮疙瘩」的真正意思了.
Shirou-Lancer fight lacked few very important scenes(like him predicting where lancer would attack after jumping and stuff) other than that it was pretty good...I especially liked this Illya more than FSN VN and anime...OP made me realize what the word "goosebumps" really means...
惊人的一集. 那画面和战斗...顶尖水平! 作为一个刚认识月世界的新人,到目前为止我对我所看到的切都带给我非常深刻的印象. 除了慎二这蛋疼的角色(虽然比起其他到目前为止出场的角色都来得独特啦). 我喜欢所有的角色, 而且迫不及待地想看到更多关於圣杯战争的情节和其他角色了! :D
Amazing episode. The art quality and fights, top notch! As someone who*s new to the F/S night world, I*m very impressed by what I*m seeing so far. Aside from Shinji who looks to be a pain in the ass (though unique when you consider all the characters so far), I love all the characters and can*t wait to see more about the Holy Grail War and just about everyone! :D
错误更正,Noble Phantasm是宝具的意思。
感谢UFO带来了整体质量很高的动画. 我真的很喜欢他们在lancer VS士郎时所挑选的OST.
Good overall animation quality again thanks to Ufotable. Really liked the choice of the OST they used during Shiro*s fight with Lancer.