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看看海外党怎么评价fate stay night tv版,挺有意思的



1楼2014-11-12 15:56回复
    非常好的一集, 正如无限预算制带给我的期待. 我爱死Saber VS Lancer的战斗了, Gae Bolg实在令人惊叹. 我唯一的问题是有些内心独白被删了. 好吧, 我想总不能把全部的内心戏放进去的吧.
    Very good episode as expected from Unlimited Budget Works. Love the fight scene between Saber and Lancer. That Gae Bolg was awesome. My only problem is that some monologues are removed. Oh well, you can*t have them all.
    我的天这动画是惊人的. 我说的是动画...这就像是电影质量的动画.
    Oh my lord this anime is amazing! I mean the animation.... this is like movie quality animation.
    展开有点慢, 但这集很不错. 它所提倡的价值观很棒.
    A bit slow to start, but that was a good episode. The production values were great.
    士郎和lancer的战斗被删了一些重要的场面. 除此之外也是满不错的啦. 我尤其喜欢这版本的伊莉雅多於VN版和deen版. OP让我体会到「鸡皮疙瘩」的真正意思了.
    Shirou-Lancer fight lacked few very important scenes(like him predicting where lancer would attack after jumping and stuff) other than that it was pretty good...I especially liked this Illya more than FSN VN and anime...OP made me realize what the word "goosebumps" really means...
    惊人的一集. 那画面和战斗...顶尖水平! 作为一个刚认识月世界的新人,到目前为止我对我所看到的切都带给我非常深刻的印象. 除了慎二这蛋疼的角色(虽然比起其他到目前为止出场的角色都来得独特啦). 我喜欢所有的角色, 而且迫不及待地想看到更多关於圣杯战争的情节和其他角色了! :D
    Amazing episode. The art quality and fights, top notch! As someone who*s new to the F/S night world, I*m very impressed by what I*m seeing so far. Aside from Shinji who looks to be a pain in the ass (though unique when you consider all the characters so far), I love all the characters and can*t wait to see more about the Holy Grail War and just about everyone! :D
    错误更正,Noble Phantasm是宝具的意思。
    感谢UFO带来了整体质量很高的动画. 我真的很喜欢他们在lancer VS士郎时所挑选的OST.
    Good overall animation quality again thanks to Ufotable. Really liked the choice of the OST they used during Shiro*s fight with Lancer.

    7楼2014-11-12 16:02
      这集满不错, 我的注意力都集中在对话上而这实际上(这对一集满是对话的动画来说)是相当惊人的. 同样的, 绮礼看起来太神奇地棒了.凛的福利镜头时笑死我了, 嘛, 不是说我很介意这个啦~顺带一提, 当Saber在他们出去之前穿上那衣服时看起来美妙极了, 同时她有些反应的表现也很棒, 尤其是某几个镜头中她的眼睛.
      这集有一大堆背景资料, 讯息和「欣喜吧(, 少年)」的部份都做得很好. 对Berserker的介绍很棒, 音乐行之有效而Berserker自己看起来就是个最终BOSS(中BOSS?). 非常期待下一集 :D
      The episode was nice. I was concentrating on the lip synching and it was actually super impressive. Also, Kirei looks amazing. Lol at those Rin fanservice moments, not that I mind~ By the way, Saber looked wonderful in those clothes before they went outside and some of her expressions were great, especially the eyes in a few scenes. Tons of info dump, all the correct things and the yorokobe part was pretty good. Berserker*s introduction was great, the music worked well and Berserker himself looks like a total boss(midboss?). Very hyped for the next episode. :D
      正如我所期待的一样, 不错的改编.
      在那个gif中她的姿势简直是 HHNNGGGG :3
      而她的脸红则是 <3<3
      言锋一如以往的好看. 很遗憾没有了"山上教堂转圈圈"的游戏D: 但中田大叔的声音已经很足够了>.<!!
      欣喜吧, 少年!! 我已经觉得感到欣喜了:D, 而且我爱死他听到「卫宫」的反应了:3 最后! 这集中结尾那一幕简直是棒呆了的转节! Berserker和伊莉雅! 终於要来重头剧了!!!已经等不及了:D
      Nice adaption as expected :D All Dat Rin Fanservice <3 Her posing in the previous gifs were HHNNNGGG :3 And her blush was <3<3Kotomine was glorious as usual. Sad that there was no "Church on the Hill" playing D: but Nakata Jouji*s voice was more than enough >.<!! Yorokobe Shounen!! I rejoiced alright :D Loved his reaction to "Emiya?" too :3And finally! The last scene was an awesome cliffy! Berserker with Illya! Shit is about to get so damn real!! >.<! Can*t wait :D
      弃了, 角色什麼也没有做, 对我来说这集和第一集一样沈闷. 想看名不符实的动画? Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2014
      Dropped, characters don*t do anything for me overall just as boring as the frist series.Want overrated anime look no further than Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2014
      又一次优秀的一集. 在他的圣堂中看上很棒的言锋绮礼. 在美妙的「欣喜吧, 少年」中结束...我有没有提及过美妙这个词? 人们对凛的屁股有着过度反应甚至称之为杀必死. 难道这也算吗?(译: 明明连胖次都没有露!) 虽然我不能说我不喜爱这些....那些傲娇也是. 最棒的女孩. 最后是Berserker和伊莉雅, 我爱他们对发生了什麼给了我们一瞥的预览. 下一集得留心了.
      Excellent episode once again. Glorious Kotomine Kirei in all his priestly glory. Finishing off with the glorious *Yorokobe shounen*. Did I say glorious yet?People overreact too much to Rin*s anusbutt and even calling it fanservice. Does that even count? Can*t say I didn*t like it though. And all that tsundere. Best girl.Finally, Bahsahkah and Illya. I love how the preview showed a glimpse of what*s to happen. Gotta pay attention to that in the next episodes.
      这集实在太短了. T_T
      凛太太太太太太太太可爱了 XD
      「低闷的麻婆声音」"欣喜吧, 少年, 你的愿望终於得以实现了"「低闷的麻婆声音」
      The episode was too short.T_T
      Rin is sooooooooo cute. xD
      *Deep Kirei Voice*Yorokobe Shounen, Kimi no Negai wa Youyaku Kanau*Deep Kirei Voice*.
      目前为止还是很棒的一集. 而这集的节奏亦恰到好处, 虽然有那张凛的脸啦 :3
      Great episode so far and the pacing is perfect at this point, and dat face of Rin though :3

      Dat berserker~~!!
      这dubstep的BGM (译: 一种黑暗低沈的电子音乐类型, 又名回响贝斯)
      Dat dubstep
      DAT eye!!
      凛受挫后在地板的动作是一种微妙的杀必死类型. 干得好, UFO!
      言锋绮礼如以往一样的棒. 他「欣喜吧, 少年」的对话是最棒的了!
      凛对士郎的反应太可爱了:3 Archer仍是那个死板样.
      又是很棒的一集. Berserker和伊莉雅终於出现了, 好剧要来了!
      Frustrated Rin*s movements on the ground with her rear end was quite a subtle form of fanservice. Nice one, ufotable!Kotomine Kirei is just as awesome as ever. His "Yorokobe Shounen" dialogue was the best!Rin*s reaction to Shirou*s smooth words was cute! :3 . Archer is still being pretty stiff as usual.Great episode once again. Illya with her Berserker finally appears. Sh!ts about to go down!
      这集令我更加期待了. 很不错的一集, 给了我更多关於圣杯战的资讯.
      The hype is strong with this one. Good episode, gives more info about the war.
      我不太喜欢结尾那dubstep类的背景音乐, 实际上和画面并不配合. 而好的一面是: 欣喜吧!
      Didn*t like the dubstep-ish track at the end there, it doesn*t really fit imho. On the plus-side: Rejoice

      9楼2014-11-12 16:06

        啧, 这福利
        Geez, the fanservice.
        阿哈, 通常我不是会去纠结这类东西的人. 而我很庆幸我不是唯一的那个会去纠结的. 不论如何, 满不错的一集.
        Hah usually I dont notice these types of things but glad I am not the only one who didnt,but regardless, good episode.
        P>S. 上文绮丽为麻婆神父.

        14楼2014-11-12 16:09
          There were some distance/height issues during the BerserkerxIlya scenes.
          And I dont think that Invisible Air,Rank C, should be able to get pass GH.
          凛VS Ilya的战斗令Ilya真的看上去是最强的Master.
          虽然这个大家都知道, 但在VN中我们永远都没有机会去看到.
          Rin vs Ilya made Ilya ACTUALLY LOOK like the strongest Master.We always knew that but we never got to see it in the VN.
          Cant wait for the BD fixes in some animation and sound issues.
          B叔 *********的咆哮和螺旋?很棒很棒的.
          The *********blast and Caladbolg 2 were awesome.
          Friggin EPIC!! DAT ANIMATION *A* DAT OST!!!
          Love the subtle expressions Saber made when she saw Illya and heard Einzbern :3
          这Saber Vs Berserker!! 在战斗场面中编排相当惊人!真的很好地展现出了Berserker的敏捷性! 还有Berserker在经历了那玩意之后仍能不死也展现了他到底有多怪物:P
          Dat Saber vs Bahsaka!!! The choreography during the fights was amazing!! They really depicted Berserker*s agility awesomely >.<!!And how much of a monster he is not dying after all that shit :P.
          同样地Saber和archer也是, 显示他们是绝对是一头野兽. 这螺旋剑!!!和他的坏笑.><. 核爆炸刚好落幕 XD
          But the same can be said about Saber and Archer. Both showed they*re absolute BEASTS!!! DAT CALADABOLG!!! And Dat Archer Grin >.<!! Nuclear Explosion just went down XD.
          Illya的炼金术也很不错. 而且能一瞥金发的外国人和绮礼之间的对话也很好. 凛的侧面在这集也描绘得很多 :D
          llya*s alchemy was nice too ^^Seeing a glimpse of Kirei and Blonde Foreigner was nice :3 And Rin*s side faces were really well drawn this ep :D
          I loved the detail in Archer*s arrow not actually penetrating Berserker*s skin.
          我们很需要OST快点放出来, 在战斗时放出的音乐很合我口味^ ^
          Need that OST soon, there*s a track that played during the fight that I REALLY liked ^^
          DAT BAHSAKA~
          DEM SKILLZ~
          这实际上很令我惊艳. 好看的狂人去做些好看的事.
          Glorious mad man doing glorious thinking..
          凛和Ilya的战斗是很不错的原创. (或是有必要性存在的, 不然我想Saber 和Berserker打上20分钟会很无聊) 也能很好地展现Ilya的力量.
          Berserker-kun doing some martial arts moves, Rin vs Ilya was a nice addition (and necessary, 20min of just Saber vs Berserker would*ve been boring i think) and showed Ilya*s power

          16楼2014-11-12 16:11
            现在UFO只是在炫耀了. 你看看这些漂亮到极点的打斗场面.
            Now ufotable*s just showing off. All those glorious fight scenes.
            OST is getting better, since I start actually hearing it.
            OST正在进步, 毕竟我终於能真正意义上的听到OST了.

            Rin*s legs this whole episode... I want to marry them
            The earlier wounds and the tip of the sword stabbing his hand is impossible due to GH.Or maybe there is mistranslation in the Fate/side material.
            Well dat*s cuz just she*s saber and dat*s excalibur inside IA.
            目前为止FSN看起来节奏比较快, 也比FZ更重打戏.
            So far FSN seems much faster paced and action oriented than FZ.
            OST公平来说是还好啦, 但没什麼突出的地方.
            OST seems fairly alright but nothing too spectacular.
            we need to make words to describe it
            The one thing I didn*t get though is how did Shirou sense what archer was about to do?
            Saber故意令Berserker和她一对一打!!!!还有她利用了地利和其他因素. (译:新人老外则很惊喜地看到saber的智商[误])
            Saber managing to fight Berserker in a one-on-one situation!!! Using the environment and other factors.
            All those explosions, the red and blue ones! Watching Beserker standing there after Archer*s attack >.<
            I guess this is my weekly orgasm now
            士郎还未开始发光发亮.我希望他们快些发展他的角色, 在人们开始玩那个愚蠢的"人被杀就会死"的梗之前
            Shirou hasn*t really shined yet. I hope they develop his character soon before people starting quoting the dumb "People die when they are killed"
            我爱死Illya对她的对手教养良好的态度了, 那怕她是在说要杀掉他们时.
            I love Illya*s nice manner towards her opponents even when she*s about to kill them soon anyways.
            Berserker的护甲发生什麼事了? 还有为什麼他不乾脆夺过Excalibur来据为己有?完全不合理嘛!
            What happened to Berserker*s armour and why didn*t he just grab Excalibur and make it his own? Doesn*t make sense at all

            17楼2014-11-12 16:11

              自2004起我们就知道Berserker能回复生命了. 我想是在CM3中又提过了一次.
              We actually already knew Berserker can regenerate lives since 2004. It was again mentioned in CM 3 I think.我只有一个问题, 为什麼士郎向他的老师说Saber是来向切嗣打招呼的?我知道士郎是在找藉口啦但切嗣不是已经挂了吗?
              I only have one question though, why Shiro told his teacher that Saber is in town to say hi to Kiritsugu?
              I mean I know that he was trying to cover it up but isn*t Kiritsugu dead?
              He is playing that she did not know he is.
              很棒的一集, 虽然伊莉雅的场面是不太必要的啦, 说真的. 他们应该把这放到HF剧场版去.
              great episode! though the illya scene was unnecessary tbh. they should leave that for the HF movies.
              他们总要建立伊莉雅的意图和目标啦, 因为我们也没有fate路线的重制什麼的. 而且也有迎合有强大的规模的伊莉雅厨的方面.
              They had to establish her intentions and goals since we have no fate adaptation. Pandering to formidable-sized Illya fanbase works well too.
              OST在这集真的很不错. 深井不断在用自己的感觉去改造F/SN和 F/Z 的OST及同时加入了很多新的变化, 成为他的原创OST. 而对於这一点, 我向他脱帽致敬!
              OST was reeeeally good this episode, Hideyuki keeps on switching between remaking F/SN and F/Z osts with his own nice touch on it, as well as adding lots of new variations and completely OC music.
              And to that, I tip my (non-existent) hat!
              我真的很喜欢这动画, 希望他们每集都有40分钟, 说真的!
              I am really enjoying this show. I wish they were all 40 minute episodes tbh!

              我喜欢这埸景中的身体语言, 就像当绫子叫他考虑重回弓箭部的时候, 士郎怎样去把他的双手插在口袋里(隐藏事实/试图逃离现场).
              I liked all the body language in that scene, like how shirou puts his hands in his pockets(hiding the facts/trying to avoid the situation) when she asks about rejoining the archery club.
              我也很喜欢他在这场面中的所有反应, 还有他在被提及微笑的事时触发了他是怎样在大火后得到创伤后应激障碍的回想.
              I really liked all of his expressions in the scene and how he got the ptsd-trigger to the Great Fire at the thought of smiling.
              我也很喜欢这部分, 一点关於大火的快速的回忆很不错, 而且让你知道为何士郎有点疏远他人的原因.
              I liked that part as well. Getting the quick flashback to the fire was a nice touch and gives you an idea of why Shirou is a little off from everyone else.
              更正一下: 应该是深泽...打错字了

              19楼2014-11-12 16:13

                噢天哦, 这太好笑了. 可怜的樱酱
                Oh God, this is so funny. Poor Saku-chan.
                She will get her day soon.
                在这集的洗澡镜头之后, 我很好奇人们会对伊莉雅的loli胸被一名有一定年纪的男性角色摸索后的反应. (译: 闪闪你....)
                After the bathing scene, I wonder how the reaction will be when Illya gets her loli chest groped by a certain older male character.
                我一直以为冬木火灾中的圣杯是一座实际存在的塔, 但它只是从天洞中流下来的泥对不?
                I always thought the grail tower during the Fuyuki fire was an actual tower, but it*s just the mud pouring out of the grail portal hole thingy, right?

                嘛, 反正对我来说自嘉年华之后一提起圣杯我就第一时间想起这玩意
                to me the grail in the Carnival Phantasm series, is always the first image I see in my mind

                对啊, 这玩意.
                yeah, DAT thing

                骑单车的凛, WOW, 这凛!
                "Rin spanning bike"
                WOW, DAT Rin!

                21楼2014-11-12 16:14
                  为了那把刀, 我给满分
                  10/10 for the knife.
                  Ufotable finds a way
                  ...that purple haired chick. Showing off her best assets as usual.

                  22楼2014-11-12 16:18
                    正正常常的就好, 我真不喜欢UFO对凛所做的事! 按原版来做不是很不错吗(像这样), 不!那愚蠢的颜艺会一直下去, 好耶!
                    NORMAL expression are okay, I don*t like the Kuzukis and I don*t like the exaggerated shit Ufo is doing to Rin. Isn*t this okay? Because no, stupid expression all over again until the end, yay!!!!!!!
                    管他的, 这很搞笑.
                    Who cares. It was funny.
                    ---其他人都不太当一回事, 认为这集并无不妥云云...------

                    少管这事了, 猜猜这是谁? :P
                    Meh. Moving on, guess who? :p
                    That*s obviously a mushroom.
                    Big Foot.
                    这比大脚修长多了. 这是森林暗鬼!(杀童魔,是一个源於美国的虚构都市传说角色)
                    Too slender

                    24楼2014-11-12 16:20
                      Then we have split second dodges like:
                      Where Shirou is saved by very well timed and calculated two jumps.
                      就算是打rider时也是全躲过了, 而rider的攻击明显比凛快多了:
                      Even Rider fight is full of split second dodges and Rider is clearly faster than Rin:
                      所以对啊, 士郎在闪避上就是这麼行.
                      So yeah, Shirou is REALLY good at dodging.

                      28楼2014-11-12 16:24
                        The new Servant sure is hot.
                        士郎只要在愿意时也能变得满厉害的嘛, 嗯? 只靠自己去对峙一名从者? 牛.
                        Shirou can be quite the badass when he wants to be, huh? Taking on a Servant all by himself? Damn.
                        Shiro was a dumbass for staying in the school for so late.
                        That new servant is a lot hotter in this series than the 2006 one.
                        我想只有对战那女性从者的一幕给人感觉有点赶, 其他的还好啦.
                        The only scene that felt particularly rushed was that female servant*s, I think. Everything else was just fine, imo.
                        士郎在这新系列中变得超棒的, 这让我更痛恨Deen版了, 因他们展现了在搞砸士郎的性格上可以做到有多糟糕.
                        Shiroe is so much more awesome in this series, it makes me hate Studio DEEN even more for how bad they screwed up his character in FS/N.
                        Rider的出场真的做得很好. 考虑到在UBW中她拥有在所有Servant中真糟糕的死法, 这真的满可惜的.
                        Riders Introduction was really well done. Which is a shame considering that in UBW she has the worst death of any Servant in all of FSN.
                        幸运E的lancer如何? (译: 又黑我大狗)
                        But, what about Rank E luck Lancer?
                        很屌的士郎要去和英灵进行1对1的战斗 :D
                        Fucking Shirou goes fighting 1vs1 against heroic spirits :D
                        这集很不错, 虽然看上去大部分预算都花在了[紫色头发的女士]身上. 嘛, 我不是在抱怨这个啦.
                        That was a nice episode, although it seems much of the budgeting went to [Lady of the Purple Hair]. Not that I*m complaining.
                        Saber不足够, 而且没有Archer, 这集感觉只不过是凛和士郎的一场暴力约会.
                        Not enough Saber and no Archer... this episode felt like a violent date between Tohsaka and Shirou.
                        需要更多成年人, 去他的青少年 1/5.
                        Needs more adults, fucking teenagers 1/5.
                        不是喷, 但怎麼上一集比这集还要好???????
                        Not really hating, but how in the hell was last episode better than this one?????
                        More Saber.
                        More Ayako.
                        上一集很棒! 发展很是不错. 这集只让我觉得是不同步的突然转变
                        Last episode was amazing! The development was quite good. This one just felt out of sync with the sudden transitions.
                        我只是在想如果两个从者在一起了一定很有趣. 像是上街喝喝咖啡什麼的. 他们总是显得那麼紧张, 在等待著什麼不好的事情发生.
                        I was just thinking it would be funny if the two servants hanged out with each other too. Like went out for a coffee or something. They always seem so tense just waiting for something bad to happen.
                        一, 不知道在何时应该闭嘴
                        二, 被女性从背后固定
                        Shirou has a habit of:
                        a. not knowing when to shut his mouth and
                        b. getting pinned from behind by women
                        Those bad ass dodging skills, though

                        29楼2014-11-12 16:25
                          Great! It seems very interesting.I will read them when I have extra time.

                          IP属地:广东30楼2014-11-12 17:54
                            Love saber, love Shirou, love Rin.

                            31楼2014-11-13 20:28
                              Caster 和 Assassin!好吧这就要来了!下集应该会有满满的动作戏.
                              Caster and Assassin! Alright here we go! Next episode will probably be all action.
                              They adapted the EXACT amount everyone expected.

                              Archer sure took his time, must make it just in the neck of time for maximum cool :p
                              这就是Archerh的风格了. 成为英雄需要掌握正确的时间
                              It*s all about style for Archer. Needs the right timing to be the hero.
                              又一次我听到了观众被"激怒"了, 原因是因为这些角色没有去"以血腥的方式杀掉彼此", 而是在实际上在战术角度上建立联盟, 所以他们就觉得这是"幼稚". 现在听到这些还真没让我惊讶的.
                              Then again I heard nonsense like the viewers being "infuriated" that characters actually are working out tactics an making alliances instead of "murdering each other in gory ways" and that because of that its "childish", so nothing surprises me nowadays.

                              Ayako ;_;
                              绫子的确很可怜. T^T
                              Poor Ayako indeed T^T
                              天, 慎二需要在痛苦中死去>.<!!
                              Man Shinji needs to die a painful death >.<!!
                              对了, 绫子是被强奸了或是什麼的吗?
                              Also, did Ayako get raped or something?
                              简短的说, 是的
                              Short answer is yes.
                              [删除]在ANN说"FSN有性别歧视, 因为所有的(女)Servants都表现得很放荡"[/删除]
                              Even Saber?
                              "但...但她在士郎队中没有表现得冷漠和死气沉沉而且他们竟然在合作, 这一定就是性别歧视了吧!"
                              ""b-b-but she is not being cold and lifeless at her own team and they work together, that just HAS to mean its sexist!"

                              The lucky bastard
                              Tons and tons of doujins and fanfics will arrive and there isn*t even a F/HA adaptation yet
                              大量本子和同人图正在来临, 而F/HA的动画化甚至还没出来.
                              Archer*s killing intent while supposedly guarding Shirou home was lol :P
                              而且我打赌他看着士郎在受"折磨"时有许多乐趣, 被Caster的手爱抚下的火热折磨XD, Archer应该很是享受直至决定去救士郎为止XD
                              And I bet he was having so much fun watching him "suffer" If u can call being caressed by a hotty suffering XD at Caster*s hands until he decided to save him XD
                              Sasaki being BA as usual! Can*t wait for his fight vs Saber >.<!!

                              Saber, 你的胖次呢?
                              Saber, where are your pants?!
                              Nice to see that saber doesn*t wear anything down there when sleeping
                              士郎敢於和Archer硬碰硬是满酷的啦, 但他应该想想他有没有一丝机会打赢对方XD
                              It*s cool that Shirou is confident to take Archer head-on, but he should also think about if he has any chance of winning at all. XD
                              Archer was so badass with that arrow barrage, saving Shirou before things got out of control.
                              在Archer说"女人的脾性难以控制时"我笑了, 听上他有过一些经验呢.XD
                              Lol*d at him saying "A woman*s fury is difficult to control." Sounds like he has some experience. XD
                              Just look at who is his Master... ;))
                              Caster 很性感
                              Assassin 很屌.
                              Archer 很GAR.
                              虽然绫子很可怜. 很需要有人去一拳打去慎二的脸上.
                              Caster is sex.
                              Assassin is BA.
                              Archer is GAR.
                              Poor Ayako tho. Someone needs to punch Shitji in the face soon.

                              32楼2014-11-16 12:52