I, Angelise Ikaruga Mitsurugi, wish to here provide an explanation
regarding this altercation which occurred at the bathhouse between
myself and Squadron Number One Captain Thalia.
On the occasion of my daily sorties, my performance has been spectacular,
and thinking about it now this was more than enough to make Captain Thalia jealous.
However, for my part, I knew nothing of the captain*s envy and unfounded slandering of
me, and I had no idea whatsoever about the captain*s mounting day-to-day stress.
Even when the captain came to me at the bathhouse my only thought was that
she had come to praise my usual work, Further, even when Captain Thalia came at me
with a knife, I though that this was a unique manifestation of the captain*s affection and
I accepted the challenge without a thought.
I knocked away the captain*s knife, and after some bare-handed fighting, we entered into a
battle with scrubbing brushes, and I felt that it was actually beating her that would meet her
expectations, and so before I knew it, I had won a total victory.
As far as this goes, I believe my behavior is as it normally is in my day-to-day life,
but I have come to learn through this incident that my being elegant and luxurious
causes some people to feel envy.
I am guilty of no wrongdoing or misconduct in this incident, and I myself am not to blame
in the slightest, so I can improve nothing, but if it may be said that the mere perfection of
my existence begat it, then I do offer some apology.

I, Angelise Ikaruga Mitsurugi, wish to here provide an explanation
regarding this altercation which occurred at the bathhouse between
myself and Squadron Number One Captain Thalia.
On the occasion of my daily sorties, my performance has been spectacular,
and thinking about it now this was more than enough to make Captain Thalia jealous.
However, for my part, I knew nothing of the captain*s envy and unfounded slandering of
me, and I had no idea whatsoever about the captain*s mounting day-to-day stress.
Even when the captain came to me at the bathhouse my only thought was that
she had come to praise my usual work, Further, even when Captain Thalia came at me
with a knife, I though that this was a unique manifestation of the captain*s affection and
I accepted the challenge without a thought.
I knocked away the captain*s knife, and after some bare-handed fighting, we entered into a
battle with scrubbing brushes, and I felt that it was actually beating her that would meet her
expectations, and so before I knew it, I had won a total victory.
As far as this goes, I believe my behavior is as it normally is in my day-to-day life,
but I have come to learn through this incident that my being elegant and luxurious
causes some people to feel envy.
I am guilty of no wrongdoing or misconduct in this incident, and I myself am not to blame
in the slightest, so I can improve nothing, but if it may be said that the mere perfection of
my existence begat it, then I do offer some apology.