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The question of whether war is inevitable is one that has concerned many ofthe world’s great writers. Before considering this question, it will be usefulto introduce some related concepts.
(46)Conflict, defined as opposition among social entities directedagainst one another, is distinguished from competition, defined as oppositionamong social entities independently striving for something that is ininadequate supply. Competitors maynot be aware of one another, while the parties to a conflict are. Conflict andcompetition are both categories of opposition, which has been defined as aprocess by which social entities function in the disservice of one another.
Opposition is thus contrasted with cooperation, the process by which socialentities function in the service of one another. (47) These definitions arenecessary because it is important to emphasize that competition betweenindividuals of groups is inevitable in a world of limited resources, butconflict is not. Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur, and isprobably an essential and desirable element of human societies.
(48)Many authors have argued for the inevitability of war from thepremise that in the struggle for existence among animal species, only thefittest survive. In general, however, this struggle in nature iscompetition, not conflict. Social animals, such as monkeys and cattle, fight towin or maintain leadership of the group. (49)The struggle for existenceoccurs not in such fights, but in the competition for limited feeding areas andfor the occupancy of areas free from meat-eating animals. Those who fail inthis competition starve to death or become victims to other species. Thisstruggle for existence does not resemble human war, but rather the competitionof individuals for jobs, markets, and materials. The essence of the struggle isthe competition for the necessities of life that are insufficient to satisfyall.
Among nations there is competition in developing resources, trades, skills,and a satisfactory way of life. The successful nations grow and prosper; theunsuccessful decline. (50)While it is true that this competition may induceefforts to expand territory at the expense of others, and this leads to conflict,it cannot be said that war-like conflict among nations is inevitable, althoughcompetition is.

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