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NARUTO CH 700... and the massacre of half the cast's character development.
The story isn’t going to be perfect. We’ve seen time and time again how KIshi wrote a lot of questionable moments throughout the manga. but we still continued to read. There were many plot holes, leaving so many things unanswered and loose ends that should’ve been tied up before or at the final chapter. Kishi is good at creating character concept. Most of us loved the characters he created. But he FAILED to develop some of them, some to the point that some characters are unappreciated when they had so much potential. Some are even hated. Every character is unique but was given little to no development. I know that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DEVELOP ALL CHARACTERS EQUALLY… and when he finally developed some of them by using literary strategies to build not just the story but also the characters, he ruins them by not using the things he put in his own story to support his own ending. They were reduced to something unrecognizable. Making the end lackluster.
699 showed a lot of things such as the cloud ninjas being released, showing TenTens development in her skills as a weapon specialist, along with Darui’s promise to free his fellows. Everything seems to be wrapping up well. Scenarios that showed tying the loose ends that needed to be resolved are what we needed at the end.
Then ch 700 happened. Probably one of the, if not the most disappointing and confusing chapter of the whole series (there are many of them), because it was too rushed. Most loose ends were wrapped up without consideration to the events that took place in the manga chapters. The time gap is too huge to bridge for the movie since it involves two time-skips. I have to mention this before someone calls me a salty NS shipper. Someone doesn’t have to be a shipper to see that a lot of things weren’t adding up.
I’m not way too surprised that sasusaku is canon. I like them since I was young. The signs were there and there’s development for the characters to make it possible. sasusaku had sweet but subtle moments, its established in part 1 that there is a connection even if it was mismatch due sasuke’s goals of revenge. But even their canonization was rushed IMO. She finally reached sasuke, it was a start, but the next chapter they’re already married? It also makes you question naruto; did he reach sakura? He doesn’t have to end up with her but was his feelings for her resolved? why didn’t it happened? Did he confess just to get it off his chest so he can at least move on, just like hinata confessed to naruto? NS and SASUNARU had as much/even more development for the characters to make it a possible canon. It’s all over the series. It was a steady development between the characters that spanned more than 690+ chapters. Even naruhina had good panels. Hinata has reached naruto. Which questions naruto and his resolution with sakura. Any ships can work as long as they are given proper development. And these ships have developments that support them. However, there were a lot of inconsistencies in kishi’s own manga. There was no proper resolution for all these pairings at the end; they just got together. The only ship that got proper resolution was SASUNARU. How are you going to tell me how all these other pairings got together and developed to be together? That’s what’s people are complaining. The Ending was too abrupt.
IMO, for me to have to watch a supplemental movie (even if its canon) just to make sense of the final chapter is a sign of bad writing. The ending can’t stand by itself without the movie. It will take more than just a movie to explain the reason behind such an outcome for me. If I had to do way too much mental gymnastic just to make sense of something (some that are even against what kishi wrote in his own manga) then the story is not properly delivered. How do you develop all these other pairings in the movie while fighting another villain who’s plot is supposed to involve the byakugan which we actually still don’t know much about other than their ancestors are kaguya and hamura without making it abrupt or too sudden?
I can appreciate any ships if you give them proper development. I hope I don’t get badly criticized by this but I can ship sasusaku without thinking of abuse because I don’t hold them to the same moral standards I have with real people because their universe is vastly different than ours where killing is normalized in their dimension. That’s ironic. The series that doesn’t have any real moral standards was teaching us about moral standards.
I also do like narusaku, it’s a steady healthy relationship whether you see it as romantic or not. The growth is there; anyone who claimed otherwise are hypocrites who tell NS fans that they didn’t read the manga right and it’s their fault. Both have development & it’s just a matter of how it’s done. If sasusaku happened its because sakura’s love reached sasuke. If narusaku happened it’s because naruto’s love reached sakura. Back then I thought if narusaku didn’t become canon I figured it would be jiraiya tsunade all over again because of naruto’s characterization. His character was one to never give up. That’s his ninja way. His nindo. Even if narusaku doesn’t happen, narusaku still would have the best friendship relationship second to narusasu based on canon development.
Sakura wanted Sasuke to acknowledge her and her love. Naruto wanted Sakura to acknowledge him and his love. Sakura strived for Sasuke’s acknowledgement, just like the way Naruto strive for her acknowledgement. Even Hinata wanted Naruto to acknowledge her and her love. They are all the same. With this kind of set up someone won’t end up with who they wanted to.
I don’t expect kishi to write a great romance in his story. ITS a SHOUNEN, NOT SHOUJO. But for someone who claims to not know how to write romance he did built characters and bonds and developed some relationships and way better romance that most shoujo manga I’ve ever read… then he rushed it and then treated his shounen manga like a badly written shoujo where all of a sudden characters who have little development in their relationship just hooked up.
I’m not to going to be a hypocrite and have double standards and say that it’s okay for Sakura to fall for Naruto and say that its character development and then say he can’t fall for Hinata. Because he can fall for her, I like her unconditional love for naruto, because it is just like sakura with sasuke. But there has to be a resolution for naruto and sakura’s relationship because its been brought up so many times and that wasn’t answered which made people question the end pairing. Which made this all about ships to some. Some might say that it will be answered in the movie, but the movie wont change the fact that there is such a huge gap between 699 and 700. It’s a proof that 700 was rushed. The problem with NH is not Hinata, its Naruto – and its because NS didn’t get their resolution which was needed to be closed because it’s a plot hole.
Sakura - I can understand her crying in front of Sasuke, because she mostly had throughout the series when it came to him (nothing new) but when you reduce her back to a fan girl asking him if she can come with him last minute then you are stripping her the development she had throughout the series. It’s not about her blushing or stuttering. It’s fine that she wanted to go with Sasuke since now he’s on the right path with no plans ‘to kill a certain someone’ or wreck a village to the ground. The reason she asked to go with him (IMO) was because she wanted to help him in his redemption because honestly it was Naruto who redeemed him in their last fight and this could’ve been her chance to help redeem Sasuke without Naruto’s help, but there was no consideration that they just had a war and there is rebuilding to do. It’s inconsistent from how she was developed when you look at it. All the hardships she went through to get to where she’s at, it seems like she easily can drop it just to go with him. She obviously wanted to help him and be with him, but how about her duty to the village since they just went through a war and they were still rebuilding from Peins attack? They needed everybody to contribute to that and she’s willing to skip the needs of many for him – that reverts her back to her 12 year-old self when she was selfish and ready to be a village traitor just because of love. That undo’s her character development, her love is still the same but her character isn’t. When Sasuke apologized I was so happy because Sakura deserves an apology… but she asked “what for?” even though she did say later “you better be” the fact that she had asked ‘what for?’ is degrading to her dignity. Did you forget what he put you through? What made me mad about Sakura’s panel cleaning her house wasn’t the fact that she was cleaning. It doesn’t change that she’s a legendary medic or a NEO SANNIN. But of all things she could be doing why show that? Throughout the series she was developed so she can stand beside her team, trained to be a medic and to become powerful only to be put in a situation where she don’t have to be. If you use the same scenario but instead of cleaning the house but at home reading a scroll then it wouldn’t leave a bad taste in some people’s mouth. It would be like kurenai’s portrayal. NEUTRAL. There is a difference between skills development and character development and some SS fans mix that to excuse the blatant marginalization and stereotyping of women in the last chapter saying NS is just salty just because their ship is not canon, saying that NS hate sakura because she’s not with naruto. If you take off you shipping glasses if you disregard it for just moment then maybe this issue would make more sense beyond shipping wars. Another insult to her character was the fact that Sasuke isn’t home. Or even in the village for her or for her daughter. That’s what’s made me mad. It’s like he was still on his travels and only comes back occasionally. Ninja’s goes on prolong missions away from home, but why was this situation shown in the manga for his and sakura’s family? Wasn’t she developed so she wont be left behind? She was still left behind, and this time literally. Still waiting for sasuke to come back to the village. All of this ruined her development. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE ARE DISSATISFIED WITH HER AND THE ENDING. She is my favorite character and how she was portrayed did her character injustice. Don’t say that we don’t know whether he is always away or not because there is issue with their kids that I will touch on in a bit.
Same with Hinata, the purpose of her arc was to developed confidence and become a leader even if she is characteristically shy but you don’t see at least one panel of that at the end. Her resolution is only half answered in the manga. What happens to the branch family anyways? Neji and her arc was about the division of the family into main and branch. How it was resolve or not weren’t really addressed in the manga. Did she also stand beside Naruto after the war (besides being the love interest)? That’s why fans are commenting about how they are reduced to be just housewives, even though being a housewife isn’t a bad thing. Now the thing with her panel is that it doesn’t take away what she had accomplished throughout the manga even if we have questions about the state of the clan affairs. And so there isn’t much dissatisfaction towards her compared to Sakura. You know why? It’s because she was shown in a panel visiting neji’s grave, she was shown as a mother honoring the sacrifice of her cousin. It doesn’t take away everything she was built for because her character didn’t seem to backpedal from her development. Something that Sakura’s character was shown to do. That’s why there’s so much dissatisfaction with Sakura at the end. In addition, now that she’s canon with Naruto, she should’ve gotten more panels in the manga before the end to see them develop. Those narusaku are a waste of panel that could’ve been used to developed her or her relationship with naruto so it don’t seem rushed. The fact that her and naruto’s story is not fully in the manga pisses me off because as his muse it has to be in there. thats is why NS thinks NH is not that developed. And it took them two years after the war and a kidnapping scenario for them to get together? Why didn’t naruto give her his answer right after the war? That’s my gripe. That’s rude to make someone wait for an answer. Even sasuke said thank you to sakura in her 1st confession. What’s the excuse or reason that the response took that long? Was he still in love with Sakura during that 2-year time skip? He didn’t left the village like Sasuke so whats the excuse?
Then there are their children. I’m not going to insult them, they’re children.
If Naruto’s son has to act like that get attention then you know something is wrong and it seemed like this wasn’t the first time. And for a kage who can multiply himself a thousand times that’s a bit disappointing, or a plot hole…because during the war he made hundred copies of himself to fight in different fronts. And he can’t do that during the time of peace? I know kishi is portraying his feelings he had for his son while he was writing the series by paralleling it with naruto and boruto because that’s how he felt, and plus it’s a recurring theme that “a shinobi must endure”. It was a sweet gesture that would’ve made me cry but only made me hollow inside because it’s at the cost of making boruto harbor the same feelings of loneliness naruto felt. And this is sad because naruto and hinata are alive, and he is the son of the village hero/kage plus from a prominent clan, he wasn’t alone yet he felt that way. We rooted for Naruto because he was alone but this boy isn’t. He is just a son who wants his father’s time and attention – the father who we once rooted for as a boy because he was lonely. Ironic isn’t it? that’s why this doesn’t seem like the Naruto they’ve been reading.
Both naruto and sasuke know the best what loneliness is and yet they put their kids through the same shit they hated when they’re younger? What happened to the new generation surpassing the past? This era doesn’t seem any better from before.
Sasuke – who was redeemed because we finally see him take his first step to his road to redemption with the last few chapters that were in his perspective and what he felt throughout the series was finally brought to light. It would be wishful thinking to think that he would be back in the village without repercussions even if he did help win the war so him going on a journey for a while to find himself was a good compromise for his resolution. He, who struggled with his relationship with Sakura apologized and finally treats her nicely like a human. Then next chapter BAM! Married and have a child… but isn’t around much. WE KNOW THAT NO OTHER CLAN TREASURE LOVE AS MUCH AS UCHIHA, we know that the reason for his revenge was love. But THAT STILL DOESN’T EXPLAIN HIS ABSENCE from his family. if he loves so much then why is he away from them? The time skip was about 8yrs in ch 700 and he still hasn’t finished his reflection? When did you confess? Did sakura had to confess again? Then there’s the issue of his daughter. Sarada identifies with Bolt because of their dads…and that says something about Sasuke’s lack of parenting presence. She wouldn’t relate with bolt if Sasuke were always around. This is a man who’s family was murdered and went apeshit crazy for revenge because he wanted his family back yet he wasn’t even shown with his new family? You’ve got to be kidding me. The boy who valued his family wasn’t portrayed together with his wife and daughter. They’re just on the same page but in a different place, its cute to say aww sasuke had a connection with his daughter he heard her shannaro, but at what context? It still doesn’t change the fact that sasuke isn’t around for her that she can identify with naruto’s son’s loneliness.
I’ll add extra gripes to justify that the unsatisfactory ending isn’t just about ships like many of you SS claim that the rest of the unsatisfied fans are complaining about.
Tenten - this girl had so much potential but had little development. She aimed to be a legendary kunoichi just like Tsunade, got strong, only to be portrayed as a weapon merchandizer in the last chapter? I’m irked at that. That’s her resolution? Did she even reach her goal? It doesn’t take a way her skills but it didn’t tie her loose end thus she got no resolution.
Kiba – the one who also wanted to be hokage (even if it was for comedy since part 1 naruto) was portrayed flirting & talking shit about the hokage. Is that his resolution? What about his clan? Does he have a team? I’m supposed to be happy about this? I can’t.
Mei – one of the strongest kunoichi in the world and kishi made her worry about being single and unmarried? He had time to magically pair up these pairing but he couldn’t pair her with someone, anyone? She’s great but why highlight this issue? Just another reason why some people viewed kishi as a misogynist.
Tsunade – not trying to nitpick but in the panel with all the previous kage she’s wearing long sleeves, zoom in panel of her face with mei, her clothes doesn’t have sleeve. That’s inconsistent drawing. This is the last chapter. And you wonder why fans are unhappy? Obviously rushed even with his assistants, and this was “supposed” to be planned long ago? Obviously not.
Anko – lets forget that she used to live a traumatic life as a science experiment and was sadistic and bitter in the beginning of the series. Anko gaining weight doesn’t change her skills as kunoichi but this was a woman who was emotionally hurt from what she went through all of a sudden become happy going? When did she develop from her original character to how she is in the last chapter? it’s not that she can’t be happy but i highly doubt that her development would be shown in the movie. This is one of the reasons why the ending felt so rushed but its cute that she seem to care about her student to eat dango with chouchou.
Ino – She can’t be in torture and interrogation cuz it was too peaceful. It doesn’t change her ninjutsu skills or what she had accomplished before but it makes you wonder what she is now other than she had a family and pushing for them to continue the inoshikacho tradition. What of her rivalry with sakura in being the best kunoichi?
Chouji – his development was to learn to be a capable clan head from the teachings of his father, his character doesn’t show whether he reached that goal. No resolution. I love their daughter, her sass was real but you have to question how he met karui and how they developed. They don’t even have a panel in the manga together from what I remember. Which makes the last chapter obviously rushed even if she was foreshadowed to end up with a leaf ninja.
With kurenai its been established that she had given up her kunoichi career to tend for the next generation of will of fire, just like her father had asked her to. So don’t even compared her to Sakura and say no one s complaining about kurenai. There’s nothing to complain about that. Kurenai didn’t shit on her character development - from just being a kunoichi to someone who now nurtures the next generation of will of fire because she was consistent in her role.
Shino – most of what we’ve seen from him made it seem like he would have some clan business like being the clan leader. Then all of a sudden he is an academy teacher? I can see him with a genin team but not with a classroom full of student. he was never hinted to take this route. Is this his resolution to being acknowledge and not ignored?
Then TEAM TAKA/HEIBI – this is sasuke’s team seven 2.0 – all of them didn’t get any resolution and they’re just as important to his story. They’re not pairing fodders. What happened to jugo? Did he get his answer to the reason why kimimaro protected sasuke? Did suigetsu finally get all the swords and rebuilt a new generation of swordsmen? How about Karin, the last female uzumaki alive before ch 700?
Orochimaru & Kabuto - key villains of the series, didn’t get any resolution
Konohamaru – who parallel’s naruto in the past… didn’t understand bolt when he was just like him. Even when Iruka was there to explain (just like the 3rd hokage explained to Iruka) why bolt was acting up. He didn’t understand bolt the way naruto understood him. I question his regression in character development.
I have to mention all of this because some people think that the complain in the last chapter are just about sakura and about canon ships when in reality there is much to be dissatisfied about. Not many would complain about static characters or the other side characters because they also have little development. But whatever little character development they had in the series was assassinated in this chapter.
All of the character development towards pairing, approving or disproving them was thrown straight to the garbage can. Problem with the pairings is that we missed something in their resolution. These ships are valid, I’m not trying to invalidate them. But we were at the moment in the manga where these ships aren’t even considering dating because of the situation (war etc.) to all of a sudden married and had kids. So much for developing a relationship with someone you are going to spend the rest of your life with. That’s a case of bad writing, even if your ship sails to canon waters.
I’m happy that naruto finally has a family, I really am, hinata loves him, had 2 children with her. He’s finally hokage. Good for him. I’m happy that sasuke is no longer alone as well. He’s no longer the last Uchiha. Sakura finally got the man of her dreams. But I cant be happy with them being portrayed like that at the cost of their own character. This “happy ending” is nothing to be happy about for me.
I’d say more but this is long enough. I’M NOT TRYING TO DISRESPECT KISHI AND HIS HARDWORK, but that ending IMO as a fan didn’t do his own series justice. I can only hope that he is at least happy with his own work because I enjoyed it even if I am dissatisfied with the way the conclusion was handled. We’ve seen artists and writers who later on confess that they were dissatisfied with how they ended their own work. Feel free to tell me what I missed or where I went wrong, or what you think but do it nicely without being rude. I Hope I myself wasn’t rude and if I am tell me how was and I might rectify it. I just want to share this because I do appreciate both sasusaku and narusaku, but I’m tired of seeing some SS fans say that NS is just salty cuz their ship isn’t canon or that NS complain about sakura is because she’s with sasuke. I’d still be dissapointed even if NS happens if being with Naruto in the last chapter wasn’t inconsistent with how Sakura developed. Not everyone who didn’t like the ending is a NS fan, not everyone is a sheep where they won’t question how did that happen? What NS want was a resolution to their end that makes sense and doesn’t feel like a poor excuse to magically pair off with anyone and everyone. NH had basis to be canon, but so does NS. for the other fans it was too sudden for NH endgame without seeing their road to development. NS don’t have to end up together but it has to be explained. If NS theoretically got canon I’d still want Hinata to get her resolution with her relationship with naruto, if SK didn’t become canon I still want them to get their resolution.
How the fandom reacts is another thing, it doesn’t excuse them from reacting poorly but that doesn’t invalidates their argument especially if it does make sense, it’s a shame if they react poorly. BUT It’s also rude to the rest of the fans, whether they ship or not, to be called not true fans just because they are dissatisfied with the last chapter when they are just as invested as the rest of the fandom. It’s not a sense of entitlement to critique (within limit) or have a negative opinion about the ending because kishi got to where he is with his hard work AND with the help of his fans even if some of them question his writing.

1楼2014-12-16 06:00回复