阿尼利昂纳德吧 关注:9,376贴子:259,628



之前一直有关注翻译的事情,结果只有white flower translations明确表明会翻译所有的vn,但是贴出这个blog已经是10个月已经,blog中也说了暂时没法翻译阿尼的部分


IP属地:广东1楼2014-12-21 22:21回复
    Brief summary:
    1. It’s the 57th expedition tomorrow, and Annie’s on duty that day. So she asked her roommate, Hitch to report her sick the next day.
    2. Since Annie asked her a favor, Hitch decided to push her job to her. She now has to look for a girl (Carly) who ran away from home.
    3. Annie thought it will be simple, but it wasn’t. Annie went to Carly’s boyfriend place, and found him dead.
    4. When Annie left the house, she was caught by two bad guys.
    5. Annie titans up her hands to get out of the handcuff (stolen from her), but was shot. The bad guys soon got into a conflict and one of them was shot.
    6. Annie regenerated. She asks the guy who was shot for information about Carly.
    7. She broke into the office given by the guy, and rescued Carly.
    8. Carly says she’s not returning, and left (with Annie’s help).
    9. Eliot (Carly’s Papa) accepts that Carly’s not gonna come back.
    10. After everything ended, she slept soundly.
    Annie doesn’t own casual clothes
    She doesn’t want any, and doesn’t think they are necessary. She owns many long-sleeved hoodies, and she thinks that’s sufficient. In her closet, are many pieces of long-sleeved hoodie.
    Hitch sleeps on the upper-deck
    Annie and Hitch stay in a two-person room.
    Shower exist in that world
    And it’s hot shower.
    Annie and her father (She disobeyed him once)
    Chapter 12 talked about Annie and her father.
    Annie went against her father once. She was fed up with training, and her father said “What are you doing, don’t rest”. Then, Annie kicked his face and he fell to the ground. Then she kicked her father, who is still on the ground, multiple times in many places, with all her strength.
    Ever since then, her father had to limp around. Her father was impressed with her attack, and strengthen her training, subjecting her to a harsher training. “You can become even stronger”, he said, and Annie never went against him again.
    Annie and her father (Their conversations)
    Their conversations are always fixed. For example, “Where should you aim at to inflict the most damage effectively on the enemy”, “What attack combo should you use to effectively disable the enemy”, or “How to fight when you’re surrounded by many people”.
    Her father would ask the questions, and she will answer. He will praise her for every correct answer. This went on for years.
    Ruth D. Klein
    Name of the soldier Annie apologized to in Trost.
    But, Annie thought, just how many more people do I have to kill to accomplish my mission?
    Out of nowhere, she questions herself, and dug into her memories.
    The dead body of Ruth D. Klein came to her mind.
    One month ago in Trost ——— Dead bodies / blood / flies / rotting smell.
    Before her eyes lies a dead female body. It was bent in a weird angle.
    The top half of her face was gone. It has started to rot.
    Annie saw the name sew into the jacket ————- Ruth D. Klein.
    A classmate she spent three years training with.
    They have never spoken before.
    Annie stood in front of Ruth’s body.
    I’m sorry ————— Before she realised, she had said that.
    It’s pointless to apologize. We have to bury them soon ——————- Reiner Braun said.
    But Annie never moved an inch.
    In the end, Reiner carried the body onto the cart, together with many other bodies.
    Note: Please take note that Marco is dead

    IP属地:广东3楼2014-12-21 22:22
      Lengthy summary
      —Chapter 1—
      It’s the day before the 57th expedition, in the Military Police quarters in Stohess. Annie woke up. It was her off-day. Hitch has already woken up, and is taking her long shower. As Annie readies herself for the morning, she reminds herself of her mission, what happened in Trost and her task for tomorrow.

      IP属地:广东4楼2014-12-21 22:23
        —Chapter 2—
        Annie waited in her room, dressed in her Military Police uniform, for Hitch. She had a favor to ask her.
        The room is like a rubbish dump, filled with all sorts of rubbish, which includes moldy bread, and worn underwear. No matter how much Annie cleans, Hitch will mess up the room in half a day, and Annie eventually gave up. Hitch takes long shower, especially on her off-day. On her off-day, Hitch will dress up, and head to the capital by boat with her girls for shopping, tea-time, snacks, gossips, and to dance with the guys. That’s also the Wall Sina style. Hitch finally emerged from her long shower. Annie approaches Hitch, who is now at the dressing table, checking for pimples and brushing her hair.

        "Can you report me as sick for the city patrol tomorrow?"
        "Fine, but why?"
        "I have business to attend to."
        "You could do it today. It’s your off-day."
        "That is not possible."
        "You really can’t do a thing about it?"
        "I can’t."
        "Hmm", Hitch said, "Then, I’ll do you a favor."
        Amazing. If that counts as a ‘favor’, then you already owe me many, Annie thought, but didn’t say it. Well, if I succeed, I wouldn’t need to return anyway. But if I fail, I’d have to come back.
        Hitch passed her a paper ———— a portrait of a girl.
        Carly Stratmann, 20 years old. ~160cm. ~50kg. The only daughter of Eliot G. Stratmann, the president of the Marleen Company. A senior Military Police pushed this task to Hitch five days ago. Now, Annie has to look for her. But there’s no need to go searching for her seriously. All she needs is to write a report saying that “She can’t be found”, and be done with it. Still, she decided to do it since she’s free anyway, and doing so will take her mind off her mission.
        "So, what kind of person is he?"
        "Your business. You’re meeting a guy. What kind?"
        "A 15m titan."
        "Heh", Hitch was surprised, "I didn’t know you could joke. Even though it isn’t funny."
        After finishing her breakfast in the canteen, which is pretty much deserted except for ‘old man’ Marlo in his uniform despite his off-day, she steps outside, under the hot sun.

        IP属地:广东5楼2014-12-21 22:23
          —Chapter 3—
          To learn more about the girl, Annie visits the father, Eliot G. Stratmann. Annie sat on the sofa in the waiting room, and waited. It’s a very comfortable sofa. Annie has never sat on such a comfortable chair in her life. Just then, the father, Eliot came in.
          "Why is a stranger sitting on the sofa in my house without my permission?"
          "I apologize. I’m Annie Leonhart, from Military Police, Stohess Branch. I’m in charge of looking for your daughter…"
          The father, Eliot had requested for a search ten days ago, and was shocked at the lack of news. He suspected that no search took place for the past ten days. “As a veteran businessman”, he says, “I have acquired the ability to see through lies.” Seeing that it’s pointless to lie to him, Annie told him the truth; no search have taken place for the past ten days. “Even though I paid lots of taxes, all I get is a newbie to look for my daugher”, he laughed at himself. Despite that, he decided that it’s fine to entrust Annie with the search. He then began to talk about the circumstances behind his daughter’s disappearance.
          His daughter failed to show up for dinner two days before he sent out the search request.
          "When did you last see her?"
          "The day before."
          "Was there anything off with your daughter that day?"
          "From what I could see, none."
          "What did you two talk about?"
          "I don’t remember."
          "What did she do that day?"
          "I don’t know."
          "Do you know who your daughter associates with?"
          "I don’t know."
          "The places she frequents?"
          "I don’t know."
          "What does she usually do?"
          "I don’t know."
          Carly graduated from Heinrich University three years ago and returned to this town. She majored in Chemistry. The father-daughter only sees each other during dinner. Other than that, they stay out of each others’ business. There were no ransom request so the possibility of a kidnapping is slim. Listening to his words, Annie starts to find it strange. He must be hiding something, Annie thought.
          "I have no idea what my daughter is thinking about."
          "There are no father who understands what their daughter is thinking about."
          The butler came into the room, and passed a note to Eliot.
          "Do you have any more questions?"
          "No. This is sufficient."
          Annie left the waiting room without receiving any clues.

          IP属地:广东6楼2014-12-21 22:24
            —Chapter 4—
            Annie returned to the Military Police Branch, and went to the Documentation Room to look for information regarding the Stratmann family. She couldn’t find any on the daughter, but plenty about Eliot.
            Stratmann Eliot Gutenberg. Born in 804, 46 years old. President of Marleen Company. Took over the company after the sudden death of the previous president. Not under surveillance by the Military Police.
            Marleen Company. Established in Year 815. Mainly operates in Wall Maria. Buys in grain, handicraft, beer, etc and sell them to retailers in Wall Sina, earning huge profits. In Year 845, when Wall Maria was breached, they lost businesses, suffered from huge losses, and had to downsize. Their only operation now is Marleen Carriage; a transport business that was started in Year 832.
            Annie returned the documents, and thinks. The Company is in decline, and yet Eliot managed to maintain such high standard of living. The transport service can’t possibly earn enough to support that. He must have other sources of income.
            The pieces of puzzle finally matched up. Carly is not working. That means she must be living off Eliot’s money. Yet, he spoke of her as if she’s independent, as if she’s an equal. Eliot mentioned that he “doesn’t mind her going out for a stroll after dinner”. If she walked around the streets at night, she is bound to get caught by the Military Police; look into the Questioning Records. Looking through every record starting from Year 850, Annie finally found “Carly” in Year 848. It wrote that she was drunk, and was sitting in front of a bar late at night. Annie headed for the bar, Pit Redoz.

            IP属地:广东7楼2014-12-21 22:24
              —Chapter 5—
              Annie pushed open the swing doors and entered the bar. It reeked of beer. Three people were drunk at a table, a young man is sitting on the left end of the counter, and an old man is sitting at the right end. The bartender is in the counter. Time to gather information.

              Annie walked towards the counter.
              The old man sitting on the right end noticed Annie, and approached her.
              He looked drunk/Shirt full of stains/Pants full of holes.
              He stinks. He reeks of piss and beer.
              What is the Military Police doing here, the old man asked.
              Annie showed him her Military Police badge and the portrait of Carly S.
              She asked if he knew the girl.
              But the old man didn’t look at her badge nor the portrait.
              He was staring intensely around Annie’s nose. His eyes were rather cloudy.
              However, the old man seems to be really drunk and eventually left. She asked the bartender, but he said he didn’t know. The young man left the bar. She showed the portrait to the three guys; two shorties and a Squinty-eyes, who were being really rude to her, and asked them. From their eyes, it’s obvious they knew, but they said they don’t. Annie searched and found Codeine, an illegal drug on them. After threatening them, they finally talked about Carly.
              Carly comes here every night. She always treats them and other drunkards to beer. Carly is surprisingly generous, and she dances too. She is cute and popular. She’s kind. Everyone love Carly. However, she suddenly disappeared ten days ago. The last time they saw her, she was really angry because she saw Mr Squinty drinking Codeine. She won’t get angry if it’s Dixie or Benji, but they have no idea why she gets angry at Codeine. They don’t know what Carly does, but she seems to be rich. And five days ago, a seemingly dishonest man with an artificial eye was looking for Carly.
              Annie learned about Carly’s boyfriend’s address and name - Wane Eisner - from the bartender. He might know something about her, the bartender says.

              IP属地:广东8楼2014-12-21 22:24
                —Chapter 6—
                Annie took a lunch break at a square, while thinking about her mission and what happened in Trost. (Her thoughts are translated here)

                IP属地:广东9楼2014-12-21 22:25
                  —Chapter 8—
                  Annie took a moment to consider what actions she should take next. With her mission in mind, she decided the best course of action is to find Carly, and report Wane’s death anonymously. She returned the house to the original state, locked the door, and left.

                  IP属地:广东11楼2014-12-21 22:26
                    —Chapter 9—
                    She thought as she walked towards the waiting carriage.
                    Did someone kill Wane, and took Carly? No. The door was not locked to slow discovery, and there were no signs of a fight. Maybe Carly wasn’t there?
                    Did the murderer want the Codeine? No. The Codeine was not taken. And there were no signs that the house was searched.
                    Did Carly kill Wane? I wonder, it’s possible.
                    Codeine. It’s a new illegal drug that showed up two years ago in the Captial. And was introduced to Stohess just recently. It’s expensive, of high quality, and highly addictive. If Wane and Carly are both smugglers, how did they obtain so much stock?
                    Annie boarded the waiting horse carriage, and told him to head towards Eliot’s place. But the carriage didn’t move off. She felt something off and tried to get off, but a man came in. Another man boarded from the other side. The Coachman got off, and a third man replaced him. The first guy trusted a knife at Annie’s side. He looks old and is wearing a fedora. His right eye is artificial.
                    The carriage started running. The young man took Annie’s notebook and handcuff. He then handcuffed her hands behind her back. He’s also interested in Annie’s ring, and took it.
                    "I’ll have this ring, Miss"
                    That was a man Annie recognized.
                    "You were in that bar just now."
                    "I wonder."
                    "You were drinking at that counter. I couldn’t forget your stupid face even if I want to."
                    The young man took out a pistol, and spoke into her ears, ”Miss, know your place.”
                    "I told you this before, Luu, don’t be rude", Artificial-eye spoke, while looking through her notebook.
                    They are heading towards the factory area. They spoke about a waste liquid container that’s there.
                    "I heard it can melt practically anything", Luu said.
                    "Seem like your brain got melted too", Artificial-eye said.
                    Annie and Artificial-eye spoke during the journey, about how he had heard from Eliot that Annie is acting alone. They knew about Wane’s death, but and claimed that they didn’t kill him. They are reaching the factory area soon.
                    "Hey, I have a request before I go swimming in that waste liquid container."
                    "Say it", Artificial-eye says, "I’ll see what I can do."
                    "Could you return me the ring that refined gentlemen took?”
                    "He won’t oblige", Luu said.
                    "Shut up, Luu", Artificial-eye snapped.
                    "I received it from my Dad when I left my hometown", Annie lied, "If I have that, I can at least sink in peace."
                    "Return that, Luu."
                    "I won’t, Waldo."
                    "Return it."
                    Luu returned the ring. Seems like he didn’t notice the mechanism on the ring. I guess his brain is already melted.
                    The horse carriage entered a deserted street of warehouses. Annie decided to titan up to ruin the handcuff…In theory, it is possible to titan just the hands. Annie flipped the mechanism on her ring with her finger.
                    A small explosion ensured. The handcuff was shredded into pieces. The air turned steamy as Annie removed her hand from the titan. She emerged from the steam, and looked around. Waldo is crouching on the ground, coughing, and Luu has fallen on the ground. The Coachman has fallen on his backside and has pissed himself. Annie asked Waldo where Carly is. Waldo took out a cigarette, and started smoking.
                    "You’re a titan. Suddenly appearing, and ruining everything."
                    Annie didn’t reply.
                    She heard footsteps behind. It was Luu. When she realized that, he had fired a shot from his pistol. Annie was shot in the stomach. Even the wall behind her had a bullet hole. She now has to concentrate on regenerating.
                    "Can you stand, Waldo?"
                    "Ya, somehow."
                    "He’s done for. Let him lie there." A shot was fired.
                    "Relax. I’ll take over the job properly."
                    "You killed Wane, didn’t you?"
                    "I don’t know."
                    "Why did I take in such a rude guy like you-"
                    A shot was fired.
                    Luu walked towards Annie, and took the ring.
                    "Miss. I’ll have you return this."
                    His footsteps grew softer. The Coachman screamed. A shot was fired. He finally left.
                    Her wound has stopped bleeding. She still needs some time before the wound closes up, but she’s able to move now. Annie asked Waldo, who was shot in the stomach. He might not last long.
                    "Where is Carly?"
                    "In my office."
                    "Who are you guys, and what do you do?"
                    "We’re handy-man. We were hired by Eliot Stratmann few days ago to look for his daughter."
                    Waldo and Luu were hired by Eliot Stratmann. They were in charge of looking for Carly, and found Wane. Wane knows where Carly is, and also her secret. He promised to tell them both if they help him out in something; to blackmail Eliot Stratmann with Carly’s secret, obtain ransom money for Carly, and make him use up his entire fortune. Waldo and Luu joined in the plan, locked up Carly, and blackmailed her father.
                    "We are supposed to exchange his daughter for money in two days."
                    "What is her secret?"
                    He didn’t seems to have heard it.
                    "Just a bit more, and we could have gotten a windfall. Then it’s goodbye to this town."
                    "That is, if I didn’t show up."
                    "It’s not your fault. What did you do just now? What are you?"
                    "You said it. I’m a titan."
                    "That was just a metaphor."
                    "Of course."
                    Waldo eventually breathed his last.

                    IP属地:广东12楼2014-12-21 22:26
                      —Chapter 10—

                      The sun set, and night-time came. Annie went to the main street to catch a horse carriage, and told him where to go. Once she reached the office, she hid in the shadows of the building across the street and observed. There are lights, and guys having a happy time on the second floor. To play safe, Annie waited until they are drunk.
                      OK, let’s go. “Waldo Richter Private Eyes” was carved into a wooden sign hanging on the door. Annie knocked and the door opened. Annie showed off her super-ness, by taking down five guys, including Luu, and retrieved her ring.

                      "Is it over?" It was a redheaded girl…Carly Stratmann.

                      IP属地:广东13楼2014-12-21 22:27
                        —Chapter 11—
                        —On the second floor of bar Pit Redoz
                        "Wane is dead."
                        "Poor thing."
                        Annie told Carly the gist of what happened. Carly already knew nearly everything. She heard about it from Wane. That is, other than his death.
                        "What is your secret?"
                        "I don’t plan to live in the prison."
                        "I just want you to return home. I won’t arrest you no matter what you did. I’m just curious."
                        "I created Codeine."
                        "You made those?"
                        "Yes, I did."
                        Carly Stratmann majored in Chemistry at Heinrich University.
                        The boss is her father, Eliot Stratmann. The transport service “Marleen Carriage” transports them to the capital.
                        "But Codeine is a new drug that came from the capital."
                        "That’s right. No matter what, it won’t be sold in this town. That was the condition I proposed to Papa for me to make Codeine. If he obeyed it, I will make all that he needs. That was our rule."
                        "But he broke the rule, and started selling it in this town."
                        "Our clients in the capital are the wealthy folks. They are well-informed about the drug. So they won’t buy recklessly. But people in this town are different. That’s all."
                        "That’s why you were angry that a drunkard at the bar possessed Codeine."
                        "Yes. I asked Papa about that later on. He tried to persuade me. And I thought that was the best timing."
                        "So you left home. What did you do after that?"
                        "I stayed with Wane for a while. I wanted to leave the town with him. But he doesn’t want to. He tried to persuade me to return home. But I refused. Then those two guys appeared…and you know the rest."
                        Wane wanted money. He didn’t seems willing to leave the town with Carly. Wane wanted her to be his partner in extortion, and locked her in the office when she refused. Furthermore, Wane tried to jump the gun with Luu. “According to what you just told me, I’m sure Luu betrayed him too”, Carly said, “I pity Wane.”
                        "You never planned to return home in the first place? If you don’t return, I will be very troubled."
                        "I’m very sorry about that."
                        "You not returning?"
                        Carly shook her head. Annie heaved a sigh; her one million sigh for the day.
                        "Why did you make Codeine?"
                        "I just want Papa to make a comeback after he lost everything."

                        IP属地:广东15楼2014-12-21 22:27
                          —Chapter 12—
                          Military Police, Stohess
                          There was a note from Marlo on Annie’s desk. It was a message from Eliot Stratmann.
                          - I heard about my daughter from this guy called Wane. He said two guys were looking for my daughter.
                          - Because Wane Eisner found out, he got targeted by the two guys. I want you to meet up and speak with him.
                          - Wane’s address
                          The note was written before Annie searched Wane’s house.
                          Annie prepared a fake permit for access to Wall Rose at the office, and returned to the bar, Pit Redoz. Carly was dancing with the drunkards. She noticed Annie, and came out. Carly received a bag filled with cash from the bartender, and they bid farewell. She had stored most of her earnings from the Codeine sales with the bartender. Both of them headed towards the walls.
                          As they were nearing the walls, Annie’s stomach growled. She had not eaten anything after lunch. Carly heard it, and bought some donuts for her. It’s the first time Annie has eaten something so sweet and delicious. While Carly sat beside her and smoked. When they’re done, Annie passed her the fake permit.

                          Carly accepted the permit and thanked her with a smile. Annie tried to return the smile, but that didn’t went well.
                          "I’m leaving now."
                          After a while, she walked towards the walls, and slowly melted into the darkness.

                          IP属地:广东16楼2014-12-21 22:28
                            —Chapter 13—
                            Eliot Stratmann’s residence
                            "Do you think my daughter will return?"
                            "Ah, I don’t mean right now."
                            "I’m not sure. She might return one day, or she might not return at all."
                            "No. I’m sure she will never return."
                            Annie told him everything.
                            Eliot Stratmann started smoking a cigarette. It had a rare smell. Eliot said it was made in Wall Maria, and only he is able to smoke it now.
                            "You killed Wane Eisner."
                            After stating her guess, Annie explained her reasons for it.
                            The note from the butler Eliot received in the morning came from Wane. Wane was watching Eliot, and saw Annie (Military Police) entering the house. Wane thought he was busted and decided to get the money from Eliot Stratmann earlier than planned and run away. He wrote a note and passed it to the butler. I’ll return your daughter. Prepare the money and come to my house, was written on it. After Annie left, Eliot Stratmann went to Wane’s house. It ended with Wane dead.
                            After Eliot hurried home, Waldo came to visit him. This was because Luu saw Annie asking around at the bar, and knew the Military Police is onto it. Why was Luu at the bar? He was probably waiting for Wane. Whatever the reason, Waldo wanted an explanation from Eliot, who told him that Annie was working alone, and said she was heading to Wane’s place, to make Waldo head to Wane’s place too. But Waldo already expected Annie to be headed to Wane’s place since she already went to the bar. So he already had Luu stakeout at Wane’s place. That was why Waldo misunderstood that Luu killed Wane. After Waldo left, Eliot went to the Military Police Branch, and left a note. This was to make the two people scapegoat for Wane’s death. He wants Annie to believe the two guys killed Wane with the note.
                            "That’s all? It’s nothing but speculation."
                            "There were some cigarette butts in the ashtray at Wane’s place. It’s the same as that. You did mention only you can smoke it?"
                            "That’s nothing but physical evidence."
                            "Of course", Annie says, "Maybe all you did there is drink, smoke, and chatted with Wane. Then, you passed him the money, and bid farewell with him. Nothing happened while you were there. Maybe it was Luu who killed him afterwards.
                            However, if you didn’t kill him, there’s no need for you to leave me a note. I cannot think of why you had to do that. Because if it was really necessary, you could have told me about Wane while I was here.”
                            "You shouldn’t have left me this note", Annie continues, "If you didn’t…"
                            "That was an accident. That bastard never planned on returning me my daughter. He tried to make me drunk, and take my money…"
                            "Who cares about that", Annie says, "Before that, could you please stop smoking?"
                            "You can’t order me around. This is my house. I can do…"
                            Annie snatched the cigarette from his hands, and extinguished it with the wine in the glass.
                            "I’ve been breathing in the smell of cigarette and wine since this morning.
                            Everyone I met today drink and smoked, or do drugs. Other than Wane, of course. I’m already sick of all these wine, smoke, and drugs.”
                            "Why are you so angry?"
                            "I am not angry", Annie spoke, irritated, "I’m just tired, and exhausted."
                            It was past midnight, and Annie was really tired. Let’s end this, she said.

                            IP属地:广东17楼2014-12-21 22:28
                              —Chapter 14—
                              Wane sunk into the waste liquid container quietly.
                              "Why did you help me?"
                              "Don’t be mistaken. I’m just helping myself."
                              "But it still helped me in the end."
                              "You have lost your daughter. Which means losing your business. You will lose everything once again. Perhaps, no one will lend you a helping hand again this time."
                              "There is nothing worse than this", he laughed.
                              Eliot Stratmann stopped his horse carriage in front of the Military Police Branch. Annie got down and went towards the barracks. Eliot called out for her to stop, and said.
                              "Come by my house anytime when you’re free. I’ll treat you to delicious food."
                              "Thank you very much."
                              "But I have no idea if I’ll be able to visit. I might be leaving this town."
                              "You’re transferring?"
                              "No. I might be returning to my hometown. If I’m lucky."
                              "I see. Wish you luck."
                              "You too, Mr. Stratmann."
                              "Good night."

                              IP属地:广东18楼2014-12-21 22:28