来来来,我起头,大家一起唱:”Single boy, single boy, single all the way. Online game, masturbate, we go all the way, hey! Single boy, single boy, why not be a gay? No more wait, no more hate, let us all be gay!”
Single boy, single boy, single all the way. Online game, masturbate, we go all the way, hey! Single boy, single boy, why not be a gay? No more wait, no more hate, let us all be gay! ” 唱得好 - - -在最光辉灿烂的时候把生命一下子玩到尽头、就是永恒。
Single boy, single boy, single all the way. Online game, masturbate, we go all the way, hey! Single boy, single boy, why not be a gay? No more wait, no more hate, let us all be gay!
”Single boy, single boy, single all the way. Online game, masturbate, we go all the way, hey! Single boy, single boy, why not be a gay? No more wait, no more hate, let us all be gay!”唱的还是好