Discover today the Might Heroes of the Silver Cities. Even if Academy is well-known for its magic Masters, there are also powerful warriors and leaders in the desert. All of them have the ability "Metamagic", allowing them to trigger synergies between spells to unleash even more power and destruction on the battlefield. 今天来一窥银色城邦的力量英雄。纵使学院的魔法大师闻名遐迩,在沙漠中也不缺强悍的战士和领袖。这些英雄都有“元变魔法”能力,可以使魔法之间产生谐振,以此诱发出更大的能量和杀伤力。 巫术之刃 - Blademage Blademages are the warriors of Academy. They wield magic powers but still rely mostly on the might of their troops. Masters of Prime Magic, they prefer offensive spells to any other kind, and harness the full power the magical pyramids. 巫术之刃是学院的战士。尽管也能驾驭魔法,但他们更依赖强大的军力。他们是源力魔法大师,对攻击类的法术情有独钟,并能将金字塔的威力发挥的淋漓尽致。 Main skills: Metamagic, Prime magic, Warfare 擅长技能系:元变魔法、源力魔法、军备学 炼金师 - Alchemist Alchemists are the greatest economists of the desert, able to make gold out of sand, they are also amongst the best scholars of Ashan. Decent spellcasters, they focus only on Prime and Water Magic, and remain mostly army generals. 炼金师是沙漠中伟大的经济学家,能够点沙成金,也是亚山数一数二的学者。他们的法术能力尚可,专攻源力和水系法术。大多数都任职为军队将领。 Main skills: Metamagic, Economy, Paragon 擅长技能系:元变魔法、经济学、典范学 法爵 - Sheriff Sheriffs are the law officers of the Academy faction, and came to prominence during the Purge of the Necromancers. While they can lead armies on the battlefield, they focus on defense and are the most proficient casters of Light Magic of their faction. 法爵是学院的律法官,在役亡师大清洗中崭露头角。他们虽然也能胜任军队领袖,但更重视防守,对光明魔法的精通在本势力中无出其右者。 Main skills: Metamagic, Diplomacy, Light Magic 擅长技能系:元变魔法、外交术、光明魔法