Chipmunk Facts: Chipmunks
A Picture Book for Kids About Chipmunks
By Lisa Strattin
© 2013 Lisa Strattin
All rights reserved. No part of this book maybe reproduced by any means
whatsoever without the written permissionfrom the author, except brief portions
quoted for purpose of review.
All information in this book has beencarefully researched and checked for
factual accuracy. However, the author andpublisher makes no warranty, express or
implied, that the information containedherein is appropriate for every individual,
situation or purpose and assume noresponsibility for errors or omissions. The reader
assumes the risk and full responsibility forall actions, and the author will not be held
responsible for any loss or damage, whetherconsequential, incidental, special or
otherwise, that may result from theinformation presented in this book.
I have relied on my own observations as wellas many different sources for
this book and I have done my best to checkfacts and give credit where it is due. In
the event that any material is used withoutproper permission, please contact me so
that the oversight can be corrected.