看到一篇有意思的文章 小黄书的两位主演采访的时候明显不合 akota Johnson and Jamie Dornan just wrapped the most uninspired press tour in history, that included one of the most uncomfortable interviews I’ve ever seen. 分歧者系列的演员也是对此片漠不关心 In the New York Post review for Insurgent, Lou Lumenick said, “Practically everyone you’re watching seems to be wishing they were somewhere else.” If you didn’t know the context, you’d have to flip a coin to decide which movie he was talking about. 新生代演技代表之一miles teller表示拍摄分歧者的时候内心如死灰般,毫无兴趣, Teller, mind you, is on record explaining to W magazine that he was “feeling dead inside” while filming Divergent, adding, “I didn’t have an interesting part, and I’d taken the film for business reasons: It was the first movie I’d done that was going to have an international audience. I called my agent and said, ‘This sucks.'” (He recently told The Hollywood Reporter that he was likely “more burnt out than bored,” but, come on dude; you can’t unsay “dead inside.”) 我记得以前暮光主演小K和五方也是对影片没啥兴趣 YA系列片能做到像HP和THG的真是不容易。。。