14 24 DANNY GOKEY More Than You Think I AmBMG-CHRYSALIS 2135 +448 6.166 10 With a whopping increase of 448 spins this week, #MTYTIA breaks into the top TEN on the big CCM chart!!– May 23rd Chart Update
15 22 DANNY GOKEY More Than You Think I AmBMG-CHRYSALIS 1553 +117 4.509 14 A #14 spot for #MTYTIA and it’s nice to see #HIFOM doing well on the recurrent chart at #12 and 1118 spins! (May 9th Chart).
15 9 DANNY GOKEY More Than You Think I AmBMG-CHRYSALIS 818 +81 2.843 14 It increases to 887 spins, but remains at #14 on the 5/23/15 chart. #14 on the chart and 4th most increased play on the chart!
10 13 DANNY GOKEY More Than You Think I AmBMG-CHRYSALIS 923 +75 0.156 6 Still #7 with 969 spins. #7!!! Plus, third most increased play on this chart and a 3 spot jump!! Highest position on any chart.