Good morning, distinguished professors and teachers, thank you forattending the oral defense. I’m Jiao Luyun and come from class 3. My supervisoris associate professor Zuo Yan. I would like to express my deepest gratitude toher. With her consistent guidance and valuable suggestions, I have finished mypaper. Now I will present my efforts to you and gratefully welcome anysuggestion.
The title of my paper is Analysis onEvolution of European Costume under Ideology Change. I choose this as my topicdue to the following reasons.
Firstly, I am very interested in costume study.Costume is a common but important element in humanities culture. As is known to all, nowadays, lots ofpeople wearing more and more strange clothes, and will always heart such a sentence:why is that man wearing such a queer clothes. What’s wrong with him? And at ourschool, we will see lots of students from Xin Jiang province will wrap theirhair. All of these let me feel very interesting.
Secondly, I foundthat, in modernsociety many people believe there is no essential relationship between ideologyand costume, but almost all studies on costume cultures include religion andfairy tales. Therefore, it can be seen that researches on costume by humanbeings all subconsciously try to find points of penetration from the changes inideology. Moreover, data show that the period of change for European costume isalso the period of human ideology reform.
Thirdly, I chose “costume”not “clothes” as my topic, because I think clothes means cover, while costumemeans decorate.
For the abovefacts, I select this title.
Next, I willpresent the outline of my thesis. It consists of 5 parts.
Thefirst part gives a brief introduction to and structure of the thesis, andthebackground and necessity of the present research is expressed, which mainlyshows the author’s interest and reason for choosing such a topic.
And the second part isliterature review, briefly introducing the development of study of ambiguity and some scholars’s main views.
The thirdto the fifth sectionsshow the detail of ideology and costume evolution in Ancient Europe, Europe in Medieval ages, and Modern Europe. In each thesethree parts, I choose some significant periods to prove my point, using “ideology”,“costume”, and “connection” these three parts. Well you can see the “connection” is a specificsummarize I used at the end of each parts.
The last part is thecomprehensiveconclusion of the whole thesis,
I hope by this contrastive research, we willhave a better understanding of costume evolution. May be its not useful to ourEnglish study, but I think this essay is a good chance for me to learn such ahuge history by myself, and it really expand my knowledge. May be after readingmy work, you will also feel satisfied for knowing such a new knowledge.
When reading the final draft, I still find myargument is not so comprehensive and improvements are needed. So welcome yourprecious suggestion.
That’s all. Thankyou.
The title of my paper is Analysis onEvolution of European Costume under Ideology Change. I choose this as my topicdue to the following reasons.
Firstly, I am very interested in costume study.Costume is a common but important element in humanities culture. As is known to all, nowadays, lots ofpeople wearing more and more strange clothes, and will always heart such a sentence:why is that man wearing such a queer clothes. What’s wrong with him? And at ourschool, we will see lots of students from Xin Jiang province will wrap theirhair. All of these let me feel very interesting.
Secondly, I foundthat, in modernsociety many people believe there is no essential relationship between ideologyand costume, but almost all studies on costume cultures include religion andfairy tales. Therefore, it can be seen that researches on costume by humanbeings all subconsciously try to find points of penetration from the changes inideology. Moreover, data show that the period of change for European costume isalso the period of human ideology reform.
Thirdly, I chose “costume”not “clothes” as my topic, because I think clothes means cover, while costumemeans decorate.
For the abovefacts, I select this title.
Next, I willpresent the outline of my thesis. It consists of 5 parts.
Thefirst part gives a brief introduction to and structure of the thesis, andthebackground and necessity of the present research is expressed, which mainlyshows the author’s interest and reason for choosing such a topic.
And the second part isliterature review, briefly introducing the development of study of ambiguity and some scholars’s main views.
The thirdto the fifth sectionsshow the detail of ideology and costume evolution in Ancient Europe, Europe in Medieval ages, and Modern Europe. In each thesethree parts, I choose some significant periods to prove my point, using “ideology”,“costume”, and “connection” these three parts. Well you can see the “connection” is a specificsummarize I used at the end of each parts.
The last part is thecomprehensiveconclusion of the whole thesis,
I hope by this contrastive research, we willhave a better understanding of costume evolution. May be its not useful to ourEnglish study, but I think this essay is a good chance for me to learn such ahuge history by myself, and it really expand my knowledge. May be after readingmy work, you will also feel satisfied for knowing such a new knowledge.
When reading the final draft, I still find myargument is not so comprehensive and improvements are needed. So welcome yourprecious suggestion.
That’s all. Thankyou.