You could say that this book is “God’s latest word on things,”
although some people might have a little trouble with that,
particularly if they think that God stopped talking 2,000 years ago or that,
特别是如果他们认为上帝在2000 年以前已经不再说话,
if God has continued communicating,
it’s been only with holy men, medicine women, or someone who has been meditating for 30 years, or good for 20, or at least halfdecent for 10 (none of which categories includes me).
也只是与一些圣人、女巫医,或者一些打坐30 年,行善20 年,或者至少10 年来非常正派的人(哪一类都不包括我)。
The truth is, God talks to everybody.
The good and the bad. The saint and the scoundrel.
And certainly all of us in between. Take you, for instance.
God has come to you many ways in your life, and this is another of them.
How many times have you heard the old axiom :When the student is ready, the teacher will appear? This book is our teacher.
Shortly after this material began happening to me, I knew that I was talking with God.
Directly, personally. Irrefutably.
And that God was responding to my questions in direct proportion to my ability to comprehend.
That is, I was being answered in ways, and with language, that God knew I would understand.
This accounts for much of the colloquial style of the writing and the occasional references to material I’d gathered from other sources and prior experiences in my life.
I know now that everything that has ever come to me in my life has come to me from God,
and it was now being drawn together, pulled together, in a magnificent, complete response to every question I ever had.
And somewhere along the way I realized a book was being produced—a book intended for publication.
Indeed, I was told specifically during the latter part of the dialogue (in February 1993) that three books would actually be produced,
事实上,我是在这一对话的后半段(1993 年2 月),才具体地了解到正在出三卷书,
and that
1. The first would deal mainly with personal topics, focusing on an individual’s life challenges
and opportunities.
1. 第一卷将主要涉及个人问题,聚焦在个人生活中的各种挑战和机遇。
2. The second would deal with more global topics of geopolitical and metaphysical life on the
planet, and the challenges now facing the world.
2. 第二卷将涉及更带全球性的问题,这个星球上的地域政治和超自然的生活。以及这个世界正在面临的挑战。
3. The third would deal with universal truths of the highest order, and the challenges and opportunities of the soul.
3. 第三卷将涉及最高秩序的宇宙真理,以及灵魂面临的机遇和挑战。
This is the first of those books, completed in February 1993.
这本书是这些书的第一卷,完成于 1993 年2 月。
For clarity I should explain that,
as I transcribed this dialogue by hand, I underlined or circled words and sentences which
came to me with particular emphasis—as if God were booming them out—and these were
later placed in italics by the typesetter.
I need now to say that I am—having read and reread the wisdom contained here—deeply embarrassed by my own life,
which has been marked by continued mistakes and misdeeds, some very shameful behaviors, and some choices and decisions which I’m certain others consider hurtful and unforgivable.
Though I have profound remorse that it was through others’ pain, I am unspeakably grateful for all that I have learned, and found that I have still yet to learn, because of the people in my life.
I apologize to everybody for the slowness of that learning.
Yet I am encouraged by God to grant myself forgiveness for my failings and not to live in fear and guilt but to always keep trying—keep on trying—to live a grander vision.
I know that’s what God wants for all of us.
Neale Donald Walsch
Christmas 1994
1994 年圣诞