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【搬帖/翻译/科普向】飞向冥王星:新视野号·New Horisons



IP属地:吉林1楼2015-05-28 22:34回复
    《Mission Timeline/任务时间线》

    Launch: January 19,2006
    Launch Vehicle:Atlas V 551 first stage; Centaur second stage; STAR 48B solid rocket thirdstage
    运载火箭:第一级:“宇宙神”-5 551型;第二级:半人马座;第三级:Star 48B固体火箭发动机
    Location: CapeCanaveral Air Force Station, Florida
    Trajectory: To Plutovia Jupiter Gravity Assist
    The Voyage/旅程

    Early Cruise: Thefirst 13 months included spacecraft and instrument checkouts, instrumentcalibrations, small trajectory correction maneuvers and rehearsals for theJupiter encounter. New Horizons passed the orbit of Mars on April 7, 2006; italso tracked a small asteroid, later named "APL", in June 2006.
    Jupiter Encounter:Closest approach occurred February 28, 2007. Moving about 51,000 miles per hour(about 23 kilometers per second), New Horizons flew about 3 to 4 times closerto Jupiter than the Cassini spacecraft, coming within 1.4 million miles (2.3 millionkilometers) of the large planet.
    InterplanetaryCruise: Activities during the approximately 8-year cruise to Pluto includedannual spacecraft and instrument checkouts, trajectory corrections, instrumentcalibrations and Pluto encounter rehearsals.
    During the cruise,New Horizons also crossed the orbits of Saturn (June 8, 2008), Uranus (March18, 2011) and Neptune (August 25, 2014).
    Pluto System Encounter/与冥王星系的交会

    In January 2015, NewHorizons entered the first of several approach phases that will culminate withthe first close-up flyby of the Pluto on July 14, 2015. At closest approach,the spacecraft comes about 7,750 miles (12,500 kilometers) from Pluto system andabout 17,900 miles (28,800 kilometers) from Charon.

    【New Horizons observations of the Pluto system areplanned well in advance, with each instrument programmed to perform specificfunctions as the spacecraft speeds toward, past and beyond Pluto and its moons.Here’s a look at the playbook the team will follow for using the Long RangeReconnaissance Imager (LORRI) and Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC)component of the Ralph instrument on approach to Pluto. (Note that the book issubject to updates and revisions.)】

    IP属地:吉林3楼2015-05-28 22:36
      Guidanceand Control/导航与控制
      New Horizons must beoriented precisely to collect data with its scientific instruments, communicatewith Earth, or maneuver through space.
      Attitudedetermination – knowing which direction New Horizons is facing – is performedusing star-tracking cameras, Inertial Measurement Units (containingsophisticated gyroscopes and accelerometers that measure rotation andhorizontal/vertical motion), and digital Sun sensors. Attitude control for thespacecraft – whether in a steady, three-axis pointing mode or in aspin-stabilized mode – is accomplished using thrusters.
      The IMUs and startrackers provide constant positional information to the spacecraft’s Guidanceand Control processor, which like the Command and Data Handling processor is a12-MHz Mongoose V. New Horizons carries two copies of each of these units for redundancy.The star-tracking cameras store a map of about 3,000 stars; 10 times per secondone of the cameras snaps a wide-angle picture of space, compares the locationsof the stars to its onboard map, and calculates the spacecraft’s orientation.The IMU feeds motion information 100 times a second. If data shows New Horizonsis outside a predetermined position, small hydrazine thrusters will fire tore-orient the spacecraft. The Sun sensors back up the star trackers; they wouldfind and point New Horizons toward the Sun (with Earth nearby) if the othersensors couldn’t find home in an emergency.
      Operators usethrusters to maneuver the spacecraft, which has no internal reaction wheels.Its smaller thrusters are used for fine pointing; thrustersthat are approximately five times more powerful are used during the trajectorycourse maneuvers that guide New Horizons toward its targets. NewHorizons spins – typically at 5 revolutions per minute (RPM) – duringtrajectory-correction maneuvers and long radio contacts with Earth, and whileit “hibernated” during long cruise periods. Operators steady and point thespacecraft during science observations and instrument-system checkouts.

      IP属地:吉林9楼2015-05-28 22:40

        IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端11楼2015-05-29 10:51

          IP属地:福建12楼2015-05-29 12:31
            【Flying with anRTG/带着RTG(放射性同位素热电式发电机)旅行】
            【How hot is the RTG? Sensors attached to the outsideof the RTG case before launch pegged the case temperature at about 245 C(nearly 475 F). When New Horizons reaches Pluto, engineers estimate thetemperature will have dropped to around 208 C (406 F) – thanks to a combinationof distance from the Sun and fuel decay.】
            【The RTG is not hot enough to produce visible light,but it does emit infrared (or thermal) radiation.】
            【At launch the fuel produced almost 4,000 watts ofthermal power; of that, New Horizons used about 25 watts of the waste heat towarm the spacecraft. Electrical power output of the RTG was about 245 watts.Some of that electrical power (about 120 watts) is also reused after poweringcomponents to help heat the spacecraft. The rest of the RTG heat and any extraelectrical power are radiated into space.】
            【Many scientific instruments work better when theyare cold; that’s one reason why they are located on the opposite side of thespacecraft from the RTG. New Horizons also has a heat shield around the base ofthe RTG to avoid a direct line of sight from the instruments to the RTG. Thesedesign features help avoid any interference from the RTG with scientificmeasurements.】
            New Horizons'electrical power comes from a single radioisotope thermoelectric generator(RTG). The RTG provides power through the natural radioactive decay ofplutonium dioxide fuel, which creates a huge amount of heat. Unlike fission orfusion nuclear reactions, the RTG simply harnesses the heat produced and turnsit into electricity.
            The New HorizonsRTG, provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, carries approximately 11kilograms (24 pounds) of plutonium dioxide. Onboard systems manage thespacecraft’s power consumption so it doesn’t exceed the steady output from theRTG, which has decreased by about 3.5 watts per year since launch.
            Typical of RTG-basedsystems, as on past outer-planet missions, New Horizons does not have a batteryfor storing power.
            At the start of themission, the RTG supplied approximately 245 watts (at 30 volts of directcurrent) – the spacecraft’s shunt regulator unit maintains a steady input fromthe RTG and dissipates power the spacecraft cannot use at a given time. By July2015 (when New Horizons flies past Pluto) that supply will have decreased toabout 200 watts at the same voltage, so New Horizons will ease the strain onits limited power source by cycling science instruments during the encounter.
            The spacecraft’sfully redundant Power Distribution Unit (PDU) – with 96 connectors and morethan 3,200 wires – efficiently moves power through the spacecraft’s vitalsystems and science instruments.

            IP属地:吉林13楼2015-05-29 20:09
              蓝猫淘气三千问吧常驻------来自 爱贴吧 Windows8.1 客户端

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