Mackerel Tabby Pattern - Dominant of all tabby patterns. The face shows unbroken lines from the outer eye running backwards away from the eye. Forehead shows a distinct "M" with vertical pencil lines over the back of the head meeting the shoulders. A dark bold line runs along the spine to the tip of an evenly ringed tail. Distinct necklaces on neck and chest area. Defined dense narrow pencil lines (ideally unbroken) down the flanks resembling a Tiger. Legs are barred with bracelets upwards toward the torso.
Vertical pencils lines over back of the head. 头后部有垂直细线纹路 Tabby showing ringed tail. 虎斑的尾巴有环状条纹 Brown Mackerel Tabby showing line along spine 脊柱有(直线)条纹的棕色鱼骨刺 Bracelets on legs. 腿上的链状斑纹 Brown Mackerel Tabby showing body stripes. 棕色鱼骨刺身体上的条纹
Classic or Blotched Tabby - Dense bold and clearly defined markings. Face shows unbroken lines from the outer eye running backwards away from the eye. Forehead shows a distinct "M". Bold dense swirls on cheeks. Vertical lines over the head that extend to the butterfly shoulder markings with distinct upper and lower wings marked with centre spots. From the butterfly shoulder markings, a dark bold vertical line each side of the spine extends to the tip of an evenly ringed tail. Large solid blotch on both sides, which should be symmetrical, encircled by one or more unbroken rings. Double row of buttons on stomach and chest. Bracelets on legs upwards toward the torso. This pattern has a swirling marble effect.
Vertical line either side of the spine. 脊柱两侧有垂直线条 Butterfly on shoulders. 肩膀处蝴蝶状斑纹(如果翻译到成肩膀上的蝴蝶大家会不会笑喷,我笑自己想的时候绝对笑了有半分钟!......忽然发现没有笑点啊) Marble effect. 弹珠效果(23333333我又笑了好久啊。好吧这是开个玩笑的,其实我准备翻译成“大理石纹效果) 传统虎斑只有三张图,如果各位吧友有其他图片可以放粗来哈~
Spotted Tabby - Face shows unbroken lines from the outer eyes running backwards away from the eye. Forehead shows a distinct "M" with vertical pencil lines over the back of the head meeting the shoulders. Defined bold stripe (ideally composed of spots) runs along the spine to the tip of an evenly ringed tail. Clearly defined spots (preferred) evenly distributed down the sides. Bracelets on legs upwards toward the torso.