nds联机吧 关注:1,095贴子:4,330




IP属地:吉林1楼2015-07-12 15:02回复
    错误提示码 出错原因 解决办法
    10001 NDS系统有问题 请检查修理您的DS
    10002 连接的NDS文件相关问题 把连接文件擦除,重建和存取点相关的文件
    10003 WIFI ID相关问题 擦除连接ID并重新建立
    20100 找不到无线AP 确认AP和DS距离10米内,周围无其它信号干扰
    20101 高峰时期连接不上 请稍候重试
    20102-20106 WIFI ID相关问题 删除现有ID,重建新WIFI ID
    20107 非法卡带(该WIFI ID未通过任天堂审核) SC卡带升级解决该问题
    20109 非法ID连接 重建WIFI ID
    20110 正尝试连接的游戏不再被任天堂支持 更换其它游戏
    30000 WIFI其它无线设备的干扰 请确保周围没有其它无线设备的干扰
    50000-50002 搜寻时没有发现任何热点 检查你的网络
    50003 搜寻时没发现任天堂USB连接器 确保DS和任天堂USB连接器在10米以内,无其它信号干扰
    50099 DS没有找到可用的无线AP 1.检查你的无线路由电源是否接好 2.检查无线路由的无线接入是否开启 3.试着寻找一个AP信号良好的地方再试
    51099 数据格式出错 1.SSID设置错误,请检查SSID设置是否正确 2.AP支持模式错误,请将信号模式改为支持IEEE 802.11b协议模式
    51100-51102 WEP密码问题 请检查并重新输入WEP密码
    51103 不能连接WIFI服务器 保证连接在有效范围内
    51200-51299 热点繁忙无法连接 在非连接高峰时期,重新尝试连接
    51300 WEP密码被拒绝 1.检查你的无线路由是否设置了WEP密码 2.检查DS上的WEP密码与无线路由上的是否相符 3.检查WEP密码中是否有非法字符(HEX格式下不能有0~9及A~F以外的字符)。
    52000 DS不能获取IP 重新尝试是否能获取IP
    52000 无效IP/无法获取IP 1.检查你所设置的IP地址是否正确。 2.检查你所设置的IP地址是否和其它设备冲突(PC/笔记本/网络打印机等)。 3.如果你设定的是自动获取IP地址,请检查中由器的DHCP Server是否开启。
    52004-52098 AP与DS的DHCP设置不相容 请检查路由器的DHCP设置并重新连接
    52100 网络通信失败 1.检查当前的网络连接情况,看你的PC是否能正常上网。 2.检查DS设定的默认网关是否与你无线路由的IP地址一致。 3.检查DS设定的DNS是否正确。 4.PC上尝试ping一下DNS服务器地址,看其是否正常工作。 5.如果当前DNS服务器地址没有正常工作,请更换一个。
    52103 DNS服务器设置错误 查询正确的DNS设置,并重新输入
    52203 无法连接到网络 检查你的无线路由器是否正确连接到网络
    53000-53099 设备与任天堂WIFI不兼容或发现一个暂时错误在服务器上 请检查设备并重新重新再连接
    61020 IP地址分配出现问题 把ADSL断开重联
    61070 IP获取问题 清空原有设置重新设置WIFI连接
    60000-69999 服务器繁忙 1.过一段时间再进行连接 2.关闭所有的防火墙

    IP属地:吉林2楼2015-07-12 15:02

      IP属地:江苏4楼2015-07-27 16:23

        IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端5楼2015-07-31 19:04

          IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端6楼2015-08-09 20:42

            IP属地:福建来自Android客户端7楼2015-08-11 23:53

              来自iPhone客户端8楼2015-08-12 06:45

                IP属地:北京来自Android客户端9楼2015-08-23 20:23

                  来自Android客户端10楼2015-08-25 11:19

                    IP属地:云南来自Android客户端14楼2016-01-02 22:16

                      IP属地:广东15楼2016-01-25 18:48
                        Error Codes - ALTWFC
                        20100: Connection to the Access Point succeeded, but connection to the Wi-Fi Connection servers couldn't be established. Either you forgot to set the DNS and are trying to connect to the now-defunct official servers, or the custom server is currently down for maintenance. May also be a result of not properly patching your game to remove the SSL checks.
                        23404: Internal server error - To server admins: This usually means that Apache's virtual hosts aren't found on the server (or if nas_server.py is using port 80 when Apache is also using it) - naswii is returning HTTP 404
                        23503: Game server offline but reachable outside of game (i.e web server is up)
                        23913 - User ID creation denied for banned user
                        23914 - Banned - Access to the server is denied
                        51300-51399: The Wii is unable to connect to the access point. Double-check the settings and try again.
                        52100-52103: Your DS can't contact the server. It could be a problem with your internet or the server could be temporarily offline.
                        52200-52203: This error seems to appear when attempting to connect to the server multiple times without properly disconnecting first. Reboot your console and try again.
                        60000: Error relating to your user profile. Most likely, you're trying to connect to the custom server using save data that still has your Friend Code from the official server stored in it. On the DS, you should be able to fix this by deleting your NWFC Configuration as described here, on the Wii you either have to delete your save file for the game you're trying to connect with or manually remove friend code information by editing your save file. This may improve in the future.
                        61020: Profile Server unreachable. Probably not a problem on your end.
                        61070: Profile Server unreachable
                        81010: The server has been shut down or restarted for maintenance. This error can also mean you were kicked from the server
                        84020: QR Server unreachable. Probably not a problem on your end.
                        86420: A direct connection was attempted with another player but the connection failed. Possible reasons could be firewall, ports or latency.
                        98020: The gamestats server is not implemented. If you have well-documented packet captures from the official WFC, you should file an issue with them and perhaps a volunteer programmer can implement it. For the time being, the game is unsupported. 61010 Game Unsupported

                        IP属地:吉林17楼2016-01-25 20:55

                          IP属地:山东来自Android客户端19楼2016-11-18 11:43

                            20楼2017-01-16 20:18

                              21楼2017-05-01 20:48