45:20[桃树][乌龟永别] 【这一片段是乌龟和师傅的对话,对此导演做了十分详细的解读,原文奉上】 (To kill off a character) is actually changed a lot of the tone of the film. It meant that we were going to have to be deeper and richer. You can't do that in a trivial film. But he knows Shifu's struggling, he's seen Shifu struggling for many years. He doesn't ever give the answers. He's always gently guiding. I think this is a moment where we like to think it's very clear that right here Oogway makes his decision to leave, because he knows that Shifu isn't going to be able to do it as long as Oogway's around to be a crutch and to be relied on. Oogway know "It's my time." Oogway chooses this departure time, I'm getting goosebumps. It's a beautiful, emotional moment. We didn't want to be a parody, a spoof, we didn't want to be jokey, we wanted to be significant and deep and rich. And our actors, Randall Duk Kim and Dustin Hoffman we really asked them to dig in for the sequence, to make it heartfelt, to make it believable. Dustin had to be anguished and conflicted. And Randall had to be calm, at peace... For Oogway this is an adventure, it's not a bad thing, that he's moving on. He's OK with it. It's Shifu who's very not OK, with losing his mentor, his master, and his safety net, really, for everything that's about to come. And also, there's some back-story where Oogway knows that Shifu's destiny is to be the next Oogway, and I think Shifu spent a lot of his young career probably hoping to be the Dragon Warrior himself. It wasn't until he believed he failed. He wasn't good enough, didn't believe in himself, he believed he failed, he wasn't good enough, didn't believe in himself, which is thematic to the film, that he became a teacher. And he thought "I'm going to raise create the next Dragon Warrior," Shifu's been on this track of "I failed at my mission." Oogway's known,"No, there is a greater mission for you." Which is where Oogway gives him his staff and says.. "You're now me. You need to take over the role of..." Which Shifu doesn't get. Shifu doesn't understand. He's using the staff as a weapon. He'll actually go on in a forceful way that is very strange.
中间部分没有截取,因为聊得都是人物设定和剧情,不好“断章”。 到片尾字幕,导演特别点出clothing system(服装系统) [CLOTHING SYSTEM] The clothing system was designed to follow the characters and allow the characters to move a lot. There was so much hand animation that had to occur to make all the cloth look perfect. 可见工程量繁复!