Rarity: "1",
Effect: "攻撃力を+100増加"
Increase ATK by 100
Rarity: "3",
Effect: "攻撃力を+500増加"
Increase ATK by 500
Rarity: "5",
Effect: "攻撃力を+1000増加"
Increase ATK by 1000
Rarity: "1",
Effect: "防御力を+100増加"
Increase DEF by 100
Rarity: "3",
Effect: "防御力を+500増加"
Increase DEF by 500
Rarity: "5",
Effect: "防御力を+1000増加"
Increase DEF by 1000
Rarity: "1",
Effect: "回复力を+100増加"
Increase REC by 100
Rarity: "3",
Effect: "回复力を+500増加"
Increase REC by 500
Rarity: "5",
Effect: "回复力を+1000増加"
Increase REC by 1000
Rarity: "1",
Effect: "最大HPを+1000増加"
Increase HP by 1000
Rarity: "3",
Effect: "最大HPを+2000増加"
Increase HP by 2000
Rarity: "5",
Effect: "最大HPを+3000増加"
Increase HP by 3000
Rarity: "5",
Effect: "攻撃力・防御力・回复力・最大HPを15%アップ&攻撃时、BC・HC出现率が少しアップ"
Increase ATK, DEF, REC & HP by 15% & increase BC+HC drop rate when attacking
Rarity: "5",
Effect: "攻撃力・防御力・回复力・最大HPを15%アップ&攻撃时、HPを吸収する"
Increase ATK, DEF, REC & HP by 15% & absorb HP when attacking
Rarity: "2",
Effect: "ODゲージの上升量をかなりアップ&BBゲージの上升量を大幅アップ"
Greatly increases OD gauge fill rate and Huge increase to BB gauge fill rate
Rarity: "7",
Effect: "HP20%以下の时、一度だけ戦闘不能を耐える効果が発动"
Gives Angel Idol buff once when HP goes below 20%
Rarity: "7",
Effect: "スフィアがカテゴリに関系なく装备可能になる"
Equip any sphere combination regardless of category
Rarity: "7",
Effect: "确率で3回まで戦闘不能を耐える"
Chance to receive Angel Idol buff up to 3 times
Rarity: "7",
Effect: "被ダメージが一定値を超える度に确率で戦闘不能を一度だけ耐える効果を付与"
Chance to reapply Angel Idol effect once every time the amount of damage receive surpasses a certain threshold
Rarity: "5",
Effect: "获得経験値が少しアップ"
Slight increase in EXP gained
Rarity: "6",
Effect: "获得経験値がアップ"
Increase in EXP gained
Rarity: "7",
Effect: "获得経験値がかなりアップ"
Greatly increases EXP gained