请修改我翻译的5个句子,指出语法错误就行。原句:1我们社区没有这样的人。2你认为他们队为什么能赢得那场足球赛呢?3即便他邀请我,我也不去参加他们的聚会。4他们没回家,我与其说是担心,还不如说是恼火。5很多人喜欢中国好声音评定歌手的方法。 译:1、There's no such man in our community. 2、Why do you think did their team win that football match? 3、Even if he invites me,I won't join their party. 4、they didn't come back ,I am more worried than annoyed. 5、Many people like the way to judge singers in the voice of China.感激不尽。。