[On Individuality - Part Two/Sanakan]
At the time of her annihilation (Death?) Sanakan was certainly in posession of a personality.
However at the same time, there is the problem of if she was in posession of of this kind of individuality from the start or not.
Also, as a High Level Safeguard, I can't say that that kind of feature is to be primarily expected.
The kind of personality (consciousness) that a High Level Safeguard has is enough to clear the so-called "Artificial Intelligence Problem" of the Turing Test easily.
However on the other hand, I don't believe Safeguards are the kind of thing that would have been regularly given individuality to that degree.
So for what purpose do they have individuality? Make no mistake, it's for Silicon Life to use in battle.
In general, even though Silicon Life originate from human beings they are too irrational!
As Maev and Ivy are not representations of this, being somehow superhuman, and it would be impossible for a more mechanical AI to be able to face off with such beings who are capable of thinking on their own.
And so, they dealt with the people who have so-called unauthorized access by exterminating them but the regular Silicon Life weren't able to deal with the task so then, I believe, they began preparing Safeguards with personalities attached.
But I think their primarily specified personality is like the first time when Sanakan appears and actually the little enigmatic high level safeguard-esque boy (?) who shows up in LOG.4.
So then, why in the first section did Sanakan end up that way?
By the way, while they're obviously Safeguards, there are some such characters with incredibly strong personalities, right?
Why yes, it's Dhomochevsky and Iko!
About these two, they're an unusual occurance in BLAME! and, well, I've drawn out their origin.
In Log.43, I've already written about them as being "created" as "Special Safeguards" and you might remember that I explained them as an emergency system of the Layer.
It appears that I've written about Dhomochevsky's memory, and while these two seem to have their own personalities now, actually none of this is true.
Without any mistake, having what is "AI" was important when the problem of Anti-Silicon Life arose and the Netsphere couldn't be connected to. In the meantime, they were born (?) of a need for autonomical machines to provide security and were put in to operation.
During the time when the Netsphere was down, you can imagine a modern-day computer that can't connect to the internet or LAN. Even though you have the browser software, it can't function. And while you can't update your Anti-virus ware, virii (Silicon Life) get into your system via software or data that you install. It's something like that, right?
So, wouldn't they just continue their fight forever?
Maybe more than 250 year...?
Iko's body failure was actually related to his AI, wasn't it.
Probably if there had been enough electric power, I believe he could have become an actual entity.
However, the data from his original body had also been erased, or possibly damaged, or it had been maybe already in a state where it couldn't be saved?
Anyway, even without a real body, he was equipped with a personality but he can't be said to have been alive. He still behaved like an AI.
In spite of that, those two had human-like personalities.
The point of all this is that they acted upon their individual for a very long time and "came to be human" in a way.
If a really great personality program is installed and run for a long, long time, maybe one can eventually become human.....
And if that's the case, then didn't Sanakan become "that" as well?
With that kind of feeling in mind, I also drew the Builders in the process of becoming installed with personality.
In the beginning they only had the usual combat intelligence, but probably, at that time when Cibo was in symbiosis with one for ten years, it worked, didn't it?
Even after Cibo finally got her body back, there was some influence from the Builder, so she ended up with a personality that was different from a regular high-level Safeguard.
Then, the Safeguards were discarded as an organization.
That kind of overspecialized variety was no longer needed and so the decision was made.
They were simply switched off and so they entered a sleep-like state without pain or discomfort.
And then they were called in by the Governing Agency.
To arrest the Level 9 that had gone berzerk.
Cibo's personality still remained in the Level 9 but she lacked rational behavior, from the perspective of a simple Safeguard the Agency was in the wrong, and in general, within the Safeguard system, arresting or harming allies is quite difficult.
Then came Sanakan's turn, who's level had already risen more than enough.
Sanakan, Dhomochevsky, and Iko all had full blown personalities by the time of their last moments. I feel a sorry for them, don't you?
But they themselves probably didn't feel such a deep emotion.
Born to function, annihilated as a function.... that's the way it is.
Sanakan, who was present at the final battle, took her battle form as a natural part of her functioning. But I think she may have personally downloaded her original body.
[Mystery of the Informal Level - 2/Mystery of the Safeguard?]
On the Informal Level one of the most mysterious things is that there is Safeguard "clothing."
What the heck is clothing to a downloaded Safeguard's basic form?
Well about that, it's a part of the system. For those two who were unable to download twice, clothing is something for use in emergencies. In case it ends up being important, might as well include it in the download, right?
[Killy? Explanation # 3 - Mechanic Intelligence vs. Organic Intelligence]
In general it is recognized to some degree (I think) that Sci-fi is a genre which predicts the future.
In the things that have been written up until now (maily awful stuff) have become the personification of the genre.
So then these themes have been repeated again and again to the point of being annoying.
[...2001], Benford's work, the Terminator series, "Sentoyousei - Yukikaze", etc. the list goes on and on and there are so many others of the Man vs. Machine type.
Certainly, those kind of stories arise.
Because those kind of people existed.
And then, about the Governing Agency, before, when everything in the sphere of human existance over the whole world was translated into Network Space, it was of course dangerous.
Just considering the idea, it's pretty frightening, isn't it?
However, once someone's been transferred there's no going back so in the future AIs fight against things with organic intelligence. When that happens, in order to immediately reverse that reaction, safety equipment is included.....?
Something like that...
In Dhomochevsky and Iko's "Creation" episode you can see they had a lot of parts layered on top of eachother and the meaning got really deep...
The inclusion of all those things was in the root of the system.
Parts were replaced by software and even the worst parts of it weren't completely deleted.
Then suppose if the machine started committing murder. Then the safety equipment would awaken and stop it.
Anyway, somehow, it happened that things got all messed up. Mechanical Intelligence annihilated the humans. From the beginning the regulation signals included in the system were targeted and destroyed.
And with all that, at that point in time, the System did...... something?
Whatever it did..... is as of yet unknown.
Simply, if I recall, a lot of stuff fell into its bowels.
For example, the time when the Governing Agency's Proxy Organism made contact was the first time the determined and independently acting Killy took Cibo as a partner.....
Perhaps the Governing Agency was no longer able to contact Killy since he was acting independantly.
But if that was so, then who was that "Woman with the Dog".....?
[Killy? Explanation #4/Why the Coelacanth?]
When Killy was revived after being annihilated by the Level 9, he had a dream sequence before he was restarted. LOG.2/Memory of earth. In that dream, the woman and the dog were mostly symbolic.
I think this obviously has some relevance to Dhomochevsky and Iko's creation scene.
The woman is Iko and the dog corresponds to the coelacanth.
Killy is obviously, and the self-consciously, the human.
Since it's like a memory of his self growing up, you can see that Killy's form is completely unlike Dhomochevsky and Iko, who were created that way from the beginning.
At least he wasn't that way at first.
However, there's no doubt that the body Killy has now is not "the same body" he was born with.
If this was not the case, there would be no explanation for his body's specifications and fighting ability.
So then, at that first "Remodelling for Battle" and afterward, the memory of his "birth after changing" and the scene before he is ressurected....? In all the ways Killy is "born," that woman, just like Iko, is supporting him along with her dog.