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来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-12-13 10:47回复

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-12-13 10:48
      Can you give us an introduction to the episode you’ve writtenthis year?
      TheDoctor is an all new man and has been for a while. It may have slipped his mindthat out there, in a very tangled and complicated way, is his wife that hasnever seen this face before and doesn’t even know about this incarnation. We’reabout to stand with the Doctor and see what River is like when she doesn’t knowhe’s looking. We’re about to see what River thinks of Matt Smith turning intoPeter Capaldi.
      What made you wantto write this episode?
      RiverSong meets the Capaldi Doctor, that’s got to be fun – I’d like to write that.That’s what made me want to write. I knew it had to be a big romp for Christmasday and there’s nothing like River Song to make that evident – River brings awhole storm of camp glamour to it.
      Is it any differentwriting a Christmas episode of Doctor Who?
      Yes, youneed to have a bit of Christmas in it, but that’s never felt to me like atremendous impediment, it’s a hook to hang it on. Sometimes we go veryChristmassy – ‘A Christmas Carol’ was incredibly Christmassy, so was ‘The Doctor,the Widow and the Wardrobe’ and ‘The Snowmen’ had the appearance of Christmaswithout being very Christmassy. Last Christmas is actually the leastChristmassy episode we’ve ever done, except for the fact it actually had SantaClaus in it – I rather loved last Christmas. This year’s episode startsChristmassy and has a comedy romp!
      Do you enjoy writinga Christmas episode?
      I likeChristmas specials – I know some people don’t. Some friends of mine don’t likeChristmas specials very much and they’re always complaining about all thetinsel, the goodwill and the twinkly stars, and the lovely snow on therooftops. I love all that, I love Christmas as a day and as a festival. I lovethat it’s dark, twinkly and rich red, all those things I adore so it’s no hardshipfor me at all.
      Who is KingHydroflax?
      KingHydroflax is a very bad King, who as it turns out is mostly cyborg – in factonly his head has remained. He’s a vicious, terrible and deeply stupid man anda dreadful tyrant.

      5楼2015-12-13 11:01