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翻译head fi上对于福徕斯的评价


1楼2016-04-01 17:43回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2016-04-02 00:20
      Pros: Sound, Versatility
      Cons: Memory wire makes fitting harder
      Product link: http://www.lendmeurears.com/flc-8s/ (apparently currently out of stock)
      So... This is my first time writing a review after lurking in the depths of Head-fi for three years, so bear with me
      A bit about myself - I'm a female student from HK studying in the US. I mainly listen to classical, instrumental and pop, and in general I tend to enjoy headphones that are balanced with a touch of warmth. I also value a wide soundstage, accurate positioning, and to a slightly lesser degree clarity and micro-detail retrieval. I should also mention that I'm not very tolerant towards sibilance and shrill treble in general. As a student I can't really get expensive gear all the time, so the FLC8S are my second pair of top-tier IEMs. I got these during the "Double 11" Chinese holiday discount, when these were priced at USD $250. These have over 50 hours of burn-in, most likely 100 hours, on them.

      3楼2016-04-06 16:50
        关于我自己有点 - 我是来自香港的一个女学生,目前在美国留学。我主要是听古典,器乐,流行,一般我倾向于喜欢那些具有一丝暖意均衡的耳机。我也很看重宽声场,定位准确,以及在稍小的清晰度和微观细节检索。我还要提到,我对齿音声和刺耳的高频极其难以接受。作为一名学生,无法负担得起昂贵的器材,所以FLC8S是我的第二对顶级入耳的。我在中国的双十一节日期间购买了打折的产品,当这些被定价为USD $250元。需要经过起码50小时到100小时的煲机

        5楼2016-04-06 16:54
          The FLC8S, from FLC Technology, is a dual BA/single dynamic hybrid released this year. Its biggest selling point was the 36 different sound signatures that you could switch between by way of nozzles and filters. It's been reviewed by ljokerl in his huge IEM thread, but they haven't received much attention around here, even though I feel like they're one of the best universal IEMs I've ever listened to. As such, I've decided to write a review on these, so that more head-fiers can get to know and appreciate this pair of amazing IEMs.
          Setup used:
          Portable: LG G4 --> Dragonfly 1.0
          Desktop: MacBook Air --> Objective2 Combo

          6楼2016-04-06 17:02
            便携式:LG G4 - >蜻蜓1.0
            台式:MacBook Air的 - > Objective2组合

            7楼2016-04-06 17:04
              配对1:红色(高亚低音) - 格雷(MED低音) - 金(MIDS高/中高音)
              配对2:红色(高亚低音) - 灰/黑(MED低音/高低音) - 黑(?!配有中频()/中高音)
              配对3:黑色(医学子低音) - 格雷(MED低音) - 青(MED MIDS /高高音)
              天啊,这些东西都不错。开箱,他们听起来十分自然和清晰。声场很宽敞,人声是亮点,低音质感很好,但不太多,不够轰......解析强于威士顿4,非常清楚。细节是非常好的 - 我能听到从EXID最小的呼吸声 - 和人声显得非常自然。因为适应了w4的高频,不过flc8s高频更清晰,多一点亮度,没有刺耳到无法忍受的地步。好像我已经十分满意出厂设定。
              正如我已经说过,我对齿龈非常敏感。从各方面来看,这不是一对超高亮耳机,即使与绿色或蓝色的嘴,你可以把它燃烧你的耳朵出边界。随着高音少快乐调音,然而,高音很清晰,毫不费力 - 它只是在那里。甚至当我用绿色的高音喷嘴,我也并不会觉得油很多齿音。在管弦乐,尤其是高音明亮的乐曲中- 刚好够就可以保持细节和平滑度之间的完美平衡。钹冲突的声音很活泼,精力充沛,均衡。这是一个相当不错的平衡。随着更多的高音快乐喷嘴,还有更多的细节(和齿音),但正确的调整和正确的轨道它可以使管弦乐曲听起来令人难以置信的详细。空气流通也使得高音非常自然的 - 这并不仅仅局限于绿色喷嘴,它是金色和黑色喷嘴相同,都拥有非常棒的空气感。
              我非常喜欢FLC8S的中频,尤其是与金嘴!人声显得非常轻快,细致;女中音的声音超级毒人 - 感觉就像我在听现场戏曲表演。没什么多说的,人声非常的棒。
              低音完全是低频的参考,耳机非常线性(Brainwavz B2,看着你) - 稍微比这更令人兴奋的。它增加了另一个层面的音乐,让声音更加拓展开来,有大提琴和低音提琴的不断出现;但他们没有糊 - 他们只是在那里,好像一切。低音的解析力非常强大,用一个漂亮的隆隆声,我真的不注意到任何中低音驼峰 - 可能是因为我使用的是中低音端口 - 所以低音非常严格控制的整个方式。这也是相当快 - EDM爱好者可能会得到满意的低音。我与这些如何处理低音区真的很高兴 - 他们的控制是如此的强大,如此的抢眼,却不张扬,不会影响别的频段,当我需要它。也许我最喜欢的全谱的一部分。
              这是令人难以置信的一致 - @Flcforrestwei已经做了很好的工作做司机的交叉。这很难由一个单一的声波签名来描述他们,但总的来说,我会说他们是相当均衡,以及对无论是冷端(与绿色喷嘴)或温馨的一面(高低音)稍高于。有没有明显的驼峰在任何地区就我而言,他们是相当宽敞的,无论你做他们什么。声场很宽,相当准确的定位,因此即使你曲柄低音起来没有面纱。他们也没有人造的音色,我有时会从其他耳机获得(特别是一些入耳带有金属外壳) - 一切听起来很自然,我注意到,特别是中频,他们才显得那么轻松流畅又细致。这是一种美妙的感觉。
              我觉得像喷嘴之间的差异/端口是非常明显的,他们真的做了很多改变声音,但最终整个声音的风格是不会被改变的,检索细节和伟大的控制 - 没有调整可以改变这种状况。这是一件好事。 :○
              组合1:红色 - 灰 - 金
              这是我用了很多声乐为重点的歌曲。我觉得它给了我足够的低音隆隆声和兴奋打气一块,但它并没有压倒人声。与金喷头,人声突出,流畅的通风 - 非常非常逼真,仿佛我在看现场表演。我觉得像“神奇的红色滤镜”只是帮助改善一切 - 贝斯存在,温暖,平衡等,使用黑色过滤那种需要从整体的兴奋之遥。
              组合2:红色 - 灰/黑 - 黑
              我平时听流行歌曲这个组合,主要是因为它的所有光谱中最多才多艺的和平衡的。它不提供任何区域的任何重视,一切都在频谱光滑 - 不拱,无峰 - 甚至件未掌握了很好的声音相当的音乐。此外,红色滤光片再次执行其神奇的工作最多,ING的魅力 - 听跳舞流行音乐的时候碰壁是不可思议的。当我使用黑色的端口,而不是灰色的人,在FLC8S瞬间就变成一个更加偏重低音的耳机,如同对Westones在数量上,而且表现在我看来,更多的控制。
              组合3:黑 - 灰 - 绿色
              明亮漂亮的组合 - 我想这是不是我的事。我错了。
              听人声一片本,绿色喷嘴绝对指甲高音。收听管弦乐作品(也许用“神奇的红色过滤器”),并听到小提琴来生活,就在你的面前表演。虽然我通常不会高音明亮的粉丝我绝对喜欢这个组合对古典音乐 - 不知何故高音管理是通风的,详细的,有轻微的咝咝声,但可以容忍我的标准。它给了我这么多的细节来寻找在管弦乐作品 - 进攻,钹崩溃,平衡...我什么这些小入耳可以拉断赞叹不已。这必然是东西treblehead将享受在那里听所有的细节。
              即使他们是真的,真的很容易驾驶 - 听起来已经相当不错直出G4和一点点的改进与蜻蜓 - 他们扩大不错。在我的桌面设置,使用O2使我听到在同一块的更多详细信息,一切都只是收紧更多一点点位。不是一个巨大的进步,但绝对引人注目。
              我想, FLC8S是一个令人难以置信的耳机,他拥有良好的通用性,是我最珍惜的入耳。对我来说,这一切做得非常好,我不是很喜欢耳机收藏。一切结合起来,在FLC8S是一个惊人的耳机,尽管在设计方面的很小,很小的问题 - 在任何一对入耳,我不能要求更多了,尽管这双售价仅为$ 250(或$ 310)。考虑到他们的要价,我觉得这些都应该得到更多的关注 - 即使他们只有一个声音签名 - 每个人都应该有机会去体验他们在这样一个小的外形包装。

              9楼2016-04-07 11:12
                10楼2016-04-07 11:14
                  Sound Quality
                  Since there are 36 possible sound tunings I'm not going to talk about all of them. After some experimenting, though, I've found a few pairings that I liked a lot. I'll briefly talk about those, as well as the overall sonic character of these gems.
                  It's hard to discuss these without first talking about the tuning. So apparently there are 4 nozzles which influence the mids and the highs, 3 bass tuning filters, and 3 sub-bass tuning filers. I think everyone's going to stop reading this (and pass up on these things... ) if I discuss all these nozzles in detail, so I'll just stop obsessing over them now. I did give all of the combinations a try and eventually settled on a few that I found was wonderful for the genres of music I listen to.
                  Pairing 1: Red (High sub-bass) - Grey (med bass) - Gold (high mids/med treble)
                  Pairing 2: Red (High sub-bass) - Grey/Black (med bass/high bass) - Black (med mids(?!)/mid treble)
                  Pairing 3: Black (Med sub-bass) - Grey (med bass) - Green (med mids/high treble)
                  First Impressions:
                  Geez, these things are good. Straight out of the box they sounded so smooth and clear at the same time already. The soundstage was spacious, vocals were airy, bass was there but not too much... Compared to the Westone 4s these sound very, very clear. The detail is really nice - I could hear the smallest breath noise from EXID - and vocals seem very natural. Treble seemed slightly brighter than what I'd gotten used to on the Westone 4, but in a good way. It was clearer, a bit more shimmery but not to the point of being sibilant or intolerable. Seems like we've got something glorious in the making here....
                  As I've said, I'm pretty sensitive to sibilance. By all accounts this isn't a pair of super bright headphones, even though with the green or blue nozzle you could make it border on burning your ears out. With the less treble-happy tunings, however, the treble is very clear and effortless - it's just there. Even when I used the green nozzles, with the right tuning I could tolerate the slight sibilance of the pop tracks. In orchestral music, especially, the treble is bright, but not overly so - just enough that you can maintain an excellent balance between detail and smoothness. Cymbal clashes sound very lively and energetic, with just the right amount of sparkle. It's a pretty good balance. With the more treble-happy nozzles, there's more detail (and sibilance), but with the right tuning and right tracks it can make the orchestral pieces sound incredibly detailed. The airiness also makes the treble extremely natural - and this isn't just limited to the green nozzles, it's the same for the gold and black nozzles.
                  Warning: with the wrong tuning using the green nozzles these can be extremely sibilant. You have been warned.
                  I enjoy the mids immensely on the FLC8S, especially with the gold nozzle. Vocals seem very airy and detailed; the mezzo-soprano's voice was captured perfectly - it feels like I'm listening to a live opera performance. There's probably no way to screw the mids up on this thing - they are that good. Nuff said on them.
                  Ah, the magical red filter.
                  Orchestral music just comes to life here - the bass isn't exactly linear like reference flat headphones (Brainwavz B2, looking at you) - slightly more exciting than that. It adds another dimension to the music, there's the constant presence of the cellos and double basses; yet they don't overwhelm the piece - they're just there, like everything else. The sub-bass extends pretty low, with a nice rumble and I don't really notice any mid-bass hump - probably because I'm using the mid bass ports - and so the bass is very strictly controlled the whole way. It's also pretty quick - EDM lovers will probably be satisfied with how the bass handle your music. I'm really happy with how these handle the bass region - they're so in control, so authoritative when I give it my attention, yet unassuming when I need it to be. Probably my favorite part of the whole spectrum.
                  Across the spectrum and other notes:
                  These are incredibly coherent - @Flcforrestwei has done a really good job doing the crossover of drivers. It's hard to characterize them by a single sonic signature, but in general I'd say they are rather balanced, and slightly skewed towards either the cold side (with the green nozzles) or warm side (higher bass). There's no noticeable hump in any region as far as I'm concerned, and they are rather spacious no matter what you do to them. The soundstage is very wide, with pretty accurate positioning, and there is no veil even if you crank the bass up. They also don't have that artificial timbre that I sometimes get from other headphones (especially some IEMs with metal housing) - everything sounds very natural, and I noticed that especially with the mids, they just seem so effortlessly smooth yet detailed. It's a wonderful feeling.
                  I feel like the difference between the nozzles/ports are very noticeable and they really do a lot to change the sound, but ultimately the whole sound signature is still built on airiness, detail retrieval and great control - and no tuning can change that. Which is a good thing.
                  My favorite pairings...
                  Combo 1: Red - Grey - Gold
                  This is what I use for a lot of vocal-focused songs. I feel like it gives me enough bass rumble and excitement to pump up the piece, yet it doesn't overpower the vocals. With the gold nozzles, vocals are prominent, smooth and airy - very very realistic, as if I'm watching a live performance. I feel like the "magical red filter" just helps improve everything - bass presence, warmth, balance, etc. Using the black filter kind of takes away from the whole excitement.
                  Combo 2: Red - Grey/Black - Black
                  Grey's a more neutral choice, and black's a bass cannon (well, not really, but on the scale of FLC8S...)
                  I usually listen to pop songs with this combo, mainly because it's the most versatile and balanced across all spectrums. It doesn't provide any emphasis on any region and everything is smooth across the spectrum - no humps, no peaks - and even pieces that aren't mastered that well sound fairly musical. Again, the red filter does its magical job again by up-ing the oomph - the thumping when listening to dance pop music is incredible. When I use the black ports instead of the grey ones, the FLC8S instantly becomes a more bass-heavy headphone, akin to the Westones in quantity, but exhibiting more control in my opinion.
                  And you know what the best part is? It still doesn't overpower the other parts of the spectrum.
                  Combo 3: Black - Grey - Green
                  Pretty bright combo - I thought it wasn't my thing. I was wrong.
                  Listen to a vocal piece with this and the green nozzle absolutely nails the high notes. Listen to an orchestral piece (and maybe using the "magical red filter") and hear the violins come to life, performing right in front of you. Although I'm usually not a fan of bright treble I absolutely love this combo for classical music - somehow the treble manages to be airy, detailed, with slight sibilance but tolerable by my standards. It gives me so much more detail to look for during orchestral pieces - the attack, the cymbals crashing, the balance... I'm amazed at what these little IEMs can pull off. It's bound to be something a treblehead will enjoy, listening to all the detail in there.
                  Even though they are really, really easy to drive - already sounds pretty well straight out of G4 and a bit of improvement with the Dragonfly - they scale up pretty well. On my desktop setup, using the O2 enables me to hear even more detail on the same piece, and everything is just tightened up a tad bit more. Not a huge improvement, but definitely noticeable.

                  11楼2016-04-07 11:20