沉汤吧 关注:3贴子:110
  • 2回复贴,共1

meadow breezes


meadow breezes bring your mellow pleasedness
ha, tis my letter, romance kills anger
i don't suppose the golden grass dying
nor you would leave me, after all, for love

来自Android客户端1楼2016-04-03 01:01回复
    which word is so enchanting, tis blinding
    always, we ask for love, to what meaning
    like rain and earth? as if sun and flowers?
    again, i don't suppose, they are in love
    for they are so apart, farther than us

    来自Android客户端2楼2016-04-03 01:16
      all of the above is bs, lol

      来自Android客户端3楼2016-04-06 16:04