/外面还是那么繁忙的生活 拥挤的人群来来往往的车辆 突然就心情很低落 不想说话也不想动 别人问起 也不知道该怎样回答 也许是因为突然看见的一句话 也许是看见某个物体联想到了什么 也许是从朋友那听来的一件小事 也许什么都不是 很多事情不需要理由 也没有理由./
/now few posts are in English language, just as the case that in this post you are using Chinese too.
.....most people here prefer to “study”and “learn” the language, not to use it. the fact that use is a better learning is ignored.
......some are not interested in communication at all. they laugh at your grammar, word spelling, and other similar mistakes. appearantly they want to be policemen to guard “the language”, they don't like to see it if you regard language as a tool./
/now few posts are in English language, just as the case that in this post you are using Chinese too.
.....most people here prefer to “study”and “learn” the language, not to use it. the fact that use is a better learning is ignored.
......some are not interested in communication at all. they laugh at your grammar, word spelling, and other similar mistakes. appearantly they want to be policemen to guard “the language”, they don't like to see it if you regard language as a tool./