// This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann (http://sannybuilder.com/files/SASCM.rar) on 13.10.2007
{$VERSION 3.1.0027}
{$CLEO .cs}
thread 'WNOE'
wait 0
C1 0A 0E 1D 43 4C 45 4F 5C 46 31 34 57 5C 41 46
54 45 52 42 55 52 4E 45 52 5F 46 31 34 2E 4D 50
33 03
36832256 -=
01 C2 FF FF FF 01
0400: store_coords_to
if and
Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #HYDRA)
else_jump @WNOE_62
03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
C5 0A 03 0E 00 03 00 00
not Car.Wrecked(0@)
else_jump @WNOE_62
066B: 11@ = attach_particle "FIREINSIDEAB" to_car 0@ with_offset -1.46 -6.26 -0.2 flag 1
066B: 12@ = attach_particle "FIREINSIDEAB" to_car 0@ with_offset 1.46 -6.26 -0.2 flag 1
064C: make_particle 11@ visible
064C: make_particle 12@ visible
jump @WNOE_217
wait 0
01F3: car 0@ in_air
else_jump @WNOE_636
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 16
else_jump @WNOE_261
jump @WNOE_1094
066B: 3@ = attach_particle "AFTERFIRE_NPC" to_car 0@ with_offset -1.46 -6.06 -0.2 flag 1
066B: 4@ = attach_particle "AFTERFIRE_NPC" to_car 0@ with_offset 1.46 -6.06 -0.2 flag 1
064C: make_particle 3@ visible
064C: make_particle 4@ visible
064F: remove_references_to_particle 3@
064F: remove_references_to_particle 4@
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 18
else_jump @WNOE_385
jump @WNOE_1094
0AAD: set_mp3 14@ perform_action 1
jump @WNOE_399
wait 0
091F: get_plane 0@ landing_gear_status_to 8@
if and
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 14
00E1: player 0 pressed_key 16
8@ == 1.0
else_jump @WNOE_622
02E3: 7@ = car 0@ speed
7@ *= 1.2
7@ += 1.0
066B: 5@ = attach_particle "AFTERBURNER3_NPC" to_car 0@ with_offset -1.46 -6.06 -0.2 flag 1
066B: 6@ = attach_particle "AFTERBURNER3_NPC" to_car 0@ with_offset 1.46 -6.06 -0.2 flag 1
064C: make_particle 5@ visible
064C: make_particle 6@ visible
064F: remove_references_to_par
{$VERSION 3.1.0027}
{$CLEO .cs}
thread 'WNOE'
wait 0
C1 0A 0E 1D 43 4C 45 4F 5C 46 31 34 57 5C 41 46
54 45 52 42 55 52 4E 45 52 5F 46 31 34 2E 4D 50
33 03
36832256 -=
01 C2 FF FF FF 01
0400: store_coords_to
if and
Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #HYDRA)
else_jump @WNOE_62
03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
C5 0A 03 0E 00 03 00 00
not Car.Wrecked(0@)
else_jump @WNOE_62
066B: 11@ = attach_particle "FIREINSIDEAB" to_car 0@ with_offset -1.46 -6.26 -0.2 flag 1
066B: 12@ = attach_particle "FIREINSIDEAB" to_car 0@ with_offset 1.46 -6.26 -0.2 flag 1
064C: make_particle 11@ visible
064C: make_particle 12@ visible
jump @WNOE_217
wait 0
01F3: car 0@ in_air
else_jump @WNOE_636
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 16
else_jump @WNOE_261
jump @WNOE_1094
066B: 3@ = attach_particle "AFTERFIRE_NPC" to_car 0@ with_offset -1.46 -6.06 -0.2 flag 1
066B: 4@ = attach_particle "AFTERFIRE_NPC" to_car 0@ with_offset 1.46 -6.06 -0.2 flag 1
064C: make_particle 3@ visible
064C: make_particle 4@ visible
064F: remove_references_to_particle 3@
064F: remove_references_to_particle 4@
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 18
else_jump @WNOE_385
jump @WNOE_1094
0AAD: set_mp3 14@ perform_action 1
jump @WNOE_399
wait 0
091F: get_plane 0@ landing_gear_status_to 8@
if and
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 14
00E1: player 0 pressed_key 16
8@ == 1.0
else_jump @WNOE_622
02E3: 7@ = car 0@ speed
7@ *= 1.2
7@ += 1.0
066B: 5@ = attach_particle "AFTERBURNER3_NPC" to_car 0@ with_offset -1.46 -6.06 -0.2 flag 1
066B: 6@ = attach_particle "AFTERBURNER3_NPC" to_car 0@ with_offset 1.46 -6.06 -0.2 flag 1
064C: make_particle 5@ visible
064C: make_particle 6@ visible
064F: remove_references_to_par