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【MR.】2016法网官方对小米做的采访~ True or False


1楼2016-05-27 00:09回复
    True of False: You could see yourself working on Wall Street one day?
    Maybe I will be after I'm done as a tennis player. I was looking forward to studying finance at university, and it's probably a career I would have liked to pursue.

    3楼2016-05-27 00:13
      True or False: You're a big fan of Steve Jobs?
      True. If I could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, he would probably be on my shortlist. I think he had an incredible way of knowing what people wanted before they realised they wanted it. That insight is something that has revolutionised the world. The products that he put out before his death still continue to be the most revolutionary products, and I believe his legacy is going to be felt through this generation and through many more to come.

      4楼2016-05-27 00:13
        True or False: Michael Jordan is one of your sporting heroes?
        Michael Jordan, his competitive nature was incredible. There are many former athletes that have done incredible things, and the more I spend time reading about these people, the more and more I admire them.

        5楼2016-05-27 00:14
          True or False: Even though you love the fine arts, you've never been to the Louvre?
          Yes, that is true. I don't know if it's the first museum I'd like to go to, because I enjoy more contemporary art, but it is definitely something that I need to get checked off the list of things to do in Paris.

          6楼2016-05-27 00:15
            True or False: You're a fan of the shops here in Paris?
            Well... I used to love to shop here but I'm actually trying to cut down on how many things I own. So probably this time it's not so true!

            8楼2016-05-27 00:15
              True or False: You like to walk around Paris?
              True. When I'm not taking the transport from the tournament, walking is the best way to get around Paris. There's so much beautiful architecture and many different things to see that it'd be a shame to only see it from a car window.

              9楼2016-05-27 00:16
                True or False: Your French is getting much better?
                Yes, true! After press conferences I do pretty much one French question each time and that's helped me improve - living in Monaco has definitely helped me there as well.

                10楼2016-05-27 00:16
                  And what's your favorite word in French?

                  11楼2016-05-27 00:17
                    完啦 撒花 等我心情好了来翻译 晚安

                    12楼2016-05-27 00:25
                      Wall street精英小米君,將來退役後可以期待囉

                      IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端13楼2016-05-27 06:58