已知BUG: 目前宠物的攻击力IV和他的图鉴编号有关,所以御三家攻击力IV是个位数的概率几乎100%,而编号145以上的宠物攻击力IV是15的概率几乎100%。 孵蛋宠不受这个BUG影响。 引用国外论坛2段话: “Currently not all can be CAUGHT with 100% IV. There is a bug with caught pokemon that sets their max attack based on what # the pokemon is in the pokedex. If you have ever caught any of the starters check the stats, they will have 0 attack every time because they are single digit in the pokedex. Every dratini you catch will always have 15 attack for the same reason. The only way to get 100% right now are from eggs or catching anything above 145 in the pokedex (it rounds up). Its currently a bug.” “A current bug is affecting the Attack IV of all pokemon. It's determined by the Pokemon's Pokédex number, the higher it is the higher the IV will be. This is why low Dex pokemon like Starters, Pikachu, Nidoran, Pidgey... Are heavily crippled and can never go over 60-70 % IV while high Dex pokemon like Dratini, Eevee... Are much very likely to be with good IVs. Unfortunately you are forced to hatch the first kind of pokemon until/if the issue is fixed..”