Don't worry about obstacles. He has put them there for a reason. They may not just block your way. They may help you find a better path. 不要过于担心你所遇到的磨难,造物主让你经受考验必有原因。或许,这些考验并不会挡住你前进的脚步,或许,它们能助你找到一条更好的道路。 BY 穆夫提 蒙克
You don't need to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. You know what your intent is. Keep it pure. The Almighty knows. That's enough. 你不必努力辩护或解释你所做的每一个决定,你很清楚你自己的举意,请保持它的纯洁性。至仁主也很清楚你的举意,这就足矣。 BY 穆夫提 蒙克