The ancient practice of yoga is undoubtedly a human invention - but these furry creatures prove that animals can get in on the action, too.瑜伽这项古老的运动无疑是人类的发明,但这些毛茸茸的生物证明了动物也能做这种锻炼。
Take a look as a bulldog, lemur, lion, sloth and even a polar bear give human yogis a run for their money.看看斗牛犬、狐猴、狮子、树懒、甚至是北极熊都来跟人类瑜伽大师一较高下。
The resemblance between their [w=pose]poses and a few popular yoga poses - including the triangle, half lotus, plank and tree pose - is uncanny.它们的姿势和一些流行的瑜伽姿势——包括三角式、半莲花单腿独立伸展式、平板支撑式和树式——有很多相似之处,真是令人难以置信。
And while the spiritual context may be lost on them, these flexible furries sure appreciate a good stretch.虽然它们可能没有达到那种精神境界,但这些有弹性的毛茸茸的身体确实能好好放松一下。

This will get rid of that puppy fat: but this pooch doesn't seem too keen on keeping fit.这能帮小狗减肥,但这个小家伙好像不怎么热衷于健身。

I'm not monkeying around: there's some serious stretching going on here.我没有到处胡闹,我要在这儿认真地伸展身体。