Chara ver. Here we are again... 我们又见面了… Just me and you comedian, right 现在只剩你和我两个小丑了,不是吗? With your blasters, your flashing eye 预备好你的炮台和闪闪发亮的眼珠子 You should better be prepared because soon... 好好准备一下吧,因为很快… Your last hour strikes! 你就要咽下最后一口气! One step left now, it's almost time 只差一步,战斗就要拉开序幕 Show you what my determination has still left for you to get back to 让你看看我的决心会坚持到何种地步 You should prepare to just die 你就洗干净脖子等着 like all your friends you'll have a really good time 同你的朋友一样享受一段美妙的时光 But guys like you are always just fools 可惜你们这样的人总是愚蠢又顽固 Come at me, try to kill me with your fancy tools 来呀,用你那些新奇的玩意儿杀了我 Let's go, now the room gets chiller 还等什么呢?空气中早已弥漫着杀戮 Let's go, just another killer 哈!你也不过是另一个杀手 Go ahead, kill me again I see you're able 再来杀了我啊,你有这个能耐 But inside you know the end can't be evaded 恐怕你自己也明白如何挣扎,结局也只有一个 I can tell you're really tired out of fighting 我看得出你已经疲于应战 But I'll even come back after dying(*laughing*) 别担心,就算我死了也会回来和你再战 Why not let me win? 为什么不让事情变得简单一些,让我赢? You can't dodge forever! 反正你又改变不了结局! Even if the pain is more fun together 再多的痛楚也只是为我的战斗增添乐趣 You know I will just reset and come back newer 你知道我可以重振旗鼓,读档再战 And with every try I'm getting even faster than you are 而每一次重生都让我变得比你更快 I am made of L O V E(level of violence) 我的存在只为了杀戮 **music** *Where are the knives.* *No chocolate.* **music** "This is where it stops, this is where it ends" "让一切在这里停顿,让一切在这里终结" You keep telling me those words and hope that I would understand 你以为重复唠叨这些就会让我妥协? But even if I hear you I won't give up my attack 即使理解,我也不会停止进攻 Can you just not see the truth or can you not see what this all meant? 你是搞不懂现实还是不明白这一切的深意? Go ahead, kill me again I see you're able 来啊杀了我,我知道你有那个本事 But inside you know the end can't be evaded 恐怕你自己也明白如何挣扎结局也只有一个 You think I might decide to stop if you stay patient 你难道认为你的耐心能感化我? But I am getting you with my DETERMINATION 我的决心会告诉你谁才是强者 You know I made your friends all disappear 没错,我是杀了你的朋友 Erasing all what's left, this is why I'm here 杀戮就是我存在于此的意义 I will keep FIGHTING 我会继续战斗 you should be DYING 你将会死在这里 that is your DESTINATION 而这也是你不可回避的命运 I'm entirely made of L O V E(level of violence) 我的存在只为了杀戮 And I'm sure I'm stronger than you(*laughing*) 而且我敢肯定我要比你强大 I am STRONGER than YOU. :)(*laughing*) 比你强大:)