Write a function animal_chuck that takes a single argument beastie in the form of a string, and returns the string 'How much wood could a <STRING> chuck', where <STRING> takes the value of beastie.
The following are example calls to the function (displaying the output with print in each case), to illustrate its functionality:
>>> print(animal_chuck("woodchuck"))
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
>>> print(animal_chuck("Tasmanian devil"))
How much wood could a Tasmanian devil chuck
>>> print(animal_chuck("aardvark"))
How much wood could a aardvark chuck
The following are example calls to the function (displaying the output with print in each case), to illustrate its functionality:
>>> print(animal_chuck("woodchuck"))
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
>>> print(animal_chuck("Tasmanian devil"))
How much wood could a Tasmanian devil chuck
>>> print(animal_chuck("aardvark"))
How much wood could a aardvark chuck