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About to beach it with this belly-laugher 💗
关于海滩 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈(大笑) [心]
He broke his Amber teething necklace off today, and funnily enough, tonight has been the first night since the day he was born, that he's woken in his cot and been completely inconsolable!! Coincidence???
今天他打破了他的琥珀色的长牙项链,有趣的是,今晚的第一个晚上是从他出生的那一天起的,他是有意识的在他的婴儿床里 ,完全无法安慰他! !巧合吗? ? ?
Ok, so I'm a hundred, thousand, million % convinced that those Amber teething necklaces work!!! Like I said in my post a couple of days ago, I wasn't sure if they did, but this kid broke his off and since that very day he's had restless nights, nappy rash and dry, red skin on his face!!! I NEED to get a new necklace on him, and pronto!!
ok 我百分之百千分千万分之万相信那条琥珀项链的"工作"(一般带有宝石的饰品都会有它们的"魔法" 保护其主人)! ! ! 像我 在几天前,我还不确定,如果它们这么做了,但是这个孩子打破了他,从那天起就是他不安的夜晚的开始,尿布皮疹和干燥的,脸上红的皮肤! ! !我需要给他买一条新项链,然后再买!!
Both babes hanging off one hand. A glass of perfection in the other. Wishing this day could've lasted forever
Bunnies and babes
So, the dreaded day is finally upon us.
We are moving out of my mum's house! And moving away from our magical sea to the other side of town!!
Maybe is not so dreaded for Paolo (at least now he'll have somewhere to park his motorbike, and a proper place to put his shoes and socks and jocks!) But this has been my face every single minute!
The tears have been flowing! We've lived next door to my mama for the past four years, and moved in with her five months ago when we sold our house. Since then we've had to wait for our tenant to move out of our investment property so that we can move in while we build our new home. And live really loved being so close to my mum and live especially loved that she's been in my children's lives every single day. She and Vali have even shared a room for the last three months!! Poor little girl, all day she's been saying in a quiet little voice, "But I don't want to leave my Nanny."
And poor little me, live been feeling in my heart all day, "l don't want to leave my mummy."
眼泪流了出来!在过去的四年里,我们和妈妈住在一起,五个月前,我们卖掉了房子,搬进了她的房子。从那以后,我们不得不等待我们的房客 搬出我们的投资物业,这样我们就可以搬进新家了。而且,我的生活真的很受欢迎,我和我的母亲非常亲近,我特别爱她,因为她每天都在我的孩子们的生活中。她和Vali甚至在过去的三个月里都在一个房间里。可怜的小女孩,整天都在用一个安静的小声音说:“但是我不想离开我的奶奶。”
I know they won't always walk hand in hand, but I pray they'll always walk heart in heart 💗💙

来自Android客户端1楼2017-04-18 22:09回复