[ 题记 ]
//.或许有一天你终究会站在那个曾经梦想的舞台当你看着那绚丽灯光或许早已忘记通往成功路上的种种艰辛汗水与泪水交加的青春被染上渺茫的梦想色彩看似美好温暖实则荆棘丛生独自一人的等待才是最煎熬的时刻在你终于熬过那段时光或许你会不禁感慨人生真正的意义何在对于青春我们还是刚开始体验不需要懂得或者知道太多在这条探索的道路上所有的答案会慢慢揭晓 那么就可以放肆追寻所谓闪闪发光的梦想了.//
//.perhaps, one day, you can stand eventually in that stage that has dreamed is as you see that gorgeous lamplight to forget to access to the various hard sweat of successful road and the tear perhaps long ago to occur simultaneously youthful quilt dyes remote dreamcolour see seem beautiful and warm actually overgrown with brambles alone the time of waiting for to be just to most torture in you have boiled that part time of waiting for to be just to most torture in you have boiled that part time at last perhaps, you can can't help sighing with emotion life real meaning where for youth we returnJust began experience to need not know or know too much on the road of this exploration, all answers will be revealed slowly so may audacious search is so-called sparkle dream.//

//.或许有一天你终究会站在那个曾经梦想的舞台当你看着那绚丽灯光或许早已忘记通往成功路上的种种艰辛汗水与泪水交加的青春被染上渺茫的梦想色彩看似美好温暖实则荆棘丛生独自一人的等待才是最煎熬的时刻在你终于熬过那段时光或许你会不禁感慨人生真正的意义何在对于青春我们还是刚开始体验不需要懂得或者知道太多在这条探索的道路上所有的答案会慢慢揭晓 那么就可以放肆追寻所谓闪闪发光的梦想了.//
//.perhaps, one day, you can stand eventually in that stage that has dreamed is as you see that gorgeous lamplight to forget to access to the various hard sweat of successful road and the tear perhaps long ago to occur simultaneously youthful quilt dyes remote dreamcolour see seem beautiful and warm actually overgrown with brambles alone the time of waiting for to be just to most torture in you have boiled that part time of waiting for to be just to most torture in you have boiled that part time at last perhaps, you can can't help sighing with emotion life real meaning where for youth we returnJust began experience to need not know or know too much on the road of this exploration, all answers will be revealed slowly so may audacious search is so-called sparkle dream.//