Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement?
The group will behelped more by the person who will be willing to do what other group memberswant than by the person who often strongly insists that things should be donein a way that is different from what the group wants to do.
1. 找关键词:
group, willing, different,insist
2. 思路的头脑风暴:
What are thebenefits of both approaches?
Why, in the topic,willingness to follow others helps more in a group than persistence ofdifference?
Why insisting one'sown view is harmful?
How to compromisewhen contrasting views appear?
3. 确定论点:
l 我们可以从不一样的见解中得到更快的发展和进步,因此团队更需要“不一样”想法的人;
l 不同的意见有时候会阻碍进步;
l 团队当中更多的是需要配合、协作,有时甚至是退让。
4. 结构分析:
开头段话题引出(定义法):团队合作是一种有效的活动方式,促进学习和工作效率。Teamworkcooperation is an effective means of activity, promoting study and workefficiency.
话题改写+立场表明:何种人对团队更有利。Notonly can group members share opinions together, the discussion would also leadto dispute or conflict. Yet in most cases, we consider that it is beneficialfor the group when the person insists behaving differently. However, I supposecoordination is more helpful.
Teamworkcooperation, as an effective means of activity and with the feature ofinclusiveness, enjoys upsurge of popularity, whether in study or work. Not onlycan group members share opinions together, the discussion would also lead todispute or conflict. Yet in most cases, we show our great tolerance to thosewho insists behaving differently. Despite its reason, I suppose coordination ismore helpful.
Firstly,disagreement can be counterproductive to progress. On one hand, for thosemembers who are lack of assertiveness, different statements reshape thoughtseasily, although their original ones are more justified. Without firmness ofwill, one would be affected by others who insist different ideas and then failsucceed in the group. On the other hand, the aim of any group is to fosterbetter relations within the community, while dissension caused by members whoare unwilling to follow others' intention would result in dissolution. Thisincoordination even gives rise to misunderstandings toward a person,undermining friendly atmosphere and stagnating group potential to reach goals.
Suppose that theperson strongly insists that things should be done in a different way, he wouldtry his best to persuade others in believing his view, while if failed, most ofthe time this person would be passed over. Lives are teeming with examples ofthis tragedy. There have been persistent rumors of quarrels within themovement, such as Howard in Houston Rockets, who was a famous and strong centerbefore entering the Rockets. Because the team failed to design tactics thatwork for Howard, he attempted to join the new team but failed, and finally hadto leave the team and went to Orlando. Besides, in today's TV show or typicaltalk show, differences of opinion often display in a way of meaninglessconversation where people try to score off each other
Furthermore, what agroup emphasizes more is cooperation, and even compromise. When it occursconflicts in a group, those members holding divergent views should makeconcession for the sake of group benefits. We should reach beneficial mutualagreement by striving to understand others' concern for the group growth. Onlyin this way can both individuals and team generate more space for development.
However, it isundeniable that diverse perspectives to addressing issues promote further progressas well. While listening to others' viewpoint, members keep minds open to newideas, which prevents unthinking dogmatists with no individuality. Even thoughthere are critical thinking individuals in a team, they are a definiteminority; the public in whole would indeed lack the firm will to stick to theoriginal thought and therefore they are often led by others.
In conclusion,although reasoned discourse and different approaches help to innovate newideas, I contend that disagreement without following the group's will impedesleaning and cooperation. And it is my suggestion that we should keep unbiasedstand towards ourselves or others, and even when there is pressure from peers,active inner hint transfers it into drive to explore the truth.