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Naxxramas Public Test Announcement


Greetings! My name is Pleasant and I’m part of the open-source raid development team. Our team has been working hard to prepare for the release of the most exclusive World of Warcraft raid that has ever been released, Naxxramas. Less than 1% of the active player base during the end of vanilla killed Kel’Thuzad. For many players, including myself, the dream of finally seeing and clearing Naxx40 has been a long time coming. That dream is taking one giant step forward to reality.
The Naxxramas Public Test will officially begin on JULY 12th, 2017.
Naxxramas is a large instance featuring 15 bosses with a significant amount of trash. The most incredible thing about the instance is the diversity of boss encounters that reward highly coordinated and prepared players. In order to make sure the instance is as close to a retail-like experience as possible, we need a lot of focused and intelligent feedback. To accomplish this, we have developed a strategy to maximize player feedback and maintain the integrity of the raid.
The PTR will feature a transferred database from Anathema and every guild is invited to join the PTR to test. There will be an automated limitation on the amount of time a guild will be able to spend on each boss. The testing will focus on one wing at a time, beginning with the Spider Wing. We will provide a vendor for consumables and may, at various times, include other vendors to test set bonuses and quests.
我们将复制你A服当前角色和公会加入测试服。 每个boss有时间限制,蜘蛛区先开,消耗品等我们会刷npc售卖,Buff等任务奖励也可以获得。
We expect every guild participating in the PTR to record their raid in some form and provide detailed and cited reports on their experiences and any issues they may encounter. As the PTR progresses, we may limit the ability for some guilds to test further if we have found no evidence of their participation in the testing feedback. We currently plan to limit the testing of the most difficult encounters to a small handful of guilds who have provided the highest quality feedback.
希望所有公会都参加并提交反馈 ,
Each test session will be short in order to allow our team to fix and iterate on the encounters quickly and speed up our feedback loop. We will also rotate the days of the week each session will be open to allow the maximum number of guilds the opportunity to provide feedback. The first PTR schedule will be as follows:
Spider Wing Test Schedule
OPEN — July 12th, 13th (Wed & Thurs)
CLOSED — July 14th, 15th (Fri & Sat)
OPEN — July 16th, 17th (Sun & Mon)
7.12号开放,7月15号关 (蜘蛛区)
When Naxxramas is released, it will be released in full with all bosses available. We currently have no plans to significantly buff specific encounters to artificially inflate its difficulty because we believe the retail-like difficulty of the instance will bring the intended challenge. Thanks in advance to all the guilds who will volunteer their time to help the Elysium Project deliver the best Naxxramas experience possible.
NAXX测试时15个boss同时开, 不会只开一个区。但是反馈暂时只接受当前测试区。

IP属地:广东1楼2017-06-29 18:15回复

    来自手机贴吧3楼2017-06-29 19:14
      前面都还好 大致能表达意思 最后一段翻的什么鬼 最后一段说的是 等naxx开放时(不是测试时) 那就是所有区的boss一起开放 并且目前没有计划过于加强难度去人为的夸大naxx的难度 因为E服团队认为还原原版就能达到预期的效果了

      IP属地:云南来自iPhone客户端5楼2017-06-30 12:03

        IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端6楼2017-06-30 12:34