The land is to be possessed by him on condition that he stipulates in the contracts he will make with his tenants that they will be obliged to, reside within the years on the concession he has granted, failing which he will regain full title to the land.
1. 二楼Natefree的意见,我是认可的。如果不去掉逗号,... he stipulates in the contracts ... that they will be oblidged to ... 本身是不完整的。
2. 个人觉得,楼主把时间,放在其他通顺的句子上,收获会更大。
The land is to be possessed by him on condition that he stipulates in the contracts he will make with his tenants that they will be obliged to reside within the years on the concession he has granted ... .
He will be able the control the land, if he makes a contract with his tenants and insists in the contract that the tenant must live on the land for the number of years specified in the contract.
The land is to be possessed by him on condition that he stipulates in the contracts he will make with his tenants that they will be obliged to reside within the years on the concession he has granted ... .
The land is to be possessed by him 结果
on condition that he stipulates in the contracts ... that they will be obliged to reside within the years on the concession he has granted 条件
4. 最后一个部分,你的判断是正确的,我也认为需要加and,为了清晰,原因我会在最后说。
为了理解failing which,肯定要先弄清楚which指代为何
a. The land is to be possessed by him... and failing which he will regain full title to the land.
他在未来取得对土地的占有 。。。。。。,如果不成,则他取得对于土地的完整所有权。
b. ... on condition that he stipulates in the contracts ... and failing which he will regain full title to the land.
c. The land is to be possessed by him on condition ... (the tenants) will be obliged to reside within the years ... and failing which he will regain full title to the land.
... he stipulates in the contracts...
they will be obliged to reside ... (and) ... he will regain full title to the land.
5. 楼主是学法律的还是学英语的?为啥会看这种和物权法相关的句子?