Question: What are you planning to dowith the PvP phenomenon known under the term “circular battles”, where bothteams form “lemming trains” and chase each other mindlessly around the map?
This is something that’s caused by manydifferent reasons, from vehicle specifics to map specifics. We will continue towork on both, but this is not something that can be “fixed” by a single action.
We will carefully rebalance the maps andvehicles in order to address this phenomenon, but do keep in mind that it’s notgoing to go away completely – players are free to choose their tactics.
(SS: I am honestly not sure this is aproblem on EU/NA due to low PvP numbers but on RU they do consider it one)
[Silent Stalker(原WOT知名新闻博客FTR博主,现装甲战争社区经理):讲真我不认为这在欧/美服是个问题,因为PVP基本没人玩,但在俄服这确实问题很大]