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Hello everyone and welcome to another Stellaris development diary. Today is the second week of post-Synthetic Dawn 'filler' dev diaries, as mentioned in dev diary 87.
This dev diary is really just an update on the 1.8.1 beta that we put out last week to fix the major issues reported in 1.8. We have gotten a lot of good feedback from it both externally and internally, and we are now in the process of putting together a 1.8.2 update that contains all the fixes from the beta, as well as fixes for some issues introduced in 1.8.1 and some additional issues that were previously missed. 1.8.2 is currently in internal testing, and we hope to roll it out as soon as it clears QA. Once 1.8.2 is out, if no further critical issues are discovered, we will be wrapping up the 1.8 post-release support and fully move on to future development priorities.
Here is a list of the fixes and changes in 1.8.2 compared to 1.8. Note that bugs that were introduced in 1.8.1 but fixes in 1.8.2 is not included in this list!

IP属地:阿联酋1楼2017-10-05 18:38回复
    Spoiler: Click to view 1.8.2 patch notes###################
    # Balance
    - Increased the distance at which empires are forced apart in random setups
    - Changed the shape of ring galaxies to have a thicker ring, fixes many generation bugs (such as Fallen Empires not appearing) associated with them
    - Contingency ships now use energy lances instead of Arc Emitters
    - Reduced the rate of Contingency reinforcment fleets somewhat
    - It is now possible to spawn 5 fallen empires in a Huge galaxy if you have Synthetic Dawn
    - Buffed Processing Hub and Hive Node buildings to produce Unity
    - Buffed Machine Worlds to 25% robot production output
    - 200 years must pass in-game before a Crisis can occur, up from 150
    - Cost of "Blocking the Ghost Signal" project now calculated based on number of owned Pops.
    - Successfully assimilating a Pop as a Driven Assimilator now generates one month's worth of Unity and Society Research
    - Driven Assimilators can now allow Cyborgs to procreate (they do not need food to grow)
    - Buffed Devouring Swarm, Purifiers and Exterminators
    - Assimilators can now research most Genetics techs
    - Driven Assimilators can now derive Assault and Defense Armies from Cyborg Pops
    - Pops are now assimilated much faster, on a per-planet basis rather than per-species basis
    - Doubled the chance of getting the ""Hotfix"" Warning Signs event
    - Reduced fleet power calc for very powerful ships, as exponential effects would cause it to get much larger than the ship's actual combat ability
    - Fixed Flak being strictly better than regular Point-Defense rather than a tracking vs damage trade-off
    - Planets now only start repairing at full speed 60 days after bombardment ends
    - Added some armor penetration to Scourge weapons
    - Reduced the effect of Admiral skill level on ship fire rate from 5% to 3% & changed general modifier to not overflow interface
    - Reduced consumer goods cost of Chemical Bliss, Utopian Abundance and Social Welfare
    - Increased the likelihood of High and Medium probability reward options in Shroud events
    - Increased likelihood of several unique Shroud events granting special boons to fire
    - Warning Signs (and Machine Uprisings) can no longer occur before 50 in-game years have passed
    - Empires that have outlawed robotic workers before any Warning Signs events occur will no longer experience Warning Signs or Machine Uprisings
    # AI
    - Fixed some issues with sector AI not properly prioritizing tile resources when told to
    - Fixed a bug where the AI would overprioritize food when food stockpile was not full
    - Sectors now build robots by default
    - Fixed unbidden AI sometimes freezing up when other ED factions spawned
    - Fixed AI stopping colonization in some cases if it gained a high-habitability species without colonization rights
    - AIs will no longer terraform while under crisis attack
    - Fixed AI repeatedly asking player to join in a war they had already declined to join
    - Fixed a bug where AI fleets would sometimes stop following their allies if fighting a defensive war against a powerful foe
    - Fixed an issue where Guardians of the Galaxy would not fight the crisis because of the presence of another Awakened Empire
    - Fixed an issue where the AI would not defend planets it had occupied from enemies from being taken back
    - Fixed AI overprioritizing power plants even when it did not need energy due to only wanting to build energy-producing buildings on unpopulated tiles
    - Fixed a case where AI would get stuck on enemy mining stations, unable to move their fleet away
    - Fixed machine AI personalities having an excessive penalty to diplomacy, even with other machines
    - Fixed a bug where the Scourge would build military stations in systems it didn't need to defend, instead of systems it does in fact need to defend
    - Fixed AI Machine Empires ceasing to build armies under some circumstances
    # Interface
    - Made Artisan Troupe button tooltips consistently display what resources the player is lacking, rather than just a "We cannot afford this" message
    # Modding
    - Traits are now restricted by moddable species archetypes rather than species classes, so new species classes need only be assigned the correct archetype instead of having to be added to every trait. Archetypes can be set to inherit the traits of other archetypes for easy creation of new archetypes with unique traits
    - Added support for species archetypes to inherit their trait points from another archetype

    IP属地:阿联酋2楼2017-10-05 18:39
      That's all for today! As with last week, I leave you with another screenshot of the internal Stellaris development build, presented without context or explanation.

      IP属地:阿联酋4楼2017-10-05 18:40

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